Here is some truth: Putin invaded Ukraine. NATO is the most successful military alliance in history. Since 1945, American leadership has ensured freedom and security for ourselves and millions of others around the world.
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Together with our allies, we defeated the Soviet Union - an empire so evil it had to build gulags and walls to keep its own people in. Destroying America’s alliances and abandoning the cause of freedom is morally and strategically indefensible.
So when's the military coup begin, because I don't see a political solution before he dismantles the country. Apparently, we aren't a country of laws any longer. There aren't three branches either.
If you have any friends left in congress pleas persuade them to oppose Mike Johnson and his trump agenda. We only need 3 or 4 to put an end to trump and his co- president the muskrat. We might not agree on politics but I admire you and Adam standing up for the rule of law.
Thanks for showing that TRUE Republicans are TRUE Americans, as are ALL TRUE Americans, regardless of party
Grandpa & Daddy were both Republican-Grandpa an Officer aboard USS California BB-44 in WWII & Daddy was Army on The Presidio in SF
They raised me to just be a proud AMERICAN
Blue for me..
World War III has started already folks. Hyper nationalism + arms build ups and alliances + plus trade tariff war x spark = human suffering on a massive scale.
No one seems to remember that we defeated them by bleeding them dry on Defense spending. No one seems to realize the same thing is now happening to America. We are spending so much on Defense, while gutting all the things that help our PEOPLE like Healthcare and Infrastructure, and we are ANGRY!
Something is wrong with these 3 people in the WH.
They seem very sick; not just weird-mentally ill. They are far outside normal social behavior.
Does the money do this or did they start out this way?
They can’t seem to get enough $1k bills to stuff in the hole where their soul is supposed to be
If Trump is unable to protect the constitution, why we don't see any people in the street? They was more people for George Floyd death than a man who is weakening USA for his own profit.
Basically all the military bases we have around the world are hosting Russia/Russian assets now. Something I am sure they NEVER thought would happen. They should cancel treaties and kick out the US. The Russians gained foothold in many countries in one fell swoop
Nothing naive about Trump concessions to Putin. He’s either taking instructions as an agent, adding more to or adding another grift, keeping the secrets that Putin knows from exposure
I’ve been asking this question for 8 years: When will enough become enough? And when enough becomes enough, what, at long last, will the enough-is-enoughers do?
Putin is already trying to come up with a name for his soon-to-be Eastern Hemisphere Empire. Meanwhile, Trump is thinking about all his Trump Towers that will cover his Western Empire. But Putin will rapidly annex much of that while Trump is busy with photo ops and golf.
We all know the felon hates Zelenskyy for not spreading his gossip. It became worse when he was impeached for this. Zelenskyy has been on the felons enemy list. Classified docs traded to putin, russia invaded Ukraine. Hate and Revenge, Trump did this.
Biggest disappointment for me was hearing v successful finance veterans talking about Trump’s strength & that under him the US would fare much better from a national sec perspective vs Biden
This came from real respected leaders in my industry of finance
WW3. He started it. UK says they may put boots on the ground. Planes in the air, and told us stand down. We aren't negotiating for UKR. So I guess it's Putin and Europe now.
Ma'am, where are our former presidents and vice presidents? Why are they not speaking out? To hell with protocol,these are different times. It seems the only one with half a spine is Pence and he hasn't said anything about this. Wake the formers up for us, you have direct contact with at least one.
As I was saying, I admire your dedication to law and order and democracy. You are what other politicians should aspire to be. Nothing creepy or weird. Just needed to tell you that you are appreciated and admired. I'm Canadian BTW. Thank you so much for being moral and ethical. Such a rarity.
Throughout the last decade, I prayed for a Republican to be brave enough to stand up to Trump. You and a couple of handfuls of others answered that prayer. Thank you for your character and courage, Liz!
The biggest question is when will the Republicans in Congres get a spine, stand up straight, speak up & speak out against everything going on. Until that happens, our hope is the midterms if, in fact, they're free & fair!
