The way 3rd Way Dems are trying to squeeze Bernie out of his own movement because they resent how much more loved he is than Clinton will ever be, is repugnant. Speaking of Clinton, where is she at? She wanted to lead for the love of the people, not self enrichment, right?
I encourage you to watch this old clip from Charlie Chaplin's first spoken movie, "The Great Dictator". It was about Hitler but fits Musk/Trump perfectly. Any Democrat candidate who gave this speech would be elected president.
Gen X, Y and Z should be torqued at this administration:
Increasing the retirement age
Reducing SS and Medicare benefits
Destroying healthcare
Destroying the planet and eco system
Wages are stagnant
Telling you who they want you to be
Deporting friends & loved ones
Destroying education
🚫 Justice
The root of what we're experiencing right now, is this man. He may be quietly in the background, but his published words have inspired millions to act, and where we are now. Very dangerous man for America.
How many of those people sat out the last election? Now the reality of Trump, Musk, Project 2025, no eggs, dismantling of Federal Departments, sliding towards fascism, uncertainty of tariffs and it’s a new day. There’s hope.
This is really awesome! The resistance is building. Huge ray of hope. Focus on the positive and leave the others to do their petty bickering. That is just counterproductive.
The 35th Legislative District seat is vacant due to the death of former State House Representative Matthew Gergely.
Pass it on so it reaches more voters please.
Are people voting so they feel like they are winning or are they thinking critically? This is the worst moment in history to virtue signal via your vote. I'm not seeing much critical thought anywhere. Just blind flag waving.
I respectfully disagree. This turn out would concern the conservatives in my state of Colorado…and we have many. It has not been that long since we went from red to blue. We have enough that a turn out like this would make them uncomfortable. This needs to happen around the country red or blue.
nice how the american costum officals are acting with tourists
critical social media posts have to be deleted before
they travel to the united states of KKK.
Good bye free speech and free opinion.
This must show the silent democrats in congress to get off their asses to lead the resistance. Perfect example of citizen engagement when strong leaders show them the way.
So it’s not enough that Elton gets super rich from taking our money via dubious government contracts, he has to now just siphon it straight from the Treasury. I assume this is what he gets as renumeration for “understanding” the voting machine computers to deliver the election
The crowd was much larger than even this picture shows. It looks like the crowd is getting thin at the bottom of the pic but there was a perimeter fence just out of frame at the bottom of the pic and thousands more people were listening outside the perimeter. I was one of those people!
I read it, and my opinion is the same. I agree with the national strike, but getting people to participate is almost impossible. The recent attempt of a national strike didn’t gain any traction, or not nearly enough. I fear it will take riots, violence, and force to regain democracy.
So what actions are you taking? Sounds like 34k people decided to go out and listen to Bernie and AOC (action) while you’re just typing words. So take your own advice, go do something and shut up.
I did something for a fucking decade. I railed, I helped get people registered to vote, I attended meetings, been cussed, life threatened, two physical altercations, blah-blah-blah. None of that was worth a damn in the end. When yall get ready to organize and do what needs to be done let me know.
It’s beautiful to see regular people all over our nation, and especially in such large numbers from red states, coming together to stand up to oligarchy and the harm they are committing through the hijacking of our government. Power to the people!
Some billionaires are good people, but the oligarchs should be quaking in their loafers right now.
People all over the world have had enough of being deceived, exploited, manipulated, being pitted against each other, maligned, and now called fraudsters.
What's wrong with being a witch? I'm a practicing witch, and I believe in empathy and human rights, freedom of and for religion. Whatever works for you.
AOC is the future of the Democratic Party. The sooner they realize this, the sooner they can begin to tackle the disease that has consumed American politics.
This is a good picture but it doesn't include everyone that was there because this picture was taken early. There were people past the fences and hanging on that obelisk, etc.
oh please! she took down her foreign policy page as soon as she got into office. anytime the proletariat gains any class consciousness the oligarchs throw these buffoons to quell any union
True, but never underestimate the power of people coming together like this as motivation to inspire stronger acts of resistance. People are much more likely to fight back when they know they're not alone. Bullies thrive on isolating their victims. Organising is an essential step in resistance.
