Personally, I waiting for his podcast with his BFF Trump. They are actually more alike than different. Newsom is slightly more classy and intelligent, just slightly though.
Me every time I see a new episode of his podcast: oh boy! I wonder who the governor that I pay with my tax dollars is gonna talk to today, and just how much they’ll agree on my extermination. It rules living in Lefty Liberal California!
ICYMI: Newsom invited Charlie frickin Kirk on his podcast and the two found common ground in their shared interest of throwing trans people under the bus. Newsom offered no push back whatsoever.
Yeah, it was gross to watch Newsom silently nodding along while Kirk claimed Dems lost the election for supporting the trans community, an obvious lie that should've been called out.
Newsom's always been a goddamn snake. IMO he's one of the reasons California has half of the country's homeless people. He charmed liberals with marrying SSM couples in San Francisco when it was only quasi-legal and he's been riding those fumes ever since.
Weird, GailBear just invited Elon Musk to her podcast to see if they can find common ground in their shared interest in total destruction...& then she mauled him
It's a bit sad how assholes created this whole culture of passing fiction as truth so often that other assholes made it a part of their identity to go around fact-checking stuff that doesn't need it.
Just as Putin planned it. have allowed to coop our party to the extreme left. Now we have no one cooperating with us and demonization from both groups of extremists. DEMOCRACY IS DEAD!
Your insistanve on demonizing as if he is corrupted when REPUBLICANS are sooooo corrupt is startling. Please stop demonizing democrats. We need them to fight against Fascism.
Sanders, in the ’00s: “Look, all I'm asking for, is that we pick up some of the ideas that are advanced by even the right wing parties in Europe, because even they acknowledge reality.”
The media: I can't believe the people of Vermont keep electing such a radical inflammatory senator!
Back when the Big New Thing he and AOC were pushing was the Green New Deal I read it thru slightly confused because most of it had a very close analogue in the 2010 Conservative manifesto in the UK (which was still a right wing nightmare in other ways)
I mean, you know that's their game, right? Along with dark horse candidates, they also pushed BLM in 2016. It wasn't because they're FOR those things. It's because they want to sow division in the US. Don't do their work for them, please.
Explain your reasoning about Bernie. With zero evidence and a ton of hand wringing you are talking about how Bernie is a plant. You sound more like a conspiracy theorist. You sound like Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the 2016 DNC. The Dem party is spineless and failed.
1. Still haven't addressed the far left part, because the party isn't far left.
2. These are neo liberal articles. One to look like he's been paid all this time since '88, and the other is trying to paint him in a bad light because Russia was spreading misinformation.
Here is my meaning.
When Trump first ran for president against Hillary, Russia supported both Bernie and Trump. Both Bernie and Trump have Russia ties, Bernie as a socialist and Trump as an asset.
Bernie sabotage Kamala by aligning with her. Putin doesn’t care how he destroys democracy.
He will use anyone knowingly or unknowingly. Bernie drug the democratic party to the left with his PROGRESSIVE movement.
I get it some of you like this. I do not.
Progressives went to far with free healthcare for all, expansion of Social Programs, and welfareism.
I believe this is largely how #MAGA got so out of hand. Now, I could be wrong but I am still entitled to say what I think.
Everywhere outside the US, Sanders is seen as what he actually is - a center-left politician. The fact that the US has a "left" party in the Democrats that is rather far-right than center-right when viewed objectively does NOT change that. Calling Sanders "extreme left" is delusional.
Reading might actually not be your strongest skill - you DO realise that those articles are from 2019 and 2020, Russia has since then managed to get enough division between Sanders and the center wing of the Democrats that they completely went under and Russia could push its true candidate to power?
No, I'm not.
I'm just asking you to point out a single, one, not two, not half a dozen, not a full campaign, ONE SINGLE extreme left position held by the Democrats.
I'm even willing to accept a single extreme left position held by Bernie Sanders.
You have missed the point. It isn’t the extremists it’s progressives and they may be our only chance. I mean, if Democrats just look like Republicans then what is the point. If we had more progressives who could go toe to toe with Republicans without going into far left nuttiness, we would win.
I would also point out that there are a lot of progressive Christians out there who could be speaking out more rather than letting the far right evangelicals subsume all of Christianity under their umbrella in the public eye.
Imagine thinking our very right of center, more conservative than Regan, Democratic party was some kind of extreme leftist party. If only we had a hundred Bernies in office, rallying for our future.
