I still live in fear of them forcing me to achieve an erection prior to boiling me in those large pots so that there’s more to eat.
Admittedly, not much more…
You don't really have to do that. The starch making the pasta stick doesn't really tell you when it's done. The best way is to take out a piece, let it cool a moment, and then bite it.
"Al... He dente!"
Admittedly, not much more…
(And: of course they do.)
It's incredible
You bring out the animal in me
I eat cannibals
(great now that earworm is back)
They'd burn their tongue and the roof of their mouth, get those little blisters then the shreds of skin hanging down.
Sure, being cannibals they could just eat those, too, but it'd still hurt.
They have notoriously shitty oom-pah bands, though.
It also could be from Tex Avery’s MGM “The Cat that Hated People.”
Sometimes, they’ll even have a little buttered spaetzle.
I know what I’m making on 4/20!!!