Before a packed crowd of oil and gas executives on Monday, Chris Wright, the U.S. energy secretary, said natural gas was preferable to renewable energy and climate change was a “side effect of building the modern world.”
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It is also possible to build a modern world without side effects that ultimately destroy the world we're building. Glib aphorisms should not replace scientific analysis.
And Chris Wright thereby shows himself to be an anti-science bonehead dinosaur. How long will Americans tolerate these people leading our country down a failing path?
The world is nearing a tipping point of no return for climate change. I feel so worried for my children and grandchildren. These fools are willing to destroy the planet for short-term wealth.
Nobody believes him, nobody's going to make long-term investments expecting this to remain administration policy for a long enough timeframe for those to pay off, he's bailing out the Titanic with a thimble
So, in other words, fuck the world, fuck this generation, fuck what few future generations are left…as long as we increase market share and gross margin profitability. Got it. Thanks, you sick fuckers…
They are working on new messaging. Yes, climate change is real, but it's not the result of humans dumping billions of tons of gases and chemicals into the environment every year for close to 200 years. It's all mother nature's fault./s
It's worse: Mr. Wright said [...] that rising greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels — which have increased global average temperatures to their highest levels in at least 100,000 years — were a “side effect of building the modern world.”
You can't argue with facts if someone *accepts* them. He sees rising temperatures as a side effect we have to live with to raise our standards. That's a political problem, not a scientific.
Its weird only one planet and they've sold a good chunk of the populous that there are no viable alternatives. We are destroying the very place we live in... they make all the profits and the common man lives in the aftermath.
More frequent and heavier flooding, whether in Dhaka Bangladesh or in one of the six US States hit last summer by ##HurricaneHelene, is an unacceptable side effect. #ClimateCrisis #ChrisWright
Taking away habitat and healthy living conditions from millions of species with whom we share this planet is an unacceptable side effect. #ClimateCrisis #ChrisWright
Taking away a stable climate from our youth, whether these in Calgary or else in Cameroon, is an unacceptable side effect. #ClimateCrisis ##ChrisWright
Burning cities, draughts jeopardising our food security and massive storms ripping apart communities is indeed the price we pay for the sheer joy of sitting in endless traffic jams in our massive SUVs with the AC trying to keep off the worst of the heat. I feel so very effin' modern.
What a completely ignorant, stupid person. The cost of not taking care of our environment will be so much higher and more dangerous going forward. I can't take much more of these bafoons running the show in Washington. They are literally ruining yrs of hard, dedicated work by actual professionals.
We have the dumbest people in the world running our government. I'm talking about common sense, fluid and crystallized intelligence. These people are idiots. To even say something like this is both negligent and insulting to people's intelligence.
So, because Big Oil makes money, the rest of us are doomed to live in increasingly unstable climate, higher temps, more pestilence, disease and viruses, flooding of lowlands and generally unhealthy environment.
Natural gas preferable to renewable energy?? Not for consumers, not for energy security, not for public health, not for the planet and the climate. This man's total perspective is what is good for his friends who own big oil & gas interests.
Most people who deny Climate change don't really believe the climate isn't changing. They just deny that anything should be done about it if it interferes with their accumulation of unjustified wealth, and deny that they should give a shit about those who'll suffer.
We need carbon neutral "fossil" fuels from biomass and nuclear to replace jet fuel, diesel, and change in infrastructure, no rare metal mining for batteries (nasty, destructive stuff), no need for new vehicles. Tada!
Nuke heat for industrial use, too! China is doing it...
It’s crazy how every US department secretary is the least fit person imaginable. I’m shocked John Riccitiello hasn’t been bought on as the Secretary of Transportation so he can charge people $1 whenever they breathe in a bus.
Ironically, Trump is destroying the oil industry. Here are the facts: Trump is lifting the ban on Russian oil exports which will boost the supply. At the same time the economic recession brought by him will drag down the demands. So there is a rough road ahead for the oil industry.
Climate Change is a “side effect of building the modern world”… just like cancer is a side effect of smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day… except climate change will eventually kill everyone ☠️
Energy Secretary declares climate catastrophe merely a 'side effect' of progress how charmingly antediluvian! Nothing reveals administrative priorities quite like dismissing planetary collapse as acceptable collateral damage.
SMAC put it well:
Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill.
CEO Nwabudike Morgan"The Ethics of Greed"
There it is in its purest form, the mindset of the oligarchy. Oligarchs get to be insulated from risk. The rest of us get to adapt to risk or, if we’re unable to adapt, that’s our tough luck.
This just shows he doesn't understand the concept of non-renewable energy or the implications of climate change. Aim is to amass wealth and to hell with the future. I utterly despair!
Senators Bennet and Hickenlooper voted to confirm this Fascist. It will be a cold day in hell before I ever vote for them again. They should be knocked out in the primaries.
And his comment that natural gas is preferable to renewables is so stupid I don’t know what say except to remind Colorado that Bennet and Hickenlooper voted to confirm this Fascist clown.
I can’t wait for Chris Wright to go the Boulder and tell those families that their homes burning down are just a side effect of building the modern world. And maybe Hickenlooper and Bennet can go with him.
Well, at least he admitted that it is real, if only a "side effect of building the modern world". I wonder if he realizes that " the modern world" he is building is Mad Max?
Sure, trust this guy.
Of earth,that would be your children's children children
Still does not sound like progress 🫣
said the visitors from
Plovorox 9
as they surveyed the remains
of what some of the decedents called
clearly they were not very advanced, they added
Nothing will fundamentally change.
But at least shareholders earn a return.
Time for Luigi folks.
We need carbon neutral "fossil" fuels from biomass and nuclear to replace jet fuel, diesel, and change in infrastructure, no rare metal mining for batteries (nasty, destructive stuff), no need for new vehicles. Tada!
Nuke heat for industrial use, too! China is doing it...
Just like blindness to fact is a side effect of being in a cult?
Oh wait, yes you can.
Similar to real estate, he aims to create chaos through economic ruin and then buy the world for pennies.
He is well on his way to running the USA economically into the ground.
We are lucky about one thing though: the man is certainly not the brightest bulb around.
Similar to real estate, he aims to create chaos through economic ruin and then buy the world for pennies.
He is well on his way to running the USA economically into the ground.
Civilization going without innovations spells its decline.
I wonder what his grandchildren think about that view.
Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill.
CEO Nwabudike Morgan"The Ethics of Greed"