For the life of me, I watched your interview and simply don’t understand Schumer’s logic on the CR.
I’m hoping that the mother lode of criticism he’ll now be getting will cause him to re-think, and change, his position.
So good that you had him on. Thank you.
He pushed back hard. But during the handoff, after he had a second to digest, he said if true then ok. He meant ok to passing. He had been against it and had pushed back on Alsabrooks night before. WaPo backs this up. I’m trying to figure it out. Worse the R’s could keep us in a shutdown.
Here's AOC's interview (in the thread). It's worth a listen to help American's understand why the NO vote is so important, and how we overcome during the Shutdown.
Damn right you will get criticized & IF you do this we will do what we need to do as well. We will see you hounded out if office for deserting America.
I just finished your book and it’s brilliant! And you know how insane this is. Schumer voting for this continuing resolution makes no sense. This interview tonight was not your best. You need to speak up on behalf of all of us!
You went so easy on Schumer. We need you to be stronger. We need you to confront this type of insanity by the Democrats. How in the world can you have Chuck Schumer on and use kid gloves? We need you, Chris!
Dems should not be squandering what little power they have. Schumer needs to go - his time has passed. Shut it down & get something rather than just passively watching with your ridiculous auction paddles.
He’s a coward shut it down we have to stand up to these bullies and fools the government isn’t working for anyone but billionaires now so who cares if it’s shut down!!!!!!!!
And we can fight the shutdowns like we already are. In court. Judges that care about democracy need to work through without pay. Show those mf Republicans that we f'ing care. Shumer just wants to go on vacation. Can't even leave a message at his office.
He really needs to get out of the way. Even if he is right. He makes a horrible case and a pathetic attempt at a comeback by suddenly calling them bastards. It's clearly time for a better leader.
Fuck him! He’s addressing being criticized? How about thinking of the country Chuck? I mean did he really hurt your feelings calling you a Palestinian?
Both things can be true: a) that voting for the CR is the least bad option [i personally disagree], and b) Schumer, Durbin, and the rest of the capitulation caucus need to be have the fuck primaried out of them and yeeted into the sun.
The Dems gain absolutely nothing from voting to advance the gop spending bill. Trump and Leon are already shutting down massive parts of the government and will not adhere even to what the senate passes. It’s laughable, stupid and does nothing to show the public that the Dems will stand for them
We can fight him in the courts now. If true, we can’t fight him in courts during shutdown because everything T does would be legal.
So maybe way for T to get his dictator ship sooner. And R’s can keep us in a shutdown. That may mean it’s all over. We could do mass protests. WaPo backs this up.
It's time for Schumer to go. This not a time for loyal opposition following the rules and playing nice. It's got to be NO NO NO to President Musk and the other orange guy.
INFURIATING!!!! Thank you so much for saying what we are all thinking! And here is another thing we are all thinking - 🔥#firechuckschumer !! Wtf is wrong with these people?!?
What Schumer is saying is that, in a shutdown, the OMB, Trump, and Musk will have *total* control over our government and any spending. If he's a right, then a shutdown is bad.
They already have total control. We have witnessed a fascist takeover of an already brutal oligarchy. The ballot has failed, it's time to get into the streets and show them our numbers!
Glad I saw the entire interview. As I understand it, Schumer‘s point is that the T_EM will disregard any regulation on them at all. BUT if there’s a CR there’s legal recourse (albeit it’ll take months/years.) If there’s a shut down, there’s NO recourse -legal or otherwise- whatsoever.
My continuing concern is why this was not anticipated in terms of long term strategies, especially in light of the fact that Schumer stated that this was his job.
That’s what I heard. So everyone on Blue Sky are ready to fry the Dems if this passes( I was calling yesterday) but seems like that is the best thing. WaPo backed this up with an article yest. Chris in his handoff to Rachel said if that’s true, then ok. Ok to let it pass. Because safest thing
Imagine what this spineless fool is going to do for us when we go to protest and Trump starts shipping citizens off to Guantanamo. NOT A DAMN THING! This guy is a useless traitor to people who give a shit about this country.
