TW: racist and violent language
Meta doesn’t consider this a breach. Unbelievable.
We know online abuse towards female politicians has risen since COVID and is only getting worse.
If we want the best candidates & representation, we must develop safer pathways for women and marginalised groups.
Meta doesn’t consider this a breach. Unbelievable.
We know online abuse towards female politicians has risen since COVID and is only getting worse.
If we want the best candidates & representation, we must develop safer pathways for women and marginalised groups.
But Facebook and Twitter have been unsafe for years. They will not improve. So it’s time for politicians and public authorities to leave nothing there besides a signpost to their websites and Bluesky.
Pls tell me the police have been consulted on this given he seems pretty easy to find in Wgtn with even my basic googling?
This is a crime, pure & simple & the entitled little shit can not get away with it.
I am so sorry.
Enough is enough.
A keyboard is a weapon of mass destruction
More at #nzpol #womeninleadership #lgnz
The LinkedIn has no details. The username is widely used by others.
Think they have the support of the masses and that "free speech".
Needs some good journos with forensic IT support to hunt them down and publicly out them to the communities they live in....
Internet harassment is a wonderful world of fuckery.
Appreciate you highlighting this
I'm guessing we're not as far past 15 March as we would like to think, eh?
Name and shame
Let his family and employer know what he is posting
I hope they can be tracked down and given a hurry up by the police.