Moths basking before take off, or I just keep having butterflies on my brain. I'll bet there's some kind of Rorschach test attached to what some of us see in some nice mushrooms. I noticed I'm not the only one who sees butterflies more than normal, lol
You're going to save our sanity with these nice mushrooms, aren't you? Devious plan. For me, though I'm very fond of mushrooms in the wild, just seeing the word "nice" over and over is having a beneficial effect.
Just read the news on the Ukraine/Trump meeting at the White House. I am so very upset. But, then these beautiful mushrooms show up in my feed. I feel better. Thanks lukelukeluke
These made my heart soar. We are so connected to one another, just like these mirrored mushrooms. But we aren't exactly alike, either. We are each different, beautiful, extraordinary in so many ways. I love that one of the most elemental lifeforms on earth is also one of the most exquisite.
Midsomer Murders had an episode where Destroying Angel was used to kill the victim. They never actually showed a picture of it. It's pretty but does have a discernable attitude.
So I was at my local food co-op the other day. They sell a variety of other items besides food. Sometimes puzzles, books etc. And I saw a mushroom art puzzle on the shelf and immediately thought "I wonder if the mushroom guy on Bluesky would think these are nice mushrooms."
Thanks man! I really enjoy what you do. I used to have an awesome spot for morels. I'm going to go approach the new owners this year to see if they will endulge me.
Seriously? Honeys are a favourite of mine. But I’m cautious about telling people they’re good to eat. They’re really not a beginner’s mushroom, and they have at least one deadly lookalike, altho with different coloured spores. .
I post even more nice mushrooms on the Patreon, every day! >>
Thanks for the time cleanse!
Artistically, they are beautiful!!
*Doom scroll*
*Doom scroll*
*Doom scroll*
Here are some nice mushrooms.
This particular group reminds me of bellybuttons.
They are edible 🙌 but fairly tough and not very tasty. Better to look at than to eat, imo