Mussolini’s regime did not merely "fight" judges but systematically destroyed judicial autonomy through impeachment and ideological coercion. Mussolini established a template for authoritarian legalism. Trump is following that template. Even law firms are capitulating. The Supreme Court is next.
Ok so have every member of our Dem Congress do a 5 second video, demanding his resignation, splice them all together and release it for the media to do their thing! WE NEED UNITY AND THE NARRATIVE OF UNITY RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!! Opportunities like this will be few and far between!
Dear what are the DNC’s plans to shut down the felon and take back the House and Senate? The felon posted a bunch of lying ads with no counter or better yet, offensive ads from the Dems. What are you waiting on? 😖
Every single one of them needs to resign immediately or be fired. They all knew it was illegal. They are trying to get around the PRA. You need to publicly call for those resignations/firings. Failure to do so is a dereliction of duty to the American people.
He would be if not forced to toe the line. As is, Marshal Pétain?This is NOT just going to go away…the courts are not going to save us & Trump is not going to be “voted” out (remember Jan 6?) Republicans are never going to go back and suddenly “negotiate” a “deal” as if Gerald Ford is in charge…
So let's encourage all the angry white faces and voices to head to the streets and get in the faces of Republicans. Republicans are weak and terrified of angry white faces.
WTF! How about less talking and more doing?! Instead of, "Oh, look, the kitchen is on fire *sips drink*. Pick up the 🤬 fire extinguisher and put it out! Get off your 🤬 and make change happen before the entire 🤬 house is burnt down! FFS!
Trump will make him resign. He'll never outright fire him. If Trump fires him, it's an admission that he made a mistake appointing him in the first place. Trump is incapable of ever accepting responsibility for the mistakes he's made. So, he'll make Hegseth fall on the sword himself. We'll see.
Trump won’t let him go because he’s probably the only one who would allow protesters to be shot who had a snowball’s chance in hell of getting confirmed by the Senate.
It's striking to me how comfortable these types are while our country is under the most vicious attack it's ever endured, outside of the first Civil War. They should be dressed like Zelenskyy, and cut it out with the business as usual horse shit.
How many other democrats will say this? Where is the outrage? Everyone on the intelligence and arms services committees should be calling for their IMMEDIATE RESIGNATION
Go with reverse psychology. Frankly, since the Trump admin is heading full tilt towards authoritarianism, you WANT them to be incompetent drunks who will screw up. You don't want someone sober and capable in there ;)
And is the worst Minority Senate Leader EVER and should resign.
At this dangerous time for democracy, the Dems need a leader not a capitulating coward.
Ken Martin is not aggressive enough and genuine about his message. He should say that Pete Hegseth is a dumbass and should resign for his idiotic actions.
Dems are so boring with their he must resign rhetoric. Obviously Hegseth is not going to resign and no one will pay any attention to Dems. The opposition party is worthless.
I have no idea except to say they sure have no fire in their bellies for a fight. Gavin is spending his days talking with nazis trying to figure them out. Schumer is selling book tour tickets and House members got nothing to defend anything but calls for resignations that ain't gonna happen.
Special Counsel to prosecute ALL that were on that chat
§ 793 Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
§ 794 Espionage
§ 798 Disclosure of classified information
overseas news outlets reports American Carriers and warships hit with drones after Hegseth and Rubio leaked intel by being stupid causing America to flee the red sea the propaganda from their stupidity is staggering no ''shock and awe'' dumb bomb will help now AMERICAN MIGHT NOW LAUGHED , MOCKED
He needs to be but he won't be. Until Dems figure out a way to get Republicans in congress to wake up out of that stupor they are in and band together with Dems to impeach trump, our country will continue to become a dictatorship headed for WWIII.
I NEED the Democrats to STOP taking the fucking high road! STOP!! Take the kid gloves off and PUNCH THE HELL OUT OF THEM. WE NEED TO UNITE AND FIGHT! 💙🇺🇸💙
Republicans already told you that they weren't going to do anything: Capt Bonespurs says nothing wrong with it, Def Sec Sloppy Pete says nothing wrong. So, given that, what are Democrats going to do about this?
Never going to happen, the White House has already said that he's learned his lesson. That's something you say after a kid has too much candy and goes to bed with a tummy ache.
Yep, it doesn’t matter anyway. There’s an endless line of buffoons ready to take his place and do whatever the orange god and his sidekick tell them to do.
They never have power—because they don't know how to take it.
I'm tired of making excuses for such a lame party. They should commandeer the floor of the House and Senate and demand that Republicans place America's national security and reputation above Trump.
I'm sure Ken Martin is a nice guy but we don't need Mr. Rogers right now, we need someone with fire who can inspire folks to fight for their rights - and he is not it.
They probably won’t do anything cause they know it’ll never come to the floor cause Mike Johnson. I’ll never bring it. They’re damned if they do with their damned if they don’t! This is no way to run the government on either side!
What if Mike Waltz did this on purpose to get rid of threats to National Security! Some real Tom Clancy type shit! Out of all the journalist and people you could accidentally include, you choose the modern Bob Woodward with infinite backing from the Atlantic and Laurene Powell Jobs.
Discussing classified information publicly, including in any non-DOD secure manner, is a federal offense punishable by fines up to $250k and up to 10 years in prison (18 USC 793 & 798). Sec. Hegseth broke the law. It’s that simple. Now go after him with everything you’ve got.
Had it been the Democrats, making these endangering blunders, the guys on this unsecured chat would be shouting from the Whitehouse roof!
