It’s St Patrick’s Day, it’s timely and concise, and gets to most voters concerns, namely inflation/price sensitivity. It’s why we lost the last election.
Wow, now we'll have to pay more money to drown our sorrows about our rights being stripped away because no one stopped rich politicians from fucking us all over.
This was a really cute idea for a St. Patrick’s Day post - LAST YEAR. He’s voiding presidential pardons and shipping whoever the fuck he wants out of the country. Not to mention everything else. You should have been posting like for the last 24 hours, not this shit.
Is there a DNC board member responsible for climate action who could be willing and able to explain the Democrat's position on fighting climate change and to do some education on that matter?
What are the Democrat's ideas for a thriving economy that as well help to fulfill the Paris agreement on fighting climate change? What are your ideas to make housing affordable? What are your goals in respect to migration and granting asylum? How to fight globalTrumputinism?
Double Entry Accounting is SEVEN HUNDRED YEARS old.
When/where have economists been advocating mandatory accounting in the schools? Where is the data on the annual depreciation of automobiles since Sputnik.
Marx used the word 'depreciation' 40+ times before there were automobiles to wear out.
Schumer must step down as minority leader! His failure in this critical moment is a betrayal of the Democratic Party, its voters, and our democracy. We need a Senate Minority Leader who will actually fight back against Trump, not fold. Shame on Schumer! Step down!
Maybe this message *could* resonate with the people who aren't paying attention and voted to get us into this mess in the 1st place, but 1. They aren't paying attention and 2. This platform ain't where those people hang out. So, know your audience. Moreso, grow a spine and fight!
This chart is fine, it illustrates how tariffs work, but we know this. The Dept of Education still existed for us so we can do math.
You need to focus and stay focused on what you can do in government right now. You need to show us how you are helping the people effected by layoffs and ICE.
Will you please wake up? Whoever is thinking "I know how to fight Trump, I'll make a graph!" Needs to get out and talk to people who are scared about what is happening to our democracy. Maybe start listening to the progressive side of the party rather than the regressive side.
So what, Chuck Schumer just gave away the store. Count me out of the Democratic Party. Not another nickel will I donate to this cluster &$@! of an organization. Bye 👋
New leadership! Remove ignoring us will further erode the trust that’s already broken with you Democrats! Let someone with the fire we need lead they would be better leaders than Schumer!
Sure, a cheaper Guinness is nice, but the people (and their fur babies) are more worried about rent, healthcare, vet bills, and wages that aren't keeping up. Maybe focus on making the whole economy more than just table scraps? #FurThePeople
FFS when are you going to realize the the price of stuff isn’t going to motivate votes in your direction? Let the chuds worry about the price of beer. You worry about messaging and actually fighting. No one wants to follow a party that has the spine of Stretch Armstrong. Get off your ass.
This is both weak messaging and the best messaging your organization has had against Trump, so I feel like instead of criticizing you we should all be congratulating you in the way parents congratulate a baby taking its first steps
Yep. What great messaging. Can't imagine why Dems never have a winning strategy for anything. Such fabulous communicators. No one should give any money to ActBlue.
There is no reward to improving as a party in a two party system. They'll bide their time and when you're mad enough at the GOP they will have control again. No, need for self reflection, just patience.
Yeah I dislike so many things about all this. The Dems take the lazy way out and I don't think they could come up with a strategy under any circumstances. The ones at the top are just clueless. It's shocking - bc the Reps are full of plans, goals, strategies. lots of them. are untethered from reality. People fired from their jobs or doomed by #SenatorSellout's "grand strategy" don't care one iota about beer. What about the jobs? What about housing? What about food security? Or do you expect people to rub the few pennies they have on getting buzzed?
no, that's the thing - the median voter is tuned out for most news and either doesn't know the el salvador imprisonments are happening, is vaguely aware but doesn't know details or knows, yet doesn't care because it doesn't affect them directly.
they care far more about prices cause it impacts them.
Legal US citizens are being abducted in the dead of night and carted off to who knows where for peacefully protesting. Trans people are scared for their lives and our country is being turned into a theocracy.
Literally nobody cares about the price of Guinness.
Just no. Please. Your leaders have betrayed your voters. The US govt is defying court orders. The Dept of Ed is getting shut down. No one cares about the price of Guinness.
And yet Dems response to Trumpism is to sit quiet politely, sing Reagan’s praises, and then vote for whatever Republicans want… ThAnKs FoR fIgHtInG tHe GoOd FiGhT
Hello US-Citizens! You don’t need to sit quiet around, you can write emails or call your government! tell them , if you dont like what they do. Please always stay calm and friendly. They cannot ignore all. United you are strong! Please spread this info, thanks
Why the fuck are you guys so WEAK
Will the arrogant old fool?
Fuck no.
They’re tearing down our republic and shredding our constitution.
Fight! you lame-ass dweebs.
Are you posting this from the UK?
A pint?
Call it a beer. 🙄
Stop with the BS distraction and gaslighting. Until Schumer is out, the party is dead.
What's the Democrat's reaction on this?
'A direct threat to the media': Trump calls opponents 'scum', says U.S. media is 'illegal'.
When/where have economists been advocating mandatory accounting in the schools? Where is the data on the annual depreciation of automobiles since Sputnik.
Marx used the word 'depreciation' 40+ times before there were automobiles to wear out.
You need to focus and stay focused on what you can do in government right now. You need to show us how you are helping the people effected by layoffs and ICE.
This is a crime.
they care far more about prices cause it impacts them.
Legal US citizens are being abducted in the dead of night and carted off to who knows where for peacefully protesting. Trans people are scared for their lives and our country is being turned into a theocracy.
Literally nobody cares about the price of Guinness.
Be better.
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