It sarcasm. He's a misogynistic ahole firstly, but having dealt with several diagnosed bipolars all my life, I can attest poorly/untreated bipolar disorder can result in pure asshole behavior.
Using mental health diagnosis as a shield for his atrocious behavior is wild.Britney Spears & Wendy Williams had conservatorship forced on them & never did 1/5th of the asinine antics he has. Men like him need to be held accountable, bc they aren’t their ego continues to seek a further limit to push
nobody fucking cares he also loves hitler, which has nothing to do with autism except for the fact that the nazis he idolizes experimented on autistic people, hence the fucking name asperger's syndrome.
Elon's biographer said he was never officially diagnosed, only self diagnosed. It sounds more like them scapegoating people on the spectrum by claiming that's what makes them act so terribly.
Autism doesn’t preclude being an awful person (cf. Bill Murray), but strictly a self-diagnosis in a field where said diagnosis has been in vogue…there is more than enough reason to be skeptical he has it. (And it doesn’t even really explain the non-asshat stuff)
Another misdiagnosis, he is neither bipolar nor autistic, this individual real diagnosis is a media whore craving attention by any means.
Make him irrelevant by refraining from covering his antics.
🤨 How about diagnosing him with npd- Narcissistic Personality Disorder- he definitely displays traits of Cluster B antagonism!!! I really don’t think that is so common in persons w autism, not from what I have usually seen.
Can’t be less surprised - sorry spectrum community but this was always obvious. OCD + genius. Let’s give him a break everyone. Life on the spectrum pre diagnosis isn’t fun.
So is autism the new asshole? Seems like everyone lately who is an idiot in public wants to claim to be autistic and blame it on that, rather than merely being a deeply troubled and/or bad person.
Literally no one cares. Being autistic isn’t an excuse for being a narcissistic, abusive, asshole. He needs full time mental help and not to be given celebrity status
Nobody cares, when's he getting diagnosed with being an weird exploitive shithead? Also there's no diagnosis for being a Nazi because that's a subtype of being an asshole and that's not a medical condition.
This is just one example of why I cancelled my NYT subscription. Why is this news? In the state of the country and world today…why is this given any oxygen by any media organisation that wants to be taken seriously ? 😧
Being an asshole doesn’t mean someone has autism. If you are a billionaire with a career and a family, you don’t have autism. Not the real kind. Not the disability kind.
Assholism isn't recognised by the medical community yet, but I am positive that Ye, or whatever the fuck he is called this month, will be one of the first diagnosed with assholism ...
Stop declaring autism every time someone acts like a Nazi. It’s an absolute INSULT to autistics everywhere. We are neurodivergent, we are not Nazis. F off “ye”, you’re just a piece of sh!t.
what's that got to do with the price tea in China?
autism is a disability but there are some working autistic people, but singing, dancing etc, you have to focus on things, so you can "look" normal but most autistic are not criminals
He should be committed and anything that sick dude says should be ignored.
Make him irrelevant by refraining from covering his antics.
he wants an excuse
he wants attention
what a f*cking insult to folks on the spectrum.
like Elon mmmh?
any Nazi or fascist or racist comment or move is because he is autist😑
Doesn't excuse him from treating his many wives like whores, though.
Autism ≠ nazi
Holy shit. Terrible excuse for journalism.
Neurodiversity isn't a shield that protects you from culpability. You are still responsible for your actions and your shit ideology.
- coming from MAGA soon
Guy is a POS no matter what he diagnosis himself with.
Is that why he thinks slavery was 400 years of choice?
Does this explain his antisemitism?
Please.... give me a break!
I just been notified they’ve already been doing that…so idk pedophilia??
autism is a disability but there are some working autistic people, but singing, dancing etc, you have to focus on things, so you can "look" normal but most autistic are not criminals
Seriously thats an insult to people who are truly on the spectrum