Also, pretty rich to say NO MASKS when MAGA fought against wearing masks throughout the pandemic, yet quickly put them on for Nazi rallies, Jan 6, and whenever they're being arrested.
I get the sentiment but rolling over & accepting defeat is not our way. America is very much alive. Battered & bruised, yes, but historically that has marked the moment before our finest hours as a people & a nation. It will be hard, but we will overcome this, and we will emerge stronger and better.
America is dead. If you think the last election wasn’t completely fraudulent, you’re out of your mind. The United States will never have a real election again.
The technocrats will create a fake online presence for a right that doesn’t exist and they will continue to rig elections.
Then impeaching removing judges. All this smells as a dictatorial coup. I am afraid that he is planning to change constitution to allow him run again and keep the presidency for life.
I am worried about this latest Trumps move. He fired 5 star generals, DOD legal counsels according to hegseth the reason was to remove those opposing his plans. Now oppressing student movements. Tomorrow ban/ control of social media to cut communication between those opposing him.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
This is the same person who all last year claimed that children were going to school and coming home later that day a different sex. Maybe totally insane lies just come easy to this guy.
Students and faculty should take to the streets. That said, too many students are so disconnected and disengaged with current events that they don't understand the significance of this.
I'm assuming he considers protesting against anything he or his fellow Fascists do an "illegal protest." We might look at what our Constitution has to say about this, but silly me, to Trump and MAGA the Constitution is merely a series of suggestions, not to be taken too seriously.
Correction. Trump didn't understand the U.S. Constitution in his first term. He knows it now. Trump doesn't respect the Constitution or The Rule of Law.
Yes but they are violent and hurtful and serve no purpose other than being a pain in the ass.
No one pays attention to these stupid asses anyway.
In setting up a camp or whatever on a college campus all you're doing is announcing to any employer that the "no" pile candidates are playing outside
He’s goading the population so that he can enact martial law. It wouldn’t take much to turn a peaceful protest into a full blown riot (possibly orchestrated by him). People are getting pretty pissed off. It’s a pressure cooker situation and he knows it.
I hate to sound like an alarmist and it is truly not my intention to come across as one. I never wanted to be more wrong in my entire life. I sincerely hope I am!
I unfortunately agree. He wants martial declared. So, it will be easier to turn things over or control everything. It's very scary. Let's hope an adult shows up before that.
Trump does not share American values. He is a wannabe dictator whose only motivations are power and money. He has surrounded himself with like minded people and boot lickers. He is the worst US President in history, bar none.
This is the route to totalitarianism! They’ll slice a little piece of freedom/rights away at a time without you noticing that the branch is getting shorter and shorter. And at the end you realise too late that this time it’s YOUR rights that was sliced away!
History has seen this before!
The regular working class joes who are aggressively defending his actions haven’t clicked yet that all they were good for was their vote. There’ll be no one left to help them by the time the penny drops
Exactly. If ever there was anyone you don’t pay up front, it’s this guy. He has everything he needs from them now, and so they and their problems are no longer anything he cares about. It would be great fun to gloat about except the rest of us are just as screwed.
Yea, this is forgetting about the fact that historically it’s Young people start protests, young people start revolutions. Going after students, the people who are thinking critically about themselves and the world is a mistake!
Look at Ukraine, maidan revolution was literally started by students!
This is all too familiar and the stakes are high. He’s threatening our American Democratic Republic and our children here. We need to protect this foundational American right.
No, the person writing this post for Trump is giving his brownshirts the go ahead to disappear protesters under the pretence that they were secretly non-citizens.
Can we talk about how he didn't write this – this doesn't follow his speech/sentence patterns.
The man is senile.
But whoever is whispering in his ear is an imminent threat to us all.
America really needs to wake the fuck up. The country is being lost. These cunts are getting all their own people in position, the Dems appear to be in shock. It’s time to organise, get in their faces in our millions. Take the country back by foul or fair means, but ffs WAKE UP!!
I’ve never seen anyone with such a fragile ego- can’t handle some college students disagreeing with you? Pathetic. Time to limit their fundamental American rights because you’re a child, and say it’s in the name of Patriotism! Absolutely pathetic.
There is no such thing as "illegal protests" under the First Amendment.
Trump is denying Constitutional rights, which he does NOT have the authority to do.
Legally true.
But c'mon, these stupid little F's are just a nuisance. No one is really paying much attention. Certainly not to whatever message they have.
