do I by any chance have any followers who are experts on how lifts work, and especially their safety record
(lifts as in elevators, not lifts as in exercise, plastic surgery, etc etc)
(lifts as in elevators, not lifts as in exercise, plastic surgery, etc etc)
Since their earliest regulation set safety standards,
their safety record is generally excellent.
Much better than escalators, for example.
[community notes: you won't]
Made by a famous German manufacturer of lifts
Yes, they have a Schlinders Lift
(not joking, that is what it is)
It was April 1st.
Eventually, someone came to check it wasn't a joke.
Find the door release mechanism and prise the doors apart. Unless someone is resetting it in which case, wait a bit!
Beware the safety of paternoster lifts!
People like me adore that sort of stuff.
You should have heard me earlier when I found out how to adjust the light gauged framing depth in a thermal model...
*gets coat and leaves*
for statistics there's like 1 million elevators operating in the US doing 18 billion trips and only 30 people on average die per year. ~50% are elevator maintenance workers.
*never* go into the hoist way. that's where you will surely die.
for falling down there are passive gravity brakes and also shock absorbers at the bottom to cushion your fall. you'd come out pretty bruised but probably alive.