Watching? Hahaha, thas cute. Not gonna happen. The best way to deal with him is to make him unimportant. Stop covering him. Stop helping him make good tv. Report about the damage he is doing & otherwise cut him out. Show a rerun of the puppy bowl or something. Keep his face off tv.
Keep him from communicating directly. Shut him out shut him up. Instead just say he did this today. This is how it will impact. Here is someone his actions are damaging to tell you about the damage. Wash rinse repeat every day for 4 years.
If Donald Trump, explain, and policy are in the same sentence you know it is going to be a shit show. He can barely string a sentence together without blaming Biden, Clinton or Obama for something. Then he tells us "no one has ever seen anything like it."
Tuesday will be a rare win-win for me. By not watching, I will protect my nervous system AND reduce the audience for that fragile and dangerous man-child grifter
...Potus47 can explain his current "concept of a plan" whatever the fuck that means... I'll be boycotting that shitty event and catching the analysis afterwards...
Don’t watch.. you can see all the clips and read about it tomorrow. This snowflake hates bad ratings. It’s not like we’ll learn anything new or useful. that is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard a news agency say. If that's your take on this, then you're worthless. Please just leave so we don't have to listen to your drivel anymore.
Ok cut the shit and write a real title “opportunity for President Trump to continue to gloss over the dismantling of democracy while telling lies about why they are now colluding with Russia”
You F-ING kidding us, PBS?!?!?! This idiot hamster-wheel for a skull will babble about windmills and electrocuting sharks and promise big plans without a shred of evidence. STOP
Or does PBS actually stand for Putin's Broadcasting Service?
Who's watching, nobody cares, we heard it all during his last administration. We want to hear from the GOP on what they are going to do to save our Democracy and get this bat shit crazy person out of office
"Tuesday's speech will be another opportunity for the media to fawn over an autocratic regime when they should be pointing to the stark contrast between "his vision" and the rule of law via the US Constitution. Not breaking down every lie he tells makes PBS complicit in the coup.
…and with Hegseth canceling the committee/group that’s in charge of going after and finding Russian election interference, cyber and otherwise, is just more proof of Trumps treason. 🤔
He's also physically and mentally glitching more often...Something neuro degenerative going on! So full of hate, too, which will come across. Will have difficulty reading the teleprompter...
Tuesday's speech will be a high-profile opportunity for Asset Kraznov to explain Putin & Musk's vision for the downfall of the U.S. and a further display of how thoroughly owned he is by them.
Hahahahahahah. Are you fist fucking me with this shit???? In what world do you think this will happen OR this shitbag is even capable of explaining anything. News flash, there is no "vison" or "policy" - no one has learned ANYTHING. GOD DAMN!!!
More likely a high profile opportunity for him to show more clearly how divisive and destructive he is. His "vision" and "approach" basically all resolve to narcissism, retribution, and destruction.
So has the speech been written with a logical progression and complete sentences? Because he's the shittiest communicator I have ever seen. And I have a 2 year old toddler.
Why would I watch a treasonous Felon spewing out more lies ? It will be a glorious speech about how he has been victimized like Jesus and how he is the Best President we have even known ...
Sadly this is what we have to deal with , it is shameful
If Trump recites the speech on the teleprompter exactly as written by others, his address will be uneventful. If he rambles off script with his own thoughts, it will be a telltale moment highlighting his mental deterioration. Either way, the message will undoubtedly foretell more misery for mankind.
It's just going to be another rally speech, full of lies & treason, by the Demented God Emperor Drumpf. Certainly not watching that shit! (The speech or Drumpf, your choice.)
#BoycottMAGA On March 4th, Trump will give a pretend #StateOfTheUnion speech.
Just like his Inauguration, it's up to us to refuse to give him the ratings he desperately craves. 😎
Instead, go to
See how our TRUE HEROES defeated fascists - not worshipped them like the current #GOP.
You've got to be kidding. We already know his "vision". It is absolutely atrocious. Isolationism making America Last - except for when we can be in support of Russian goals - particularly in their countries continued expansionist dictatorial plans. Then we'll engage. It is traitorous.
You've got to be kidding! It’s going to be an unwatchable mess of bragging, lies, and whining—plus a healthy dose of bullying aimed at Ukraine, Canada, and Mexico. Do yourself a favour and find something better to watch.
Are you fucking kidding me PBS? This is a shit show and you're calling it a walk in the park.
Let me correct you...A fat, orange, Russian asset will lie to the American public and sell them out for pennies on the dollar. Tune in Tuesday.
Democrats need to turn their backs and WALK OUT. That is if they still have any spines left... America is all but destroyed already and decorum in the face of fascism is simply compliance.
What fucking planet do you live on!???
Being careful so the fucking Nazi doesn't go after you???
Stop being fucking cowards and meet the beast head-on!!!
Any democrats that show up should just continuously yell You Lie the entire time the POS is talking. For the most part none of them should be attending.
I refuse to watch that drivel or watch him defile that chamber with his and/or Musk’s presence. I hope democrats dress like Zelensky, walk out when the felon speaks, and hold their own presser/SOTU elsewhere.
Are you kidding with this bullshit headline? The man has no vision, no approach, and has completely torched our government. There will be no explanation of anything.
@pbsnews this could not be more depressingly disappointing! “Vision”? He has sold the USA and its allies off off lock stock & barrel to Putin. Would you please step it up & address this as the constitutional, domestic security & international security crises that it is?! WTH has happened to you?!
I saved you a whole evening of torture television. Go and enjoy the time with friends and family.
Well, ok, he has that last part right.
If his lips are moving, he’s lying and/or kissing Putin’s ass.
Off to a disgusting start more like.
PBS a Trumpist channel?
Not that degenerate
Not watching
Or does PBS actually stand for Putin's Broadcasting Service?
I will boycott the one tomorrow for the first time.
Because it's good TV.
Legally it’ll be a mess.
Mr Magoo had greater vision.
It's ridiculous that there are still people who don't see that after the outrageous meeting in the Oval Office with Zelensky.
There, fixed it for you.
Sadly this is what we have to deal with , it is shameful
1. Law & Order reruns
2. MST3k
3. Rifftrax
4. Cinematic Titanic
5. My dog sleeping
Publilius Syrus
Never moreso than with Trump/Musk.
"Vision" is not a word that applies.
It doesn't matter what Trump says, not even to him! His mind is gone!
This is not how a political party that ever plans on losing power behaves.
This is sanewashing the mindset of a madman.
Just like his Inauguration, it's up to us to refuse to give him the ratings he desperately craves. 😎
Instead, go to
See how our TRUE HEROES defeated fascists - not worshipped them like the current #GOP.
Let me correct you...A fat, orange, Russian asset will lie to the American public and sell them out for pennies on the dollar. Tune in Tuesday.
Can we please stop pretending like this is anything else?
Being careful so the fucking Nazi doesn't go after you???
Stop being fucking cowards and meet the beast head-on!!!
Me likey
Are you daft?
Post a sentence like this 👆