During the handoff to Rachel, Chris said if true then ok then, he meant if true we should pass it. He was caught off guard. Carol Loenig from WaPo backs this up. I don’t know now.
Schumer is useless. Most of the Democrats are unserious. We are screwed, because this will end — if it ever does — in a river of blood . . . because the spineless Democratic wonders are surrendering whatever leverage they have and, thus, closing off one avenue of peaceful opposition after another.
Oh, it will be beyond criticism, Sen. Schumer. It will be millions of Dems giving up on the party because you were too scared to fight for us at our most desperate moment.
Chris, you did a great job tonight. It made it very apparent Schumer needs to go and cannot really give you an answer on why he would vote Yes! It is a betrayal of the American people who are speaking up to stop this CR and what Trump/Musk is doing to federal agencies!!
I said weeks ago that it's time for both Schumer and Jefferies to step down from leadership. Both are clueless and don't have the fight in them to battle Trump and the flying monkeys AKA the Republican Party
Criticized? I'm searching for his next primary opponent. Schumer's political career should end now. He'd be more use resigning than even casting a vote.
This is not ‘business as usual’. The rules have changed. I realize this is a no win situation, but Schumer’s push to divide the Democrats who are listening to their constituents and fighting back, is a short sighted move. Where is the push for unity?It’s time for Schumer to step aside.
So this is what democrats leadership looks like? No wonder Trump and Musk are running roughshod over Congress. Shame on you Schumer. It’s time for you to go.
Thank You Chris for pushing back! It was almost the most infiriating 10 mins I have ever watched (second only to #FOTUS) Schumer hasn’t changed, he is a self serving weasel!
IF gov gets shut down, Can trump keep it shut down forever, except for what he decides will remain open? Effectively remaking the gov as an authoritarian regime with No Funding ever for congress, the judiciary, & all agencies he doesn't want anymore. He's king.
It sounds like it. Schumer said that after a shutdown, it's up to the Executive branch to end the shutdown, which they might never do under this corrupt administration.
All of it could be challenged in court. Republicans would be to blame. They don't need Democratic votes. They don't have to have cloture. It's a spending bill. This is all bullshit that the Dems are playing along with.
I don't even want to hear what that fucker has to say to tell you the truth.He's a fucking turncoat on the rest of america! HakeemJeffries and him need to fucking go now! And I'm calling the Democrat party to fucking tomorrow I'm done
The pure cognitive dissonance of saying "we need to fight them every single step of the way except this exact step right here where we have the most possible leverage in a fight"
Democrats love to die for a cause. Republicans love to kill to win. Thats the difference between the parties
Shut it down, Schumer. I'm a federal worker. We can take it. What I can't take is another 6 months of wondering if I'll have a job tomorrow. Shut it. The fuck. Down.
Wife of veteran & fed civil servant. He & I (and our 3 voting age children) say #NoCloture #NoGOPCR
And we want our Senators, and to tell Schumer they won’t support his leadership unless he finds a spine and votes NO!
Admission needed: The Democratic Party is doomed to become irrelevant soon. We need to realize the the 1776 American system is gone and need to start completely fresh!
You gave this guy a few opportunities to look at it from all sides. He's going to vote yes on this bill simply because he negotiated a deal with Trump. I'm sure somewhere down the road we will find out what that deal was. Right now all we can do is help each other out as best we can.
Schumer actually made a thought-provoking point on Chris Hayes tonight: a government shutdown would allow Trump to close the courts. That would be a disaster, since the courts have been standing in the way of some of the Trump/Musk Regime's worst actions.
I am fighting. I am volunteering to represent fired employees (I'm a lawyer) and protesting at Tesla dealerships and doing everything else I can to save our democracy. But we need to be able to have honest conversations about what tactics will be most effective in defeating the totalitarians.
I missed that part but also in the EOs they claim they can fire all “non-essential” federal employees. We need to call their bluff at some point. We cannot always live in fear, no? They are the wrongdoers! The destroyers of our nation. Let’s not appease that
Well. The GOP congress has been doing that. And the dems only have a little bit of power left to push back. We need to leverage it. Otherwise we are nothing but cowards that will be bullied into concession after concession. if the executive branch is given the purse, why wouldn’t they do the same things you fear? They are responsible either way, but there is only one way you enable them.