Donald Trump, JD Vance, and Elon Musk have made clear who they are. Only fools - or Kremlin tools - would abandon NATO, side with Russia, and demand Ukraine surrender in the face of Putin’s brutal aggression.
So what are YOU going to do about it? You must still have friends in Congress who can influence matters. Help block the insane policies and delay the merely stupid ones. Perhaps even have a word with their security details? If Putin succeeds through this we’re all toast.
President Zelenskyy should not trust Trump, Vance, Rubio, or anyone else who is on the side of Russia. It is a good thing that he left without signing away his country's mineral resources. He was correct not to be bullied by the lying fascists, none of whom who are not fit to shine Zelensky's boots.
Why are the rest of our party not speaking out? We do realize Russia has infiltrated every aspect of our govt and military. We need to get rid of the Rissian agents and its almost too late. Elections are hacked. We won't succeed that way. Republicans need to understand it's Russia at the helm.
They are not fools. They are assets. They know what they are doing because they think they are untouchables and no one is capable of doing or going against them
If they were merely fools, that would be bad enough. I'm afraid it's worse than that. It's clear they are betraying their country and their people .. for money.
Don’t you ever speak with former colleagues in the Senate? Are they okay with this? They think laying on their stomach and just taking it up their 💩-hole from MAGA is okay now? Selling out the entire country!! I hope you follow historian @heathercoxrichardson on Substack and on the web!
I hear you but I don't think Europe is going to let Zelensky down. They can't afford to ... they don't have an ocean between them and a murdering dictator.
"Could be true"? Just ask the Intl. Conglomerate called Trump Org., what % of it belongs to Kremlin's Oligarchs.
Flattery? Russians were just mocking tRump in Nov. broadcasting Internationally the video with Trump's nude wife, right from Russian TV.
They. Own. His. Ass.
We know Trump has always been in Putin's pocket, but I don't know how Vance can possibly think this benefits him politically. And we all know Vance only cares about what benefits him politically.
Liz is of course one hundred percent correct. Appeasement is a very bad idea. That being said, I'd make sure to change to vote in the republican primary if she ran. One of trump's many sins, is always wanting the other side to be the easiest to beat. You want both sides as good as you can get.
Polite America takes way too long to come up to speed. How long initially did it even take to be generally accepted to call Trump, A LIAR? Failed businessman? Mentally ill? Fascist? White nationalist? A traitor? Still too few people will state the obvious - Trump is working in service of Putin.
Trump will lift sanctions on Putin and that will lead to trump selling weapons to Putin. How much treason will these congressmen on both sides make the American ppl endure before this illegitimate squatter and his thugs are impeached and tried for treason?
Not only has nato been strong since after ww2, the only time article 5 was triggered was after 9/11. Guess what…all our allies had our backs and came to our defense. Now we are going to turn our backs. This is pathetic.
It’s amazing to see a swath of people hail the greatest generation as the hero’s they are and the relative peace that came with the alliance that formed in it’s aftermath, continually root for a conman who stands for nothing but tearing that all down (and getting richer while doing it).
I don’t believe that the Presidential duties include Treason, therefore not immune. This person or persons, and I mean all those involved, need to be literally arrested.
By whom? Trump has sacked anyone who isn't a loyalist. They have played their hand well, almost too well. Trump doesn't have the mental acuity to execute a coup, this well, so who does? Are we focussed on the right person or persons?
US CODE 115: Advocating overthrow of Government. Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
Since he wants to be King, he should be told the story of King Charles I, when he was executed in 1649 for pretty much everything he’s doing except marrying a Catholic Princess. Bottom line it’s going to explode, The hemorrhage needs to stop, Impeachment, yes, but he is not immune to Treason.
Persons, yes, as in everyone who’s actually involved. Trump is too out of it to decide anything. He looks at these Executive Orders as if “oooooh what’s this?” An actual quote. Russian state media was in the Oval Office until someone said oops, you’re not on the list?
More truth: millions of Americans served in WW II to defeat a fascist dictator but now, 80 yrs later, Americans chose a fascist dictator to rule our country. Disgusting!