Could they overcome when Sanders and AOC decide to change tack... again... and organize without them at the helm. Because they are prone to dismiss a good battle when it's most needed.
Considering their previous behavior in other pressing issues, I wouldn't totally trust what comes next from them.
If riots, sabotages, or even other more bold movements arise, and deaths happen, they will abandon the field and blame "radicals" to destroy the fight and turn into moderates... again.
But that's me, maybe this time they are for a good fight, to organize resistance beyond demonstrations, and force strikes and civil disobedience, no matter how hard it is.
I agree that most of the Democratic Party have been cowards for too long, but Sanders & AOC are focusing on inspiring grassroots resistance among citizens, despite their party's cowardice. More engaged citizens fighting for progressive change can only be a good thing. Maybe a new party will emerge?
Sanders: I'm not a mathematician but I do know that 99% is a hell of a lot bigger number than 1%. I do know that if we stand together, we are the vast majority of people. We can defeat trumpism
Democrats MUST TAKE BACK the MAJORITY in Congress !
Those whose souls-sold-to-demonS wicked-crooked morally-spiritually bankrupt morons who are occupying the WH !
must be IMPEACHed out of USA gov’t’s Democracy systems !
Let’s START fm comg SPECIAL Elections !
Trump tells Chief Justice Roberts, "Stop the injunction now, before it's too late." This is more than a demand—it’s a warning. He sees the courts as obstacles, not limits. The first move of a dictator.
Turn that into 1M in front of the White House if pussy trump is there. If he’s in Florida do it there. Up and down the fairways so he can’t enjoy his golf.
PROTECT HER NOW. If you think Schumer and Jeffries would let her live to actually fight Trump, just know that they all support genocide and want it to get finished.
She rocks!! ✌️ I think there’s no going back to the Dem party or America as we knew it before Trump-Musk
We either become an authoritarian oligarchy or we move left, to the broader social contract that most advanced countries have with their people. Let’s fight to make this 2nd outcome a reality! 💪
The time is NOW for us to UNITE!!!
It's our turn!!!
Let's show them what the U in USA stands for! The ONLY way we can defeat them is to stand as ONE!!! UNITED!!!
#Resist #HandsOff2025
Marxism is a method of analysis that centres class conflict throughout eras (re: periods where the primary mode of production changed…capitalism v. slavery v. feudalism v…).
Ha! I like using songs to unite people. I think that the introduction of Shipping up to Boston and an instrumental version of Hanging Tree (Hunger Games Movies) would be great in invitations for rallies. I would love to hear a Dropkick Murphy’s anthem as the soundtrack of the anti oligarchy club!
Even if you don't agree with everything, Bernie is a stellar human being. He has stood strong and fought the same fights over the years and mostly for people who could do nothing for him. A+ human he is.
I used to love Bernie until he showed me that he was not on the side of our ally, Israel, but rather aligns with pro Palestinian terrorist supporters like Rashida Tlaib and Ilan Omar. Once someone shows me who they are, I can’t fantasize about them or unsee it by rationalizing.
They don't support Hamas, they support Palestine and a 2-state solution. Israel's right to defend themselves is not the right to commit genocide or ethnic cleansing. The problem is that neither Hamas nor Benjamin Netanyahu & his far-right believe in a 2-state solution. For peace, both need to go.
That’s BS-are you aware how many have tried to negotiate a two-state solution?? Clinton tried so hard, but Yasser Arafat backed out. As Gold Meir said, “Peace will come when the Arabs start to love their children more than they hate us.” There is accurate history available.
We are talking about the current regimes, but if you want to go there, there's accurate history on both sides - like the illegal settlements on the West Bank that have continued to grow for decades. That's just as antagonist. Two wrongs don't make a right. Hamas & Netanyahu need to go.
There is only one true version of history, and it’s a sin that people don’t know the difference between the truth and their own backside because they have been brainwashed by social media.
Jeezus if people do not agree then they can put their fucking heads back in the sand and continue getting steamrolled over by fascist fucks. THERE IS NOTHING TO DISAGREE WITH UNLESS YOU’RE THE 1% THEN YOU CAN RUN & COWER BUT YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM THE 99%
Allowing money into politics was something both parties allowed for their own gain. Same people complaining about Bernie's wealth would never say shit about the $120 million net worth Clinton has.