This is absolutely correct. This whole vote is performative. This administration will do whatever they want and they’ve shown they don’t respect court orders (surprise) - so employ the filibuster. Don’t freaking roll over!!
With the debt limit raised & continuing resolution passed Republicans might take all of it as a tax cut & force another shutdown. If that occurs Trump could end Medicare & Social Security.
The resultant economic depression would favor Russia.
Notice, Trump’s actions always seem to favor Russia.
If the Republicans win if the government shuts down, then why are the Republicans all voting for it and Trump is threatening to primary those who vote against it? Wouldn't they sabotage their own vote? Does Schumer think we are stupid?
They control Congress. They can just not pass a CR and it’s shut down regardless. Schumer is such a loser for cowering into this genuinely baffling but equally infuriating surrender-by-another-name.
Part of Schumer's argument is that Federal Courts would be hobbled during a shutdown. Totally believable given what GOP is saying about court decisions now. He swayed me more than others, apparently.
Doesn't the CR basically give Trump the legal authority to hobble courts (direct funding wherever TF he wants)? Make them abolish the filibuster already. Tie that up in court.
Chris tries a dozen ways to explain it to him. Schumer, who desires to play the martyr for some reason refuses to listen at every turn. All he did was make Chris’ points for him between gaffes. What don’t we know?
Schumer and the democrats are so weak. They are a joke. We have no leadership. No wonder Trump and his friends are taking over the country. All these old men need to move on. Democrats figure it out, because this weak stuff ain’t it!
So boiled down:
1 - This Executive is EVIL - Agree
2 - During a Shutdown it has more power to destroy
3 - The courts will be powerless to stop or slow the Executive in a shutdown
4 - We must avoid the Shutdown
If 2 & 3 are correct, 4 follows
Yes, that’s what I heard and I think Chris did too. And now all Dems are hating leaders who maybe doing the right thing. I made calls yest for no. Carol Loenig wrote article in WaPo yest saying same.
Man is in denial. He's afraid. You can hear it in the huge gap between his restatement of the facts of the situation and the conclusion he reaches.
In that gap is terror at the thought of having to draw a line in the sand.
He just felt this strongly only today. Until yesterday, he was NO. What changed?
Answer: call from his donors aka big NY banks who will suffer a lot of pain if govt shuts down.
Chuck doesn't care about normal people, democratic party or country. This old bastard cares about his own funding.
Doesn't make any sense. If Trump causes havoc, his GOP senators and congressman will have to answer their constituents. Why is Chuck inserting his fuckin limp dick in the middle?
Chuck’s use of the word “bastard” to describe the opposition seemed planned and tin. Bullies don’t go away silently. Bullies hate weakness. They view cowering as weakness and will continue to steamroll their opponents with renewed vigor. Why is Chuck right? Chuck looks weak.
The more they do they more it'd force the hands of the courts.
If the courts won't do anything in the end, there's no point in saving them from the tough decisions. You push them to the point they must decide one way or the other. Let them tell the world concretely that they don't matter anymore.
Can someone help me understand why chuck is wrong? The bill doesn’t increase spending where planned but it doesn’t cut current spending. Won’t the republicans just pass a much worse reconciliation budget bill faster if there was a shut down? On top of the problems of a shut down?
if I take Schumer's response tonight at face value and believe him, why wasn't he saying this same thing YESTERDAY? And, why didn't you ask him that question?
So he says to vote no would cause them to gut the government and Americans services. So the better path is to instead vote yes to let them gut the government and Americans services. So what does a yes vote get you? Oh right. Tax cuts for the wealthy. Right now the Dems are voting like the GOP
Does he not get that Drumpf, et al are going to do all of that anyway, *regardless* of whether the CR is passed?? There are NO BWBEFITSS to Dems caving in!
Schumer needs to understand that any yes vote by dems will be exploited by Maga and they will say Look! Dems voted to cut Medicaid & Medicare! They will blame Dems for it . That is their playbook.