They need to grow the hell up and get a job that'll actually be a part of some solution.
it was illegal to hide people like Anne Frank in Germany in the 1940s.
it was illegal to hide slaves in America up until the mid 1860s.
it was legal to have bounties that required scalping native americans well into the 1900s. I remember a state only took down bounties after the pandemic started.
there's a reason why the classic alignment chart had an axis for both moral and ethical.
law doesn't mean good and chaos doesn't mean bad. robin hood was chaos in the face of the sherif of nottingham. but even in that example, the truest wine is a cab 🥂
They're not doing a great job at it, are they? They could pass any law Trump wanted, and yet he chooses to rule by EO and his own whims. Trump and Musk are breaking plenty of laws yet the Republicans are watching the dismantling of the general government with glee. Seems laws are irrelevant now.
The First Amendment is on full display in these Republican town halls where the average age is 60. Good luck coming to load those very vocal folks in a police van.
Once a Russian, always one. It's why he loves Putin so much; he's striving to be Czar. I know we're all shell-shocked now, but honestly, isn't this the moment when we become a democracy again and become "WE the PEOPLE"!?
One would think. Idk, I’m feeling pretty hopeless today. It’s so fast, like soooo fast.
I’ve always thought that he would go really far, but not so far as to endanger the lives of the next generation. If they wreck it all, their kids have to live with it too. Baffling. Not a shred of humanity.
This is their plan; to make you feel hopeless and helpless. But you and your fellow citizens DO have the power. It will take hard work and sacrifice, but you CAN take your country back. Good luck.
Trump doesn't have the authority to most of the things he's doing. This is a thing he is very much explicitly forbidden to do. "Doesn't have the authority" is technically true, but super weak.
He wants to be that ‘tough’ leader and direct ‘his military’ to enact martial law to control the population- while he and Musk continue to burn it down.
How'd that work for Saddam, Gadaffi? There'll be lots of old, shut down gas station canopies to hang a dictator or threes' asses upside down from, and you dont even need to speak Italian.
The military ALWAYS goes with the biggest crowd and magats who just got their SSI cut off won't be there.
My Senator, Ron Johnson, commented on a group of disabled people protesting Medicare cuts outside of his office as “It’s unfortunate the Democratic leadership lies to these people tell them to take to the streets, I hope they don’t do anything violent.” These guys have no respect for the USA…
It says "illegal" protests. Sorry, I agree with T this time. The innocent kids are borrowing 250K to go to those schools to encounter violence and antisemitism? I don't think so.
And if a bunch of rednecks with Confederate flags were protesting using the N word - I would say the same thing.
When I hear awful things like this, I’m reminded of a museum in Berlin that did a very good job of explaining the lead up to the Holocaust … for no particular reason 😅
Trump has no concept of, or appreciation for, fundamental American values. He’s a fascist consolidating power. Any other interpretation of his actions is willful blindness.
The guy is anti-human. He is 'dictating' right now.
The DICTATOR DICTATES!!! Ignores judges. Ignores the law. But hey - he wants to bring back law and order. Sure.
Actually hasn't the Klan gone without masks for a while now? They stand proudly in the open as today's republican party; as the redneck south; as flag-waving MAGAts in red hats.
i wrote a whole thing about this but it was never published. "outside agitators" goes back to the civil rights movement and they know they're lying about it
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
I want to see when, if, a protest erupts, what will be the repercussions. Let’s see if the universities will bowl down to the king. The president is a living proof that justice did not prevail. Now he is writing the law and following what he wants.
He cannot seriously think he has the power to do that, can he?
In a way I hope he really is that deranged.
The alternative is worse: Bad faith beyond your wildest nightmare.
Thank you for your attention to this matter? So he thinks he wrote a memo like he’s a college provost?
Y’all better come get grandpa cause he ain’t talking to us.
Since he doesn't care about anything but himself, my guess is that he's never actually attended a protest, which is all about solidarity in support of something larger than one's own narrow interests.
It will be an interesting challenge when it lands with SCOTUS. They will have to argue the very same amendment that allowed them to get elected by spewing disinformation and hatred.
We now live in a country where attacking the capital is acceptable and encouraged if the Dems are in power but peaceful protest against republicans is unlawful.
The people protesting are not the college students and foreigners…they are seniors and middle aged white people and federal workers and veterans and many other groups they are hurting!
I say challenge accepted protest should be popping up at college campuses and around the world wear a mask make sure everybody knows you're there get the news involved get arrested for peacefully protesting you'll be a hero
If it was a kid that needed to back to their country without they're parents that will just be true trumua of being alone without anyone to help you not make a mistake in the world
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Decades of dumbing down the population have led to a deep distrust of academic institutions and intelligent people. But this is some next level dictator talk.
