This is it. The plausible scenario is not that the 2028 elections don’t happen. It’s that they happen with every financial oligarch and major corporation backing the GOP. And every major media organization backing the GOP, except for The NY Times which is trying to be neutral.
Reposted from
Brendan Nyhan
Ominously plausible warnings from of what our descent into competitive authoritarianism could look like
You should apply to SNL. This is legit Weekend Update level funny stuff.
Maybe the GOP of 2028 will deliver what the oligarchs want. Government contracts. Powerless workers.
Will the west pour money into manipulating US elections the way Ru does?
There is not much time left to head off that future.
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And the worse things get, the Ds will win larger margins, which gives them the chance to turn things around.
Ds have not bothered to do any homework, believing their butter knives will suffice in the fight. On the bright side, they get to eat all cucumber sandwiches.