Politicians being capitalists in a capitalist system is not the own these people seem to think it is.
“Look how contradicting he is, if be true he would be broke like you”
When in fact;
he sets an example that you CAN be a millionaire AND be a giving righteous person with social services… so it pops their theory that their own definition of “communism” is pure bullshit.
That's the problem libs don't actually agree with his policy at all and they hated him until they released he caves every time to the Democratic Party machine but is useful (or was) to them for rounding up voters. He is part of the machine to maintain the status quo.
I'm watching all this with horror from afar and I'm sorry to say that I totally agree ☹️. I don't think an idealistic vote is going to turn the Titanic around.
Isn't it too late now? I thought there are only a couple weeks to request an investigation that changes the presidency? Or would findings of fraud result in a new election?
I asked something similar, after he’s been sworn in, what could even be done. One answer I got was, the jury of public opinion & outcry would make huge waves. How could they continue with a mob demanding accountability coming at them?
I just started a new page to share protest photos that the mainstream media won't cover. Help me build this page, so we can see the strength in our numbers across the nation! My other account is @DawnieFish for verification
The Framers were an Oligarchy.
Denmark is a Monarchy.
Not all oligarchies are created equal, just like people. They may all be treated "equally" under the law. That didn't even happen all the time when our founding Oligarchy founded this Republic. People in Denmark and Canada seem happy.
Considering the flaccid approach of other Dems, these two deserve an award for having a goddamn spine! THANK YOU for your constant integrity, leadership, and fight and
My instincts are going crazy that AOC and Bernie should not be out there putting themselves at risk at the same time as ignoring the assault on the Judiciary.
They might be weirdly aligned with the aims of the Oligarchs right now.
Please join Rabbi Rothschild’s World Peace Discord: Rabbi=Truman Show YouTube Live 24/7/365 3+ years. We dare you: type #ViralRabbi in any social media search. Data=Earth’s #1 resource. Rabbi=most data ever. Share to be a trillionaire! #RabbiRothschild
Can you read my story and donate a small amount if you can?
I apologize if I bothered you, please don't block me 🙏
Just let me know to remove the message if you are bothered by it.;,*^
You just know this is pissing off Trump and worrying his administration, even if he comes out with some ridiculous insults. Eat shit Trump, we're coming for you.
What you fail to realize is that not protecting trans rights leads to not protecting anyone's rights. The same goes for the right to abortion. Once they can deny someone healthcare based on one metric, they can do so for any metric. Also, policing gender identities destroys freedom of expression.
Everyone's rights need protecting right now. The trans community is up towards the top of the vulnerable right now? Do you not want politicians who protect the vulnerable?
I am so sorry for you, luckily I am an Norwegian living in Norway. But I am afraid prayers are not enough now. You have to remove Trump and Co. at all cost. The longer they sit there the worse it gets and suddenly time is out. I studied and worked in the USA 30 years ago and still have friends.
The word Norway caught my eye in your post. I’m the descendent of Norwegians who settled in the Midwest. I grew up in a Lutheran church in a very small, mostly Norse, community. Even though I’m a little bit of a lot of things, I identify as Norwegian because of the church and the culture I grew up
Well good on you, although a mere 90% of the Norwegian population, me included, do not believe in gods. Maybe that is why we have such a good safe life here in the Nordic countries. We live on peace and happiness, not fear and extortion.
It appears that there were more protesters against Trump than supporters at either of his inaugurations, which suggests the level of trust this country has in this convicted criminal. He was elected by free citizens, and now we need to un-elect him. Begin the impeachment proceedings immediately! 🖕DT
There have probably been more Impeachable offences in DT's first months than any office holder in history. If we can't garner enough support to protect our #SocialSecurity #Medicare and other services that we have all been working for our entire life, this #Democracy will fail.
Start the general strike. Start the general strike. Start the general strike. Start the general strike. Start the general strike. Start the general strike. Start the general strike. Start the general strike. Start the general strike. Start the general strike. Start the general strike.
Maybe the MAGA problem is in their Fascist authoritarian, patriarchal, and misogynist ideology called Christianity?
