News Analysis: President-elect Trump says he is about to take over a nation ravaged by crisis, a desolate hellscape of crime, chaos and economic hardship. But by many metrics, the country is in better shape than it has been for a new president's inauguration in over twenty years.
How long can he actually live after 78?
Or avoid a stroke…?
Or be disguised as functional…?
finding anything redeemable in those failures, says more about you than Donnie
All the stats say the country is on a good trajectory.
Trump will do nothing.
And magically by February the country will be all fixed.
That's how he rolls.
Trump's base doesn't read the NYT, and the rest of us are already aware of this.
But enjoy your tax cuts!
Similarly, the NY Times only cares about clicks. That's why they did everything to sane-wash Trump. They want the money and attention they saw during his first term.
But, of course, there's only ONE person who can "save" us.
You all failed America. I hope all your reporters quit and your paper dies any ugly death
How pathetic that anyone finds the NY Times credible about anything.
Where was any story on his cognitive decline?
Where were the stories on his corruption?
It should have been front page every god damn day
Every. Damn. Day.
“Trump is a corrupt traitor and rapist”
Because nothing else matters
Pretty sure he isn't interested in fixing anything he breaks, though.
International embarrassment.
We executed them.
A remedy to disaster.
Would have been nice if you reported on THAT
as it happened instead of
story after story on Biden's age.
No thanks due the NYT.
Does the New York Times have *any* self awareness at all?
Go look at stories on the topic from the past four years.
I'd RESPECT someone who took the time to do that. And I'd respect them more if they came back and said they were wrong.
It won't happen and what I think is irrelevant. Caring about the truth is a 'you' thing.
And boy is it a fun ride.
Ja, aber erst ab 30. Januar 2024.
Und am 31. Januar wird uns allen das Lachen vergehen.
"Wenn in der USA ein Burger verbrennt, stinkt die Welt."
Mainstream media is dead to me.