The issue is, it was amazing in its time but it ended 20 years ago. So many better, funnier, smarter shows with amazing casts have been made since then. It’s mid for 2024. For 1994-2004 it was top fucking notch.
Imo the cast of friends should pay reparations to the cast of In Living Single. Those actors were paid insane amounts of money by the end and it was a clear rip off of a (far superior) show.
Part of the never ending stream of Pretty White People With Problems programming we saw during that era. I will forever see Friends as a ripoff of Living Single, which was superior in every way. Not to mention how problematic it was.
Besides the Cast So White aspect of it, too much of what that
show touted as romance was abusive behavior. Almost the entirety of the Ross / Rachel story arch fit that category, especially the entire "We were on a break" subplot. It's classic gaslighting.
I wonder how many therapists watched that series and actively cringed.
It was generally funny at the time but it’s been 30 years. In the 90s we weren’t hopping online to observe that popular comedies of the 60s weren’t feeling so fresh anymore.
3rd rock was good. John Lithgow was great and the other cast members shone. Gags were funny, the alien perspective on humanity's foibles was a good medium to poke fun at society.
Mid? It's awful. Absolutely tone deaf pablum bursting at the seams with unironic regressive social attitudes and lacking any sort of merit that would pardon it due to its age.
Dreck. Litterally designed by a room of writers and executives to appeal to as many people as possible.
Friends was so white it made Step by Step look like the Jeffersons. It's whiter than oatmilk. It's whiter than "scrappy" and "gym rat" as descriptors for basketball players.
its a relatable show, that many watch to remind themselves you're not alone and to keep going. There's a reason coffee was such a major prop, it's a coffee show! Also a good wind down at the end of the day
And congratulations on a year!
Besides the Cast So White aspect of it, too much of what that
I wonder how many therapists watched that series and actively cringed.
Like yeah sure it tastes okay but I could just be eating chocolate ice cream and watching Fraiser instead
Dreck. Litterally designed by a room of writers and executives to appeal to as many people as possible.
I’d have free thought,
highly underrated
I was part of a college Dawson creek watching group. We knew it was crazy then, but it was crap in our strike zone
I've never felt deprived.
Only know the theme song and understand they apparently shut off a lamp at a water fountain (?) based on photographic evidence.
At the time, everyone I knew was excitedly declaring themselves a Ross or Phoebe and I could not fucking figure that shit out.
See also: SATC.
Please start the new year with the help of my daughter 🥺
And repost my pinned post 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Same with Seinfeld.
How desperate we were for anything entertaining.