This is the adult perspective. Which is why it’s so great. There’s the crude humor of Rodney, Bill Murray’s silly angle, Chevy’s aloof thing, and Ted Knight’s mastery at playing the heel.
The scene with chevy and Danny Noonan walking off the tee is one continuous shot. 4 minutes in length and is absolutely spot on from shot to cut scene.
“Lumber yards? I own a bunch of lumber yards.”
“I notice you don’t spend much time in them.”
“That’s because I don’t know where they are.”
It is easy to grin
When your ship has come in
And you've got the stock market beat
But the man who's worthwhile
Is the man who can smile
When his shorts are too tight in the seat!
It takes a certain level of Irish Legendary Kings knowledge to know that Ted Knight's putter "Billy Boru" was named after (presumably) the Legendary High King of Ireland Brian Boru.
This is one of the funniest things you will ever see
He secretly wore Caddyshack socks.
So he had that going for him. Which is nice.
Ted and Rodney just chewing it up.
“Lumber yards? I own a bunch of lumber yards.”
“I notice you don’t spend much time in them.”
“That’s because I don’t know where they are.”
When your ship has come in
And you've got the stock market beat
But the man who's worthwhile
Is the man who can smile
When his shorts are too tight in the seat!