I totally agree. But if the USA do turn their back, the UK and the rest of Europe will do what's right for Ukraine...I only hope that the people of America see where their 'leadership' is hell bent upon taking them with their (rapidly becoming estranged) friends across the pond ...
At least they will have the moral courage to do it instead of rallying around a failed businessman and his constant desire for affirmation from those too insular or ignorant to have free thought..What if Putin decided to take Alaska (it's next to their border after all ) what would the Americans do?
I have your book. I love it. It breaks my heart that even though I am not a Republican, I’ve been an independent for decades, that your party was hijacked. And now our country has been hijacked. I believe he is the deceiver, the son of perdition causing the falling away. 🙏
Trump will repeat the same lie 1,000x, until it sticks.
Please, Liz, continue to speak the truth 1,000x, until it resonates.
Eventually, momentum will be on truth's side.
And thank you for having a patriotic spine.
(some people are so sensitive about not receiving a TY 😉)
After watching the felon with that continuing weird leg jerking I have come up with a crazy, terrifying thought. He is sick, owes the Russians, before he dies he is giving us away as payment and families safety.
Ok, maybe not that, but he definitely has some medical conditions going on
If America is too cowardly to do it..
NATO’s leaders need to step up and use the surveillance intel we all know they have on trump and Putin to crush them once and for all!
In this very moment, every single American needs to understand that the single biggest threat to Democracy, our Nation and to Society, is this administration pushing our Nation towards Communism. As Americans we must stand up and fight back.
A Navy vet & VA trainer was illegally fired in mass federal layoffs—then won his OSC appeal. He trained vets to secure contracts for prosthetics & care—then the VA cut him. He found out through Reddit before HR told him. Is the VA being gutted?
Hey Liz, good to see you here. This is my first venture into social media and I'm 59 years old so I hope this gets to you. I have been commenting on MSN news feeds for a couple years now. I've often said "Liz for Prez!" Never thought I'd get a chance to speak directly to you. I admire your(2b cont)
We pay the lions share of NATOs bill. NATO does not support this president and his policies. It makes sense to start new alliances with countries that share our world views of peace and prosperity.
Shut the fuck up troll. Trump already picked his new alliances when he voted with North Korea, Russia & Iran in the recent UN vote. You love Russia so much, move there.
And Project 2025, a fascist group of terrorists w/ a plot to overthrow our government. Kevin Roberts loves his dictators & J.D. Vance loves his father-figure Kevin Roberts.
Are you a member of the Heritage Foundation, Congresswoman? I know it was common for GOP members before it became what it is.
Trump and Vance are in over their heads, they panicked in the room, they have already surrendered. Trump and Vance are out of their depth, endangering every American, they should be driven from office.
We in Canada must work with our allies, including the EU, to ban any business with Musk companies and treat this as the serious national security threat that it is. This is now an urgent concern.
And with President Musk recommending that the U.S. leave NATO and the U.N., the orange idiot is sending this Country straight into Putin’s hands. Not to mention Kim Jung Un, Xi Jinping, Nicolas Maduro, etc.
Among other fallout, no pun intended, is that Germany is now going to acquire nuclear weapons. Maybe other European states will as well. And Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia and others will be taking notes.
Trump, JD, MAGA and low-information non-voters could not care less.
Now that the E.U. has decided to give Zelenskyy not only money but boots on the ground and want to make a deal on the minerals, what do you think Putin will have to say about Trump grabbing defeat out of the jaws of victory? We have a fool sitting in the Oval Office.
Exactly- he doesn’t get ahead because he’s a genius. He gets ahead by not abiding by our social contract or rule of law. Almost anyone could succeed under those conditions but most don’t because of decency (which him and Trump see as a weakness to exploit)
Post this on X or speak to republicans you are preaching to the choir. We despise dumb Donnie and wish someone would throw him out of office
We are sick of the shit show and desperately want a real president. His house/senate are spineless. Threats to them need to come from outside congress.
Thank you for speaking the obvious truth when so many members of your party are cowards and would rather play into RUSSIAS hand and not worry about a primary?! Like what the actual fuck. None should hold office if none are willing to represent America and stand for democracy and bend to trump.
