After dinner tonight, my younger sister told me: "When I was younger, I used to sit at the table with the men after holiday dinners, watching the women clean up and thinking--why don't they just sit? Now I realize, if they didn't do it, no one would."
Her default setting, as the woman, was to clean up after the men.
The men will have cleaned up the kitchen by then, right? Right?
Parents, do better!
We washed dishes together every night for the next 15 years.
The next holiday I helped her put the meal together as she did that by herself, too.
When I emerged just a few moments later, everyone was looking at me, and several people said, "The timer went off." I said, "And … so did anyone check the rolls?" Nope.
It has been a custom, which my grandsons continue.
It has passed through my brother's family also.
It's expected.
From them.
From you.
I didn’t care. Lol.
It shouldn’t even be a question..
I raised my two sons to do the washing up.
My nephew does it.
My brother (aged 70) NOPE.
Just sits there and watches.
I blame my mom
Not right and I hope I broke the pattern
My husband would have been child rearing equally if he didn’t die when they were babies
It’s not “woke” to raise boys to clean up their own sh*t. Stop babying them! They’re capable young men, start treating them that way.