There is NOTHING to be gained by voting yes. Nothing. ZERO.
The democrats have me feeling so abandoned. Stand on your desks. Disrupt what you can. Bonus points if you get yourself arrested.
Represent US.
Schumer can barely walk up to the podium to speak. When you’ve been in Congress 80 years, you have nothing left to march or protest. Maybe they can buy all of the Capital Hill Retiree Club members hoverounds ?
I’m hoping that the mother lode of criticism he’ll now be getting will cause him to re-think, and change, his position.
So good that you had him on. Thank you.
Neville chamberlain almost lost by appeasement and politeness.
History is repeating itself.
It’s 1933 in fascist years here Chuck, he won’t meet the moment.
He needs to face a primary.
And. Dems. Accept. That. Fallacy.
Schumer doesn't even have that.
Gimme some Chris Murphy, some Rev Warnock, some AOC, some Elissa Slotkin, and 5000 servings of Jasmine Crockett to set the tone.
The Republicans want it all gone anyway. They can bypass the courts this way.
This isn’t 2003, it’s not 1996.
The time for change is now.
So maybe way for T to get his dictator ship sooner. And R’s can keep us in a shutdown. That may mean it’s all over. We could do mass protests. WaPo backs this up.
It's okay to be criticized by the GOP, but when it's a tidal wave of Democrats doing it, maybe shut your mouth and listen.
Please,, talk to Senator Schumer. Stand up. Fight. Persist. Resist.
“Well the bottom line is the Republican Senate is in total obeisance to Trump.”
His statement is so ironic and hypocritical given that he is about to support the Republican CR!!!
Someone make it make sense.
"Gormless fool, you'll bury us all!"
Yep-siding with fascists seems par at this point.
Sorry, I was so ticked I missed the typo!
Set the appeasers and surrendercrats aside
Uncap social security, tax stock held, or borrowed against
Guardrails on democracy
The system is failing us
165 million Americans rely on benefits
It’s our time
-Chuck Schumer, explaining why he's not going to fight.
Democrats love to die for a cause. Republicans love to kill to win. Thats the difference between the parties
And we want our Senators, and to tell Schumer they won’t support his leadership unless he finds a spine and votes NO!
In a shutdown the judiciary is no longer able to make rulings about the legality of closing agencies, paying employees or even paying social security.
My concern-
The resultant economic depression would favor Russia.
Notice, Trump’s actions always seem to favor Russia.
We've done way to much of this.
Shit it down!
You're not getting it. It's not 1992. Fight for us.
And yes, that is a yell
1 - This Executive is EVIL - Agree
2 - During a Shutdown it has more power to destroy
3 - The courts will be powerless to stop or slow the Executive in a shutdown
4 - We must avoid the Shutdown
If 2 & 3 are correct, 4 follows
Oops, it’s his party talking shit about how awful he is…
In that gap is terror at the thought of having to draw a line in the sand.
Answer: call from his donors aka big NY banks who will suffer a lot of pain if govt shuts down.
Chuck doesn't care about normal people, democratic party or country. This old bastard cares about his own funding.
I feel like I’m spending a LOT of time rolling my eyes & shaking my head at the same time…
I hear he doesn’t take calls from constituents, that he only meets people in the Hampton with a lot of money.
He’s a pet of the oligarchs.
Hope AOC primaries him.
We can look on Reddit, on Bluesky, on YouTube, on TikTok, and build. Coalition.
165 million Americans depend on benefits.
If they can’t trust party leaders…. We “need to be the change we want to see in the world”. -BO
“We the people” not the establishment, should choose our own leaders.
We have the numbers, we have momentum, this is our moment.
Democrat tea party.
Reach out to everyone you know.
It’s time to pass the torch!
If the courts won't do anything in the end, there's no point in saving them from the tough decisions. You push them to the point they must decide one way or the other. Let them tell the world concretely that they don't matter anymore.
If we burn, you burn with us
Schumer, you need to be FIRED!
Not at the end of your term. NOW!
There is NOTHING to be gained by voting yes. Nothing. ZERO.
Represent US.