Vote Teal number 1 in this election, even if you want Albo to win, put Labor 2. A progressive cross bench will force Labor to act & innoculate us against the right wing oligarchs. And vote carefully in the Senate. A progressive HOR is hobbled by a conservative Senate.
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And in Australia prevention is always better so make sure we are not beholden to a 2 party system again. Independents are the vaccine against a rise of facism in this country
Indies display strong differences even on climate action:
Sad reflection of our nation that this critical part of who we are is not properly taught or understood by so many.
so indicating their preferences is really important for electors to know their true values.
1) Rebecca Sharkie, who’ll probably get up anyway and who seems to be doing a reasonable job.
2) ALP, if only to encourage the bright young thing they put up for practice.
… 1/n
4) intervening block of random RWNJs, in ascending order of nut-jobbiness.
5) One Nation & LNP stone, motherless last.
Really rather not risk that approach
Check out where any candidate/party stands on the issues that are important to you and vote from best (or least worst) to worst.
If you don't like the far right, put LNP & far right last
All of the teals who have voted in parliament have voted for Compulsory income management.
I remember 2010, Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott, equivocating between Gillard and Abbott. Eventually, Abbott scared them too much. Dutton isn't scary like Abbott.
A candidate/party how to vote card is just a recommendation/guide to voters, it isn't how votes are counted.
Doing politics differently is more nuanced than it's all my way or nothing.
They likely know less about each piece of legislation, as they don't have a party apparatus to help them research
The independents all have volunteers from their electorates, who are wise, able and happily engaged in helping with legislation and reports.
Read here the results of research in a report the Curtin electorate asked for:
Please note: there is a marked difference between allowing supply, but not voting for any legislation a party may put forward. 2 different things.
But don't forget your Senate vote too. in #Indi
#Greens in senate
Voting for a community independent. As the “teals” are.
I don’t know who you are either…
if they don't care about ALPs fakery on NACC, carbon emissions, offset regulation, genocidal Israel, housing reform, gas reservation, etc ... where exactly are they progressive?
Le seems to vote against climate action. Sharkie doesn't vote much on the issue at all. Ryan supports climate action.
Maybe some would say only Ryan is a Teal, but all are liberal independents.
Vote Greens or other small parties that have reliable anti-Zionist, pro-BDS policies.
This is their strength.
Their common aim is to recognise and address needs in their communities and expressed by their communities: they have done a good job.
very refreshing, compared with the chronic negativity of the opposition.
Some might be left or right leaning, they represent the core diversity of real Australia. Reducing politics to a ping pong game (L versus R) is ridiculous and extremely dangerous.
Using preferential voting to give a message to the duopoly, as much as possible, in a safe Labor seat. 🙏