Shhhh…. let’s not let my next door neighbor with the chickens & free eggs she gives me weekly know of our master plan!!!
BTW: April 5th I’m going to be in full protest menopause bitch mode!!! Already warned Hubbs he may need to bail me out. He won’t but I, luckily, have a blue big brother! 💙
Actually counting on more than 10,000 steps that day! Trying to drop a few of the 25 lbs I’ve gained over the last 4&1/2 years quitting smoking. Son’s getting married in Sep’t & I’m determined to look “hot” one more time in my life! 😜😜😜
I’ll be lobbing eggs. Kristi’s known for lodging bullets into innocent animal heads & RFK, Jr’s pretty keen to take a bite out any mutant wild animal he can infest his body with worms… fucking moron that he is!
Not sure you can eat these eggs after they been in dye, but they could be used for target practice at a Tesla Dealership... just an idea. Are the CyberTrucks egg proof?
You people really aren't the brightest. And definitely not the funniest.
.🎶 Where dem eggs at 🥚 🎶 🪭
and i hope all children are able to dress in drag at least once, it's good for the soul
BTW: April 5th I’m going to be in full protest menopause bitch mode!!! Already warned Hubbs he may need to bail me out. He won’t but I, luckily, have a blue big brother! 💙
Umm, I mean eggs, I'll have eggs for breakfast.
DEI hires.
Don’t get me started on brown eggs.
Sadly, I can’t tell them.😂
I subscribe to a beach goth existence.
Hope your Sun day was a fun day.
For the kids 🫡👍
or dei will get you
Because I know to hell not everybody cracks them open and eats them after they've been dyed
And maybe we should be doing something else instead of wasting food... Especially given the egg crises in USA
Adam Cemani.