If you’re a professor in a classroom today & you don’t mention this, I believe you’re doing your students a profound disservice. This is targeted 1st at international students, but it’s deliberately broad enough to lay groundwork for a scene Trump & Hegseth have fantasized: troops on campus.
this summer I hear the drummin'
four dead in Ohio
got to get down to it
soldiers are gunning us down
should have been done long ago
what if you knew her and saw her dead on the ground
how could you run when you know?
Most make sure to have permits
We are not fucking doing this shit again. We're just not.
I've seen this movie before...
4 dead in Ohio
I don't think your confidence here is warranted.
It's not being a doomer to acknowledge the obvious reality that most of them are going to do what they're told, esp if the orders come from the top.
Some will object and will be dd'd or jailed until it stops.
Which further consolidates their hold. It's a win win for them.
There is no reason to think anything will be different now.
B: they don't have the numbers to take over the country. Local cops are mostly lazy fucks not about to try running the streets. The only power they have is that we give them.
Pfff, deze kan morgen bij je lijstje. Heel erg…..
I know you probably had other plans.
Yes, that definitely makes it more professional. 😆
Is this what Republicans are on board with? Is this what they've become?
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
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Preemptively making threats ahead of some announcement later today?