if you think abortion is the major driver for the KS and IA numbers, which seems pretty plausible to me, that argument also especially plays for Blorgia, Blorth Carolina, and Blexas
Reposted from
David M. Perry
June 2022: Dobbs decision
August 2022: Kansas voters reject an amendment that would’ve criminalized abortion 59 to 40.
Then midterms: Kelly (D) holds gov mansion despite “red wave”
August 2022: Kansas voters reject an amendment that would’ve criminalized abortion 59 to 40.
Then midterms: Kelly (D) holds gov mansion despite “red wave”
and now it's a banger, so there's no fixing it, either.
North Blarolina?
Or Blorth Blarolina?
Fallout of that would be quite a spectacle.
“Donald Trump is a liar”
“Donald Trump is telling the truth and I am betraying him” or
“I will risk federal prosecution by intentionally trying to disenfranchise our state’s voters *for a guy who still ain’t winning even if I succeed.*”
I feel extra old right now.