How are not more republicans mad about this. Why won’t any of them say this is wrong. Rubio looks like he wanted to melt into the couch but instead came out to insult Zelenskyy! We fall every Republican that is keeping quiet needs to take part of the blame.
I'm just waiting for the very first time in American history. that we would put a President and his cabinet members along with the Republican representatives in jail. Because they wouldn't do anything to stop the destructive ruining and ripping off of our nation.
The complete abdication by Congress is almost (and may be) worse than Trump’s abandonment of Americas moral stand. He is either enamored (at best) or compromised at worst. They are rolling over for fear of losing their “jobs”. Thousands have died, they won’t stand up to a mean tweet!
Trump must wonder why on earth Hollywood has made so many war movies where the low-budget-losers won out over the tough-guys with the expensive jackboots and leather jackets.
It’s just unbelievable. After the Vance attack and Trump’s deranged rant demanding total surrender it has just strengthened Europe’s resolve and open up a huge market to China for rare earth minerals.
An American vet here... it turns my stomach to now realize that if D-Day were to happen now, America would be the one's on the cliffs shooting and killing the Allied troops. Absolutely disgusting and horrifying to know our government has flipped sides, and are now the fascists and Nazis.
My father nearly died in the d day operation. He was never physically or mentally the same after. If he was still here seeing this happen, it would rip him apart.
People have forgotten our history and the death and destruction that came with it
It took my son over ten years to somewhat recover from two years of combat in Afghanistan. We lost a lot of soldiers, but we never lost a skirmish. My great-grandfather came here from Sweden. I am beginning to think he should have stayed in Gotland where at least they know who the evil side is.
The POTUS and VP are working at the moment very hard to find a strategy and solution to end the Ukraine war.
One is golfing ⛳ the other one is skiing⛷️
Shall we pray? “Dear Lord, thank you for this food we are about to receive. We are grateful for your provision. We ask that you would bless this food and continue to guide our family along your path. In the name of your son Jesus, Amen.”
My dad fought in WWII and Korea. He was a lifelong Republican who loved his country. He would be sickened at what is happening. I’m thankful he is no longer around to see this travesty.
Don't you wonder why there are no televised meetings between Trump & Putin? None. Somehow I don't think Putin is the one grovelling. It seems Mr Trump truly longs for The Nobel Peace Prize a lot😏The bullying of President Zelensky has hopefully ended that nonsensical dream.
That's why Trump is a danger to the American people.I didn't vote for him, but that no longer matters because it is what it is. If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.
Do you really think Trump’s concessions are naive (I mean, other than his foolish belief that Putin respects him and will spare him)? It seems everything he’s doing is weakening the US, and now Hesgeth has paused cyber ops against Russia? No, Trump is working for Russia; we’re all in grave danger.
It is like the Hitler-Stalin pact. In this instance, Putin plays the role of Hitler, and Trump/Vance the role of Stalin, and will be pulled over the barrel by Putin.
Been a shitshow for a long time. I was a Republican voter until after the first Trump term. For note I’m 41. I wish I would have paid attention to history a little better back then
YES! Communism (authoritarianism supported by terror) is an EVIL system. Reagan was spot on when he called the USSR and evil empire. Putin is nothing but a communist thug with not even a gloss of “ideology”
Would anyone know that CoreCivil is a for profit prison corporation?
Do we know that there are two Amazon facilities adjacent to their Otay Mesa Correctional Center?
Every member of Congress knows our peril. Make them declare for the Heritage Foundation or the US of America publicly. Trump is in direct defiance of our Constitution so call a special election of the entire Congress: all parties, vote yes or no, each vote counts as a vote, no electoral college.
I hear you, but your pops emboldened Putin. When a superpower intentionally breaches territorial sovereignty, it gives license to others to do the same. I’ll never forget Putin’s smug face after we invaded Iraq, against the will of allies. Don’t you remember Cheney & Co. questioning the alliance?
I disagree with her on virtually everything, and I’d support most Dems over Cheney. But the thing about Cheney is that she’s comfortable with people disagreeing with her. She Is honest and has principles, and she doesn’t back down. I admire her greatly.
