Seriously, get over the hangup which makes it feel like a negative gesture and unsub from channels which are messing up the feed. If you watch them enough it's going to end up in your recommended feed anyway.
There's something about adapting to imperfect interfaces which I didn't touch on...
There's something about adapting to imperfect interfaces which I didn't touch on...
You are in control of that feed. Don't let others ruin its usefulness.
I was staying subscribed to a person who had been a reasonable fellow but had become this sulking ball of hate in toy fandom to see what he was complaining about
Rarely, someone will leave a remark on a big blog asking them to stop posting in xyz ways and the entire community shames them for not just unfollowing.
I just... I get really uncomfortable when folks treat an interface which doesn't work exactly how they think it *should* as unusable.
Also people trying Cubase from Logic asking how they can setup key commands in Cubase to be the same as Logic.
Don't fight it and you'll have a better time.
I feel like quite a lot of services try so hard to drive interactions they end up completely ignoring users needsβ¦
(I have in the past unsubscribed from channels that posted too frequently for exactly the reasons you mention. But I shouldn't have to.)
It's not helped that the option to hide uploads from the subs feed is buried under "show more" in the upload process.
But knowing that the system isn't exactly how I want it to work, I adapt my own use of it to a satisfactory point and am not bothered.
Honestly I think YouTube just doesn't do a good job of explaining what Subscribing is meant to be. If you use it as you would "follow" on other social media sites, it's not going to be a good experience.
Which is precisely why I wish YT would allow for finer controls.
If more YTers were diligent about playlist updating/organization, I'd use a "subscribe to playlist" option.
YTer posts videos about x, y, and z but I only watch z. They add all z videos to a playlist, and I sub-subscribe! No x or y for me, subs for them!
It'd be extremely useful if you could select a video and say "show me less of this" and it actually showed less instead of eliminating it from your feed altogether.
Goodhart's law says: "Any observed statistical regularity will tend to collapse once pressure is placed upon it for control purposes."
Subscribing was *meant* for one purpose, but once it was used for a second purpose (a "super-like"), the first was corrupted.
Very similar to SSN in the US, which was never meant to be a national ID.
I am very confused.
I don't watch everything in my subs feed but I curate it enough to make it fully manageable. That curation, though, is different from person to person and that's kind of the whole deal with folks not realizing "subs is only useful as a tool if you're discerning"
1. Allow me to bundle subs into categories (Science, History, etc.)
2. Allow channels to separate their content into sub-channels that I can sub individually to (for yours, perhaps Technology Connextras could be a sub-channel instead of a separate account/channel)
Still wish YouTube grouped subscriptions though.