Please be that guy; I've said it before and will continue, it does none of us any good to post outdated or inaccurate or uncited information. We have enough actual shit to deal with, to be upset about fake or old news.
Surprised Netanyahu isn't up there- I'd rank him as the greatest threat to world peace at this moment in time because of sheer messianic psychopathy, number of Nukes & location, & because he's funded by mad zealots & lame ducks.
I support & everything in the party program. I believe in global human rights& climate justice. I have no allegiance to any country or empire. I support no war but class war. No support at all for any imperialist policy of or votes for either party. No exceptions
Trump’s a felonious, mentally unstable egomaniac out for retribution.Of course he’s at the top of the list of world leaders who are a threat to world peace. He’s an amalgamation of the worst traits of the others.The troubling part: we’re not removing him from office. NO ONE VOTED FOR THIS INSANITY!
note that it says German poll at the top, because Germany is vocally opposed to nazis so now Fox are obliged to frame Germany as an enemy in defense of their nazi base.
dereliction of duty, violation of oath to defend & protect the constitution-enough to remove him from office-Hell Yes! and take vance, johnson & rubio too-all traitors-isn't this treason-domestic terrorism
THEORY: They are taking away EVERYTHING that matters to us because they want us 100% COMPLIANT so when they give us a crust from bread, we are thankful to trump and literally on our knees. That's what he meant by KING!
Melania-Antoinette and Damien shouldn't be left out of the picture. Damien did tell Biden it's on. Well, let's really show these two, It's on. Russia is going to be there escape route when it's over. Trump is targeting our wives and children.
Please don’t post false information. This is from 2019. There is plenty of current accurate horrible news about Trump to post. Posting misinformation is for MAGA folks.
Imagine how in 4 years, Biden took us out of a complete pandemic shutdown to the strongest economy in the world. Along comes Felon 47 and trashes the whole thing inside of 4 weeks. This isn't fixing, this is a coup.
If that list doesn’t make you hang your head in shame nothing will. This is what you get when you elect a bully manboy permanently locked in adolescence to lead. He needs a good backhanding but the gop like a bad mama are afraid of his tantrums
Why can't we be free of tyranny? Everyday Donald does something that makes me dislike him more. I was worried, at times, about Russia, Ukraine and nukes. I did wake up somedays and check Google to see what's going on. Now Donnie. He is a world destroyer.
While this isn't 100% accurate-chaos, instability and division do threaten world peace. These results were from a 2019 Germany poll not 2025. Sadly, if you polled around the world now, I bet the results would be similar.
OK, that make sense, Putin is definitely still number 1 here, but with Trump constantly threatening part of my country, he's going up fast. The war in my back yard still means my hate for Putin is higher though.
It's been making the rounds again. I want to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume they don't know it's old. Otherwise it's manufactured rage farming, which we have more than enough of already.
Bet a new poll would probably show numbers even higher. But yeah no rage farming honest facts like trump is a isles asshole and that's definitely fact...
P.s. old meme for old facts lol
I’ve told a lot of friends who are anti-Trump to please minimize the wild conspiracy theories and conjecture. There’s enough happening to be mad about without also getting mad about things that aren’t happening
Is that entertainment channel> Fox, & are they celebrating the hate Trusk are spreading around the world? FCC needs to pull their license today! Hey #America, we are the ones who give those Entertainment channels like Fox chance have their license! We need to pull Fox entertainment/ license
Let's recall at one point that the Biden administration was pushing escalation in Ukraine towards WW3 and enabling and participating in the Gaza genocide.
And he loves it. He knew he’d never get the “Most Admired”
Guy so he went for the most despicable, most ignorant, most stupid …. A trifecta of idiocy .
I doubt they’d give any poll the chance to do this again.
Maybe he’s unaware of dictator retirement plans…
On one hand, he want to be seen as "tough and smart" like the other dictators.
On the other hand...he wants his "Noble Peace Prize" (his spelling).
What to do Donnie. What to do?!?
Are the Murdochs finally going to ditch the orange idiot?
Plus, Rupert Murdoch loves this s***.
I'd love to see an updated one that ISN'T over 5 years old.
Here's a link to the 2019 poll info that is being quoted:
I support & everything in the party program. I believe in global human rights& climate justice. I have no allegiance to any country or empire. I support no war but class war. No support at all for any imperialist policy of or votes for either party. No exceptions
Your comment.. still valid.
It's not current.
Mt. Rushmore!! He’s fucking nuts
Gallup polled 65 countries and the US came out on top as the world's biggest threat.
This was back when Obama was drone bombing weddings. Way before Joe Biden supported and armed Israel's genocide.
Suck it Supreme Leader!
P.s. old meme for old facts lol
Let MAGA debate with bad info. We got so much truth that is bad for trump, we truly dont need to ever argue in bad faith.
Now, i must go tend to my Transgendered Mice!
Its MAGA who has to fabricate falsehoods or use outdated facts. We are better than that.
Sadly, we get a daily choice of FRESH bullshit to wade through.
Mundus sine Caesaribus
“A world without Caesars"
I think that was maybe just a tad worse.
Pretty horrific for us citizens who aren’t brainwashed.
Guy so he went for the most despicable, most ignorant, most stupid …. A trifecta of idiocy .