We don't all have to agree on everything, but when it's time to stand up for morality and ethics,she stood fast and loud and held her ground against so many attacks. People like her make America great.
She doesn't have principle if she wants to deny women their basic human rights like the rest of her fascist party. She's rabid anti-abortionist. Just because she's against mango tits does not make her a good person.
okay.. you can go with maga republicans.. who are full on handmaid's tale ... let's get out of the weeds on this stuff.. ask the Arab-American community how their "protest vote" went with Jill Stein.. maybe they can help build the trump resort in Gaza..
If you are a democrat you disagree about more than you agree. Read Heather Cox Richardson’s recent ‘letter from an American’ where she succinctly describes the Republican policy stance. When you do you will see that their policies have led to where we are.
Add me to that list. Respect comes in many ways. You earned my respect when you stood up to him in 2021. And you continue to earn it by standing up to him today.
The POTUS and VP are working at the moment very hard to find a strategy and solution to end the Ukraine war.
One is golfing ⛳ the other one is skiing⛷️
S.O.S. The USA has been taken over by the Russian mafia. They now have access to our military, nuclear sites, & all data. It's clear Kraskov is going to implode the USA & NATO. Fellow Republicans, your call to duty is now. We have been invaded. Immediately, impeach or know your place in our demise.
We’v already crossed into authoritarian territory. I don’t think Trump was joking when he said —if you vote for me this time, you’ll never have to vote again. I think that’s the plan. Every disgusting cruel self-aggrandizing thing he has said, he’s followed through on.
Ms. Cheney, Trump has been an ally of Putin for decades. He has succeeded, with the help of Putin, Musk and other wealthy and influential members of the far right, in turning the United States into a dictatorship closely aligned with Russia.
If someone wanted to undermine America in every way they couldn't do a better job than the current regime.
They are traitors, and those who don't see it are traitors, too, or just fools.
Until the 🤡 is removed unfortunately America needs to be removed from conversation and isolated since we are going to be isolated with his tariffs war on the world
He needs to also stop whining about loosing for the last 8 years. Life is hard unless you’re a spoiled rich fool
True, Putin’s actions highlight the importance of strong alliances like NATO, and American leadership has been pivotal in shaping global security and freedom, even as international affairs remain complex.
People apparently need to be educated about this. There should be some way of being able to broadcast for a half hour on one of the big three networks the danger of all that Trump is doing.
EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US... those that are against the trump, musk agenda should BOYCOTT the state of the union address... DON'T ATTEND! DON'T WATCH ON TV (which would make for ANTI-GOOD TV ratings) for the liar in office.
They either do not understand or care about how ensuring freedom and promoting democracy around the globe benefits and aids in our national, economic and geopolitical security.
why are we not demanding a forensic audit on the election??? People have said there is an audit happening. Is there? Why won't dems update us on anything? We're in the dark, scared about what is happening around us and to us. We need to have them disqualified for cheating.
It seems NATO has the ability to act without the consent of Trump. And Turkey has relieved its internal conflict with the Kurds. A new and stronger NATO may possibly be born out of the ashes of Trump's latest conflagration.
When you first decided to stand against Trump and go full force into holding him accountable for J6 I was deeply suspicious. Over time I have seen you consistently show up with principles and courage. It is now to the point where I wish there was someone, anyone on the left as apt as you.
I left the conservative movement because of it's stances on race, homosexuality, women, and religion. Now it seems like the only people who understand the stakes and have the ability to address the reality of our current predicament are those who have also left the Republican Party.
The Right is very quickly, loudly, and brazenly turning this country into an autocracy. The Left is a joke in its non/feckless responses. I am now looking to people like you and Kinzinger as the last remaining hope. The political figures I agree most with when it comes to Democracy are you and him.
It is so ironic, and at the same time so manifestly American that as a democrat I find myself looking to former members of an opposing party for leadership, perspective, and insight. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be? Isn't that what makes American extraordinary?
Yes. This. And when we do take it back, however we have to, it’s time to start progressing this economy for the betterment of all. I’m sick of doing so much and getting shit on, can’t afford housing because rent is so insane. Almost can’t afford food. All we want is happiness. All of us.