Just ⚖️ sayin' 👈🏼 🇺🇸
Ken: Say it! It’s a violation of the Espionage Act! His “undisciplined “ way??? Are you kidding?! How about criminal? How about careless, endangering, ignorant and UNLAWFUL? How about naming ALL of them not just Hegseth. Man up
Had this been addressed we would not be here
Visit electiontruthalliance .org for more information and **DEMAND A HAND RECOUNT OF PAPER BALLOTS IN PA. HERE
So why are dems still voting yes in confirmation hearings? Why are they not, in unison, shouting for Hegseth et als resignation? Where's the presser talking about national intelligence talks going out on Signal in violation of US law?!?!
Every medium, every network, every hour. Do not let off the gas until everyone on that group chat is removed from office. Do not concede to republicans at the expense of our national security
You forgot the word illegal and failed to explain they are conducting government business off the government record. That’s what dishonest officials do. It’s becoming quite clear Dems can’t make a case because they can’t see a problem.
Ken Martin : Trump is bad don't you know.
Corporate owned Democrats spittin bars. Bringing the FIRE.
Jeffries : We don't like it one bit you guys so quit it.
As a Democrat, is the worst export the party has ever seen.
He needs to either resign from leadership or be forced out by the party.
THIS rt here is exactly why trump got rid of all the IG's!
Smart ppl outside the gov (who have been advising him for yrs-like Heritage Founda folks, KNEW something like this could occur w/ all the incompetent, loyalist, dufos' he threatened thru confirmation, so he was advised to get rid of IG's
Hearing you shaming the participants of this horrendous national security breach isn’t helping or changing anything. Just more tongue wagging and finger pointing.
What tangible, meaningful actions are the democrats taking to protect us from these incompetent fools?
So many options for a nationwide media campaign and these clowns think this is the way. Folks we need to clean house from top to bottom. When we vote Democrat we do not support our elected supporting facist cab picks and policies. We expect the fire we know you possess, but you choose base betrayal. let me help you because this is weak and will win nothing.
Say something like: “The republicans are trying to steal your social security. Now they are making you less safe while you sleep. This administration is not for the people of the USA”
And make Schumer step down today!
Dear US citizens!You are allowed to start petitions and to contact your politicians,e.g. via phone and mail. With enough power you can bring up new elections, legal and without violence.Your voice is stronger than you think. Build groups, be united! You are stronger!
So I see you guys don’t know how autocrats work yet: Trump will not fire any of his sycophants. He’ll keep them & remind them daily how they ‘owe’ him their lives. They will keep their jobs and keep licking his boots 🥾 until they’re of no use to him. He doesn’t fear you. You’re powerless to him.
This is a discussion of classified matters being discussed on an unsecured app on devices that are not approved for classified discussion.
"Inadvertently" disclosing Classified Information on a non-government platform IS NOT necessarily a Crime.
One Guess as to what This Administration WILL claim?
Lip service solves nothing.
Who lobbied Hakeem and others to lay down and ignore their commitments their constituents?
We will not forget the disloyal Republican light/Moscow dems.
Do your job or be primaried.
He's a badass. needs to go, too.
At this dangerous time for democracy, the Dems need a leader not a capitulating coward.
with you guys as the "opposition" our country is fucking toast. great job.
§ 793 Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
§ 794 Espionage
§ 798 Disclosure of classified information
Now what the F are you doing about it?
We’re going through a COUP but I guess you guys have your priorities….
I'm tired of making excuses for such a lame party. They should commandeer the floor of the House and Senate and demand that Republicans place America's national security and reputation above Trump.
Everyone, call Congress now and tell them to demand resignations and firings.
I called last night. Left a message.
Make noise! @resistbot for sending emails if you can’t get through.
Had it been the Democrats, making these endangering blunders, the guys on this unsecured chat would be shouting from the Whitehouse roof!
Just ⚖️ sayin' 👈🏼 🇺🇸
We elected the WRONG person to be the president of the UNITED STATES.
I'm not sure why people think anything GOOD is going to happen 😕
Visit electiontruthalliance .org for more information and **DEMAND A HAND RECOUNT OF PAPER BALLOTS IN PA. HERE
I'm done with inaction and I'm done with the DNC.
Democrats always come to the rescue but always get the flack
People drowning are frightened and often try to drag their rescuers down with them
They thought there was enough of us voting, so they decided to protest by sitting out. Now they're freaking out for us to save them.
They're drowning in their own regret...
Corporate owned Democrats spittin bars. Bringing the FIRE.
Jeffries : We don't like it one bit you guys so quit it.
He needs to either resign from leadership or be forced out by the party.
Take is cheap
Smart ppl outside the gov (who have been advising him for yrs-like Heritage Founda folks, KNEW something like this could occur w/ all the incompetent, loyalist, dufos' he threatened thru confirmation, so he was advised to get rid of IG's
What tangible, meaningful actions are the democrats taking to protect us from these incompetent fools?
Say something like: “The republicans are trying to steal your social security. Now they are making you less safe while you sleep. This administration is not for the people of the USA”
And make Schumer step down today!
What about national security?
What about the espionage act? has made it so easy.
Everybody everyday everybody everyday everybody everyday
Call out your elected officials. they have made it so easy, just follow the script.
What about national security?
What about the espionage act? has made it so easy.
Everybody everyday everybody everyday everybody everyday
Call out your elected officials. they have made it so easy, just follow the script.
Vance - RESIGN
Rubio - RESIGN
Gabbard - RESIGN
Waltz - RESIGN
Ratcliffe - RESIGN
Wiles - RESIGN
Trump - RESIGN
You are all guilty of violating national security laws and should be nowhere near any information classified higher than gossip.
Just ⚖️ sayin' 👈🏼 🇺🇸
Articles of impeachment need to be introduced daily in the House of Representatives until the committee agrees to release them to the floor.
Do not wait until tomorrow. Do it today. And every day until the midterms.
Hopefully, they will stick then.