WSJ: “... the easiest route is to just spend a minimum viable amount on the platform,” said Ebiquity’s Schreurs. “Not because they want to advertise there and run their ads adjacent to the content on X, but because they are afraid of legal and political ramifications of not doing so.”
We call on every single one of those companies putting ads on there to pull out and give musk the middle finger. Let his company tank and go under! Help us out please. Keep your DEI in resistance too, and in return we will make sure we shop and your places. Deal?!
If Musk is complaining that companies are coordinating their refusal to advertise (a violation of antitrust laws) why don’t these companies force him to prove it in court rather than acquiescing to his demands? Perhaps a list is needed of these companies so consumer boycotts can be organized.
Linda, how does it feel to work in the crime world? America has a message for yall at Twitter. Any advertiser whose products are featured on Twitter will be boycotted by the remaining American's that are pro democracy and anti Nazi. With Twitter, Apartheid Clyde is a feature not a bug.
People have not yet awakened to their collective bargaining power. If there are no "buyers" on X would the brands still advertise there? Possibly, if they were afraid of the mordor's wrath, but what the hell, then the brands really deserve to lose both their advertising money and their customers.
That's what a proto-fascist nation does on its way to full fascist. Today's Amerika. The only question is, will the fascists win before the midterms. They're gonna want to cancel them.
Cause Elmo and X have already threatened to take any company who refuses to spend advertising dollars with them to court with his BOGUS Boycott Lawsuits
Just wait until the dossiers are complete with financial, medical, business, and other personal data on company officers. Then it won't be just extortion, it'll be destruction of competition and other non-compliant entities and the targeted persecution of individuals.
It’s not going to happen as part of this administration, but someday soon, some Bernie or Teddy Roosevelt is going to run on the modern equivalent of trust busting.
you cannot be forced to advertise on a platform, Citizens United said money is speech. Consumers need to go after the brands that do advertise on nazi platforms and companies need to make a choice, ad money on a platform they don't even want to be on or do they want that consumer revenue.
Similar scam is that on the website all of the information links to X posts - so unless you have an X account you can't actually see wht they are doing - rather than having a normal website that has all information accessible for free to taxpayers. I DON'T WANT X ACCOUNT
i think if this was fleshed out in court it would actually lose because there were cases where courts have said public officials cannot block accounts and i think there is an argument there
Come Kara say it with me “Dictator Trump”
Do you think we’re on anything but a path to a Putin type government? Do you think there are real elections in our future based on Dictator Trump and Musk’s action?
Love to hear your thoughts. just about anyone who’s worked in the media biz was surprised when Linda got passed over at NBCU, stunned when she went to X, sad to learn it wasn’t to save it, but now just ashamed. Unreal
This explains a lot about why Musk arranged to be shadow president. He cannot make money on X unless he shakes down advertisers. X failure = 1st domino.
Why don’t these advertisers say…thanks…no thanks. Not buying. Big bad Elon doesn’t like it that I don’t play with X??? To quote “let them!”
I would love to see the lawsuit that forces X to open its books and its usership (viewership?) for scrutiny. The percentage of bots, number of overseas users and specifically where those users are from (presumably not real consumers). It could kill the app for good. Precisely why he went private.
Are we supposed to sit back and just watch this orange piece of shit destroy this country?The diaper wearing fat ass, scumbag lowlife piece of shit is taking the side of Russia. He is a Fucking Traitor, Fucking Traitor.
Lot of “accidentally” wrong numbers.
Not to mention “accidentally” firing people from critical jobs like FAA, NSA, NASA, CDC,…
Like NYC. Play and we drop the charges.
Wake up wake up!
What a schoolyard bully and Linda is no better!
Or else what?
You sure everything is ok there?
One Giant Grift for Trumpkind.
I am surprised to see such cowardice though.. i was expecting some hard resistance…
Be a shame if anything were to happen to it
Hardcore dead-eyed catholic goons from Long Island.
FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt), sure. But outright threats? and intimidation?
Do you really want your product ad to show next to a Nazi flag or salute? or racist post? against your will?
Explain to me how that's ok in America.
Oligarchy is merely a means to make it legal - for Oligarchs
Do you think we’re on anything but a path to a Putin type government? Do you think there are real elections in our future based on Dictator Trump and Musk’s action?
Love to hear your thoughts.
like I don't like paying taxes but...
We'll send Eloise over to bite your kneecaps, and jump around like some hyper clown on an overdose of speed?