I love the fact that American vets are now speaking up. It’s clear the Republican Party has know clue the sway vets have on society. They know traitors
Aren’t muskrat personal security guys were deputized by the federal marshals so there is that. I don’t believe there is one part of the government that has not been installed with loyalists at this point.
Try this line please: "trump and Vance melted down in the oval office when Zelenskyy criticized Putin because they don't like anyone challenging their boss."
And here’s the new truth. It’s time for Europe and NATO to move on from the US. The Trump admin has again shown the world the United States cannot be depended on. It’s time our allies accept that, and leave us behind.
Also true: 1994 Budapest agreement for Ukraine to eliminate their nuclear armaments in exchange for security assurances from the US, UK, and RUSSIA that its sovereignty would be respected. Both the US and Russia have since reneged on that deal.
Here’s some more truth. The US is a terrible neighbour ruled by thugs, bullies, racists, misogynists and incompetents. You have lost ANY respect you had from the majority of the world. Of course maybe your new friends Russia, Hungry and Argentina will make up for that. Happy economic collapse
Here is another truth. One man, a life long criminal, is being blackmailed by a foreign adversary, and a whole political party is falling in line. What the fu*k is treason? Somebody please explain!
U.S. Secretary of State Rubio sat in the Oval Office with President Zelensky, POTUS and VP this week, didn’t repeat a word of his 2014 U.S. Senate speech on Russian invasion of Ukraine. His lack of honor and integrity in the oval have made him Saturday Night Live laughing stock!
I do appreciate her repudiation of trump, but based on her past history, she is still a far cry from the POTUS that we need now. Though, she would be a vast improvement from the current trash.
Thank you so much for speaking out. I am at the other end of the political spectrum from you, but your love of country over party inspires me. I feel so badly for you that your party has abandoned its principles. I have always found Trump embarrassing, but Friday I was embarrassed to be an American.
Ukraine should sign its rare earth deal with a trusted Ally like Canada, UK, France or Germany. The best lesson for Trumpsters would be to watch that Orange Turd lose a deal that would benefit the US. Time for the world to show America we don’t need them. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
Even though I have often disagreed with you politically, I have the highest respect for you for standing up to this orange malevolent dictator America has put in our White House. Thank You.
Joe Biden led our Nato allies in fighting back against Russia's invasion, and now Republicans are siding with Putin and supporting his invasion of Ukraine.
I really admire your leadership. While I’m a democrat at heart, you have my utmost respect for your positions on this sleazy administration and the defense of our Constitution. Thank you and please continue to speak up. What’s going on now is not the country I’ve known for 47 years.
Madam Cheney, please call a press conference and rally us Americans to fight against this corrupt regime currently ruining our nation! Please make yourself visible and heard and return to politics!
It's up to us. You, me and everyone else who shares both our despair and disgust. I am resolute in my convictions and beliefs. And I will proudly strand with my fellow citizens on 3/4/2025 and my flag high!
Jessica Craven at Chop Wood Carry Water is an excellent resource with info, action items, zoom meetings, videos, etc. scroll all the way down for actions in various states:
The rest of the world should stop doing trade with the USA until
dump is out of office. I think it will hurt the rich in the USA more than anyone else. It might give his voters the slap upside the head they need too.
NATO was created on the backs of those who fought in WW2 and Hitler! We must defend our allies and democracies fighting invading evil dictators! The US majority stands with Ukraine! Putin is the WH puppet master!! We must fight!!
As a Canadian, now that President Trump has rendered toxic generations of friendship and issued a direct attack on our sovereignty, other than NATO and real Americans, what else protects us?
His some truth your dad is still a huge prick and he laid the ground work for this bullshit fascist take over. You got voted out for a reason you are no help, unless you explain to white people they are the problem because of how your father laid the ground work for this
She got voted out in the Wyoming primary because she stood up to the GOP's nonsense and served on the Jan. 6 commission. Unknown state senator Harriet Hageman ran against her and won.
