Absolutely a ton of boomers loved The Clash and moshpitted on it. It’s not so simple as generational clash (pun). There were a shit ton of rebels, civil rights activists, environmentalists and general punks among the boomers.
Thanks for the music break by a band that provided some of the tapestry of my life. I just finished dancing and smiling. Much needed on an otherwise grim day and a reminder to just go play the entire album and experience more joy.
I usually scroll by these but today, yeah, let's take a few minutes to listen to a good song and then go back to wasting time on Bluesk...I mean working hard.
Why you'll be a great FDR because:
1. Empathy and Understanding of Struggle
2. Resilience and Grit
3. Value of Education and Opportunity
4. Real-World Perspective
5. Leadership by Example
You can bring back the New Deal as a Green New Deal, make education free, and implement public healthcare for all. If we truly believe Social Security should only support those in need, then we must ensure everyone can retire without the fear of losing everything. You can become the new FDR.
Friedrich Engels's The Condition of the Working Class in lyrics:
So get back to work an' sweat some more
The sun will sink an' we'll get out the door
It's no good for man to work in cages
Hits the town, he drinks his wages
You're frettin', you're sweatin'
But did you notice you ain't gettin'?
GenX - Clash
Love 'em both, but only one answer
Maybe not a great segue way in tone, but in spirit, my anthem for today is ...
1. Empathy and Understanding of Struggle
2. Resilience and Grit
3. Value of Education and Opportunity
4. Real-World Perspective
5. Leadership by Example
I think that The Clash is going to be the s/t for the next 4 years, not that I mind, but it’s just weird that 50 year old tunes are new again.
So get back to work an' sweat some more
The sun will sink an' we'll get out the door
It's no good for man to work in cages
Hits the town, he drinks his wages
You're frettin', you're sweatin'
But did you notice you ain't gettin'?