It is the distrust of academic institutions and *educated* people. It's the big words that sound like a foreign language to them. Many people who cannot understand words that are spoken in close proximity, often feel threatened and marginalized.
There is no free trial for authoritarianism. When you strip the right to participate in democracy from half the country, you strip those rights from yourself. Maybe right-wing ideology is the will of the people. If so, so be it. But the will of the people changes.
Burning the mechanisms for change to the ground benefits no one but those in power. And, before anyone decides to run their mouths about, "he said ILLEGAL protests." Who decides what is illegal? The guy who pardoned 1500 people who violently protested on his behalf?
I mean, it is not something surprising... I am more interested in these college students protested Biden. Are they jumping with joy now Biden is not a president?
And how does he think he has the power to "expel" students from colleges, especially when killing the Dept. Of Ed. would remove any leverage he might have? Not that I'd ever accuse Trump of thinking anything through before acting, but still.
The technocrats will create a fake online presence for a right that doesn’t exist and they will continue to rig elections.
For now he looks to be dismounting your entire system in blazingly fast with very little actual resistance.
At this pace it will be too late veeeery soon I am afraid.
Protest is not illegal.
THINKS, only what he says.
Also they won’t be protesting just beating up protesters
How did that work out in the end for him? Oh yes, with him cowering in a bunker and blowin is own 🧠 out.
#FuckTrump #FuckMusk
He’s never read and doesn’t understand The Constitution or the concept of Democracy
No one pays attention to these stupid asses anyway.
In setting up a camp or whatever on a college campus all you're doing is announcing to any employer that the "no" pile candidates are playing outside
We're finally on our own
This summer I hear the drumming
Four dead in _____________
car payments are tax deductible I think
something like that
Cutting taxes on all domestic production
They're not really similar.
History has seen this before!
No surprise there.
The real problem; his personality cult will abandon any beliefs to support him.
Look at Ukraine, maidan revolution was literally started by students!
The man is senile.
But whoever is whispering in his ear is an imminent threat to us all.
This is psychopathic.
They do not understand the collective will of the people.
Trump is denying Constitutional rights, which he does NOT have the authority to do.
But c'mon, these stupid little F's are just a nuisance. No one is really paying much attention. Certainly not to whatever message they have.
They need to grow the hell up and get a job that'll actually be a part of some solution.
it was illegal to hide slaves in America up until the mid 1860s.
it was legal to have bounties that required scalping native americans well into the 1900s. I remember a state only took down bounties after the pandemic started.
law doesn't mean good and chaos doesn't mean bad. robin hood was chaos in the face of the sherif of nottingham. but even in that example, the truest wine is a cab 🥂
It is time they really start to understand that the rules are out of the window
I’ve always thought that he would go really far, but not so far as to endanger the lives of the next generation. If they wreck it all, their kids have to live with it too. Baffling. Not a shred of humanity.
Thanks again for the hope!
If anyone continues to wait for Dems to LEAD the resistance, they’re as clueless as a maga farmer.
Now, when Trump says "illegal protests" he doesn't mean "protesting that is illegal," but that doesn't mean there's no such thing.
He needs to start with #UVA ...
He then wants the protests to turn violent.
He wants to be that ‘tough’ leader and direct ‘his military’ to enact martial law to control the population- while he and Musk continue to burn it down.
The military ALWAYS goes with the biggest crowd and magats who just got their SSI cut off won't be there.
Whoever in the US is still unorganized is complicit imo.
And if a bunch of rednecks with Confederate flags were protesting using the N word - I would say the same thing.
The DICTATOR DICTATES!!! Ignores judges. Ignores the law. But hey - he wants to bring back law and order. Sure.
In a way I hope he really is that deranged.
The alternative is worse: Bad faith beyond your wildest nightmare.
Where have I seen this before... 🤐
Y’all better come get grandpa cause he ain’t talking to us.
Erm yes
Btw anyone else read that tweet in a fake German accent.
What better time to protest at every college and university than tonight 9pm eastern💥
Fuck off with those lies.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
No tyrants!
We will not be silent!
He did not write this
Ring any bells?
Inexplicably, America elected a proven cheat and liar to run the place.
What is happening was sadly predictable.
Your only hope is the midterms. Then maybe congress will stop him.
Good luck.
It is the distrust of academic institutions and *educated* people. It's the big words that sound like a foreign language to them. Many people who cannot understand words that are spoken in close proximity, often feel threatened and marginalized.
You though hi was joking?
And how does he think he has the power to "expel" students from colleges, especially when killing the Dept. Of Ed. would remove any leverage he might have? Not that I'd ever accuse Trump of thinking anything through before acting, but still.
Disgusting people, these Trumpomuskovians.