It is subjective. You can genuinely think its shite. Other people can genuinely enjoy it. It doesn’t make them sheep. I would choose Guinness over anything else in a pub unless it looks like a place which serves a shit pint of it, in which case I would probably do a Larger.
When Churchill tried to hold us over a barrel on account of Irish neutrality in WWII and refusal to open our ports to British navy, it was Guinness who saved us. True story!
Guinness have been good to us, especially to Dubliners. Their philanthropic acts and financial support can be seen all through the city. things like the Iveagh trust, artizan dwellings, St Stephen’s Green, Marshes Library, The Coombe etc etc.
🇮🇪 position in WWII complicated
Neutrality was not an easy decision. but what’s a newly minted small nation to do?
🇮🇪 won independence 1922
(🏴 invaded 1500s
genocide in 1800)
Empire didn’t leave us much
Ireland recognises 🇵🇸
We don’t support genocide.
We recognise and support the ICC
This is so funny (cause irony) to me cause during the Irish Potato famine they were still producing enough food to feed everyone in Ireland. The problem was it was all being sold by greedy landlords to the markets in London. They were dying because of capitalism.
Bad that’s Big Oil propaganda they hate there’s a large Brewery on the scene that’s carbon neutral. Also if you lol into all the “punks with a purpose” stuff it was a bunch of work shy Tories having a go at their employer with Daddies lawyers!
Pffft, like I said people have it in for them misguidedly b/c they’re the new kids on the block, the fact they have better commitment to being environmentally sustainable than any other brewery seems to be lost on you.
Well then you go directly to the source! Ireland (Republic of) is a hop, skip, and a jump from Great Britain! And costs like a nickel to fly there on RyanAir lol
Joke joke joke
In my opinion those people drink too much. Men and women alike.
My nephew is in the Irish Army and currently serving with UNIFIL in Lebanon as a Peacekeeper.
Proud to support any nation’s right to self-determination.
Our country stands against genocide.
Neutrality was not an easy decision. but what’s a newly minted small nation to do?
🇮🇪 won independence 1922
(🏴 invaded 1500s
genocide in 1800)
Empire didn’t leave us much
Ireland recognises 🇵🇸
We don’t support genocide.
We recognise and support the ICC
Also, it's really not that good, it's just marketing.
LFMAO. No, no it isn’t.
Saved you a click.