Fuck all these milquetoast generalist "tell me your most Millenial wotsit", no no
Tell me what you call your devmap, your test environment, your home server name scheme, that stupid naming approach you always use that's followed you around since your first job
Let me peer into your developer soul
Tell me what you call your devmap, your test environment, your home server name scheme, that stupid naming approach you always use that's followed you around since your first job
Let me peer into your developer soul
It's been named that since I first upgraded to a 64-bit OS and it's basically been ship of Theseused since .. what was that, probably Vista?
Also like there were no other computers in the house I could have named it ANYTHING but instead I decided to be boring
Slagathor (the name of my old iPod)
Etc etc
(Though some stuff I'm blowing and it's just called QA/prod [title] because of my day job drilling in process)
i am now on iota
This first one stands for Keyhole In-browser Timeline Editor + "String" so it could fit in with Twine and Yarn Spinner.
The second one was named after a Patton Oswalt joke.
Unfortunately I forgot to reset the colour to "black" before hitting "buy", and lo - two weeks later a pair of lurid-pink PCs arrived. We promptly named them Barbie and Sindy.
My home network is named "Free Virus" though, ever since someone was stealing wifi from me ages ago.
The gaming PC is just Geisha (in ASCII because input methods and computer naming on windows is kind of shit)
Sent from my XaiPhone
I’m still doing underscores everywhere.
Project names are only 3-5 letters.
Each project has categories called „Mire“ or „Swamp“ for the tasks that I don’t like and that drag you down
Despite this, a lot of files in my Sandbox projects get called TEMP_test_name of thing.
Sample programs are 'x.cpp' or 'a.wgsl' or 'a.comp' or 'a.hlsl'
I have no idea why.
20's me thought Haus was funny because german-sounding, and every future generation of Me has gone "lol, Haus."
Servers have been
A temporary item in the database to test some functionality? Lolcakes.
Dummy new project that just to verify behavior in an otherwise empty environment? Lolcakes.proj
Writing some text to file real quick? Lolcakes.txt
i named my new desktop "BeefMachine"
and my current side project workspace folder is ~/dev/gamedev/meatsweats/tritip
I swear there are specific distinct reasons for both of these