All I can think about is how many diplomats Trump fired to make a diplomatic catastrophe like that happen, Sensei.
But that insight does not make the brain rot watching it any better.
In the past to become a satelite of Russia was a 'choice' made after a devastating war, facing millions of Kremlin soldiers without allies.
Now all you need is a bunch of cowardly, sniveling excuses for men in charge. Pathetic.
Even before the election, I believed in Harris’s victory because she was not rude, unlike Trump. But now I wouldn’t be surprised if he tries to beat Zelensky in front of the public.
This was the mask off moment, even after 1 month of Trumpists trying to undermine Ukraine. Now it's time for us, Europeans to unite and help Ukraine win this war. It's time to cut off ties with US, it's time to get rid of US technoligarchs and putinists from Europe. Colectivelly we can make it.
"No, no, you see, Starmer had to dodge that question on Canadian annexation due to his focus on shoring up American support for Ukraine, and he was by and largely succesfu-"
"Xave you ever think of saying of thanks to Glorious Leader for helps? Also you is lose war xaxaxa"
I would have wagered he'd be less transparently hostile to Ukrainians for DARING to defy Russian aggression, but... here we are. That's Trump for you.
But that insight does not make the brain rot watching it any better.
Now all you need is a bunch of cowardly, sniveling excuses for men in charge. Pathetic.
"Xave you ever think of saying of thanks to Glorious Leader for helps? Also you is lose war xaxaxa"