I encourage you to watch this old clip from Charlie Chaplin's first spoken movie, "The Great Dictator". It was about Hitler but fits Musk/Trump perfectly. Any Democrat candidate who gave this speech would be elected president.
Increasing the retirement age
Reducing SS and Medicare benefits
Destroying healthcare
Destroying the planet and eco system
Wages are stagnant
Telling you who they want you to be
Deporting friends & loved ones
Destroying education
🚫 Justice
May this regime's demise be swift and certain.
The 35th Legislative District seat is vacant due to the death of former State House Representative Matthew Gergely.
Pass it on so it reaches more voters please.
Cause if they don't then all this was for nothing.
Cheeto isn't going without a fight, and you'll need to remove your kid gloves if you want your country back.
We need to be in Red Districts with Republicans and Independents at our side in these numbers to save democracy
The polling the Republicans are getting says Donnie has full support in the party
critical social media posts have to be deleted before
they travel to the united states of KKK.
Good bye free speech and free opinion.
It explains the 3.5% idea. It’s what WE can do without waiting for politicians to get their shit together.
Too much social pressure, and it flips to stress or rebellion.
#iamdtrust #societymatters #trustmatters
#AOC #AntiOligarchsClub
People all over the world have had enough of being deceived, exploited, manipulated, being pitted against each other, maligned, and now called fraudsters.
Our global revolution is coalescing.
explain precisely why the world is better off having the billions in that one person's bank account.
If riots, sabotages, or even other more bold movements arise, and deaths happen, they will abandon the field and blame "radicals" to destroy the fight and turn into moderates... again.
Those whose souls-sold-to-demonS wicked-crooked morally-spiritually bankrupt morons who are occupying the WH !
must be IMPEACHed out of USA gov’t’s Democracy systems !
Let’s START fm comg SPECIAL Elections !
Was this you?
See the AOC & Bernie Sanders ANTI OLIGARCHS CLUB Photo from ONE US CITY?
99% is much much LARGER than 1%!
BETTER rethink your PROJECT 2025 before it’s TOO LATE!
Show up to national protest.
Hands off our government.
Check out your state locations.
See you April 5th.
We either become an authoritarian oligarchy or we move left, to the broader social contract that most advanced countries have with their people. Let’s fight to make this 2nd outcome a reality! 💪
The time is NOW for us to UNITE!!!
It's our turn!!!
Let's show them what the U in USA stands for! The ONLY way we can defeat them is to stand as ONE!!! UNITED!!!
#Resist #HandsOff2025
The archetypal traitor.
But French politics is absolutely nauseating and in full decomposition.
Arrest #trElump
“Just Say No”
TO tЯ☭mpublican Traitors supporting Traitor tЯ☭mp & P☭tin! Remove THEM
#VerifyTheVote!! StarLink
Do You Still Dream of Freedom?
She needs a song. Something catchy like I'm going to the Pink Pony Club.🎶
Netanyahu to Likud in 2019: “Those who want to thwart the possibility of a Palestinian state should support the strengthening of Hamas and the transfer of money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy.”
If you get to his age and still work 7 days a week, f'king oath he's a millionaire
Trump and Musk are billionaires and look how fucked up US is after 2 fuckin months
I’ll take the millionaire that actually cares about us over the billionaires who have openly said they would fuck us one group at a time.
Politicians being capitalists in a capitalist system is not the own these people seem to think it is.
“Look how contradicting he is, if be true he would be broke like you”
When in fact;
he sets an example that you CAN be a millionaire AND be a giving righteous person with social services… so it pops their theory that their own definition of “communism” is pure bullshit.
Worked for living in youth. School teacher, carpenter etc.
Is not "Marxist" socialist or "communist" but "democratic socialist" more in line with capitalist Scandinavian countries.
Denmark is a Monarchy.
Not all oligarchies are created equal, just like people. They may all be treated "equally" under the law. That didn't even happen all the time when our founding Oligarchy founded this Republic. People in Denmark and Canada seem happy.
They might be weirdly aligned with the aims of the Oligarchs right now.
Campaigning is for later, shit is bad.
Can you read my story and donate a small amount if you can?
I apologize if I bothered you, please don't block me 🙏
Just let me know to remove the message if you are bothered by it.;,*^
We can do both.