Yeah, it's counter intelligence to breed disinformation because they perceive it as a threat. Because leftist policy with strong popular backing undermines Russian goals. It means it's working.
Gavin Newsom: Dr Lecter, yours is a contentious reputation.
Hannibal Lecter: You mean the psychotic killings?
GN: In the kitchen, the kitchen.
HL: Ah, yes.
GN: Bone saws in the cutlery drawer.
HL: The right tool is precious to me.
GN: So true, which dovetails with today's sponsor, Casper mattresses
I was going to politely ask if you were stupid, but then I saw your post about First Nations people being forced to move to Canada and my question was answered.
So, inviting someone who would "have you for dinner" is looking for common ground? Wonder what spices and cooking method was used on Newson? (Yes, I know Lecter is a fictional character, unlike the orange POS.)
I was struck by the point he made about how the Democratic Party keeps losing votes because they were too vocal about defending the people Hannibal ate - they’re such a small percent of the population after all. Wouldn’t the Dems be better catering to the voters Hannibal isn’t planning to eat (yet)?
He wanted to make sure the record was clear that when the victims escaped and ran out into the street without any clothes, he did support charging them for public indecency.
Not related to this episode, but as a Californian it is wild watching the Governor of California jump feet first into backing NAZIs on a Podcast apparently made on the taxpayers dime & time. Do the DEMs not realise that MAGA will never vote for him and Democrats won't anymore.
I personally just think Newsome is trying not to entice republicans to cut funding or retribution this early in the term. He has 4 more yrs of this BS, so to anger them and get them focused on California would hurt millions of people.
Jose Martinete - 1557 - Spanish missionary, as he was being carried away to the cooking pit.
for the Presidency
look at CA for his handy work
he's falling all over himself kissing behinds
IF the election
he might just be someone we'll only recognize
by name
who knows who he'll decide to be by then
But that is overdone.
Would you like to try some poors?
B. Homeless crisis has ZERO solutions
C. Nepo baby
D. Bailed out Silicon Valley bank in like 48 hours
WTF has happened to the Dems???
What about someone like Paul Momund as well...
The media: I can't believe the people of Vermont keep electing such a radical inflammatory senator!
Back when the Big New Thing he and AOC were pushing was the Green New Deal I read it thru slightly confused because most of it had a very close analogue in the 2010 Conservative manifesto in the UK (which was still a right wing nightmare in other ways)
Now, we seem to have forgotten that we were punching ourselves in the face until the Government stopped us.
Now the Right is like, “the Government was saying, ‘stop punching yourself,’ because it was making us do it!”
Even Reagan would've rejected Trump's weirdness, "tear down that wall" and campaigned for free trade and against all tariffs
Very strange to watch things change so quickly
Bernie is BARELY left-of-center.
Scroll by next time
2. These are neo liberal articles. One to look like he's been paid all this time since '88, and the other is trying to paint him in a bad light because Russia was spreading misinformation.
When Trump first ran for president against Hillary, Russia supported both Bernie and Trump. Both Bernie and Trump have Russia ties, Bernie as a socialist and Trump as an asset.
He will use anyone knowingly or unknowingly. Bernie drug the democratic party to the left with his PROGRESSIVE movement.
I get it some of you like this. I do not.
I believe this is largely how #MAGA got so out of hand. Now, I could be wrong but I am still entitled to say what I think.
We commiserated about US politics being driven by the extremist GOP.
Please point out one "Extreme left" positon the Democrats have ever held.
Reminder that "Extreme left" begins at the socialization of the means of production, that's the starting point.
Come on.
Do it.
I dare you.
Fucker. XD
Like every fash piece of shit that ever walked the earth.
I agree on your last point, though. That's why I'm not arguing with you, just laughing in your fucking face. ;)
I'm just asking you to point out a single, one, not two, not half a dozen, not a full campaign, ONE SINGLE extreme left position held by the Democrats.
I'm even willing to accept a single extreme left position held by Bernie Sanders.
But you can't. Because there's none.
"OMG Gavin the human liver is raw! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!"
Hannibal Lecter: You mean the psychotic killings?
GN: In the kitchen, the kitchen.
HL: Ah, yes.
GN: Bone saws in the cutlery drawer.
HL: The right tool is precious to me.
GN: So true, which dovetails with today's sponsor, Casper mattresses
They were talking a new cookbook
Is this stopping any of this nonsense?
We are exhausted of this bull crap!
Pure speculation on my part.