I read “clamomancer” as “claymoremancer” and thought it would be someone who works the magic of both Scottish two handed swords and entry denial serious putty.
I liked it a lot back in the day, but going back into that rulebook (or books, there's 50000 of them) kinda destroys my nostalgia (I mean, I'd still play... 🙃)
LOl, not my point - I've looked at some of the new materials (my daughters got involved) and it seems so, well, definitive compared to the free wheeling stuff we used to do.
theres still a majority free wheeling but the company that owns d&d is kinda evil so they feel the need to keep cranking out new stuff (sometimes with ai art!) even if people aren't really playing off campaign books
The errata where they fixed the Bag of Chickens exploit was crucial. Before that, as soon as one player at the table figured out they could solve every problem with a 5 gp Bag of Chickens and a haste spell, it was over--world drowning in chickens.
The original rules text of "Rule 0 does not apply to the Bag of Chickens: your DM cannot override any rules text in the Bag of Chickens or disallow its appearance on your campaign" probably needed another editing pass.
A really devious DM knows how to turn a Bag of Chickens into a really cool opportunity, but WotC really needed to put some help in for less-experienced players. Still, I'll never forget how a Bag of Chickens led to my 6th level chicken chickening a chicken with 82 chickens in a campaign I chickened.
Back in my day, our PC's died just walking out of the inn and we were fine with that.
Man, D&D changed so much. Some for the good and some for the bad.
I remember my first campaign in 6e. It was a cold and stormy night, the power had gone out making it hard to see the special d13 roll used for kitten casting...
Because 7e 8e 9e!
*nervously laughs in 2nd E*
As a Dungeon Master you essentially made up all the monsters, created the worlds and dungeons and ran the show.
Don't get me going on Empire of the Petal Throne.
Hated the changes in 8e.
Mine only rolls forward in time.
Man, D&D changed so much. Some for the good and some for the bad.
Obviously Just... Elf.
Love that game.
I Did My Own Research and apparently the 6e D&D Lich towers emit severe Grognard Radiation. You need adamantine foil on your head to keep it out.
Wizards doesn't want you to know that they're putting chemicals in the Actual Plays to make the freaking trogs straight.
Good times.