Yes the beast her father created ate her face. The only good these people would do for our country is sit on line and condescend like they have some moral high ground.. they didn’t do the work necessary to stop trump in the first place. They need to go tell the white people they are the problem
Please tell me there are intelligent adults working tirelessly behind the scenes to stop this fascist takeover…
We are hitting the streets, we are fighting…we need help from within the White House hellscape…
Here's the rest of that truth. Putin said NATO in Ukraine is a red line. (Think Cuban missile crisis) if you do that, we will take back parts of Ukraine. The NATO globalists scoffed, and here we are today.
Until an ex KGB officer compromised the entire Republican party. Remember the DNC email server hack? The RNC server was also hacked by the Russians, but never released.
Could you speak to the gravity of the firing of the 3 JAG’s Friday evening, I’m afraid it isn’t getting the attention it deserves. Thank you for your service!
Offensive cyber operations against Russia have been stopped, if that isn't an indication Trump and his asshole minions have not been bought off, I don't know what is. Mobilize and take your country back.
…and to state the obvious link to everyone in the US: peace in Europe is directly related to the growth of the economy (since 1945) & therefore to your current 401k. Chaos in the global order will impact the markets and your ability to retire when you planned. Worth it to you, for the TV moment?
To all the GOP former defense hawks who were anti-Russian until Trump got elected, and now they’ve suddenly done an about face and are kissing Trump‘s ring in order to keep their political careers, vs US security - we will never forget that you sold out. WE’LL NEVER FORGET! You’re gone in 4 years.
Here's some more truth: The US has the most powerful military on Earth. Under Trump, the US can no longer be trusted to adhere to any agreements. Without that trust, the military strength is worthless and reliance on it is dangerous. The US should be kicked out of NATO for that reason.
Hi Liz - Hope you are well. I’m a 60+ professional; a white guy who stands a degree or true left of true center. Glad to be part of the “normal people” revolution with you. As Flavor Flav says, Fight the Power!
Putin appears to have conquered your country so easily with his orange puppet and the army of Quisling Republicans.
What a weak nation. Truly sad to see.
Thanks Liz for being on the right side of history.
- btw, you're still welcome to come visit Canada anytime. We're still very polite to good people from America, it's the red-hat trumpy Putin worshipers that we no longer tolerate.
Is there nothing in the constitution to stop this traitor?
I say, the US military who swore an oath to the constitution not a king, seize power. Throw trump and Vance in a holding cell. Deport Leon musk and freeze all his military contacts. All republican senators & governors who supported
The sane right needs to organize a sanity party. The GOP maintains power because because moderates are propping up extremism. A new centre right party based on traditional conservatives values would thrive, leaving the GOP as shrivelled rump lead by a Trump or two.
Also; Don is a willing Russian Agent and along with an impotent GOP, has decimated American Democracy, decency, the Rule of Law, and Leadership. FUCK THE GOP
I'm sorry to say that some more truth is that your country's administration is walking away from all that as we speak. Even if Europe and the sane world become stronger, it will take the strength of Republicans to stand against this. Unfortunately, nobody around the world believes this will happen
Here are some more truths: Zelenskyy has more man in his little toe than every male in the Trump administration. Any goal Trump had in trying to demoralize Zelenskyy and Ukrainians has backfired! Oops!
I don’t agree on a lot of your talking points. But thank you for your service to our country. And standing up against the corrupt fascist king. Keep up the good fight.
Here is a sad fact. We have the weakest president, national security team, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the most dangerous time in recent history. This failure of a president will prostrate himself in front of Putin because he is compromised.
What bothers me just as much is trump, vance and the entire so-called journalists there actually laughing at President Zelensky because he 'didn't wear a suit'. And the poor guy just had to take it because he REALLY needs our help. 😢
I agree. I wanted to cry for Zelensky watching that press conference. I was incredulous at how rudely he was being treated, but in hindsight, I shouldn't have been surprised.
It was a set up. I'll bet dollars to donuts that he was disrespected, in one way or another, from when he arrived in DC. Ftrump is that kind of (fill in the blank)
So help us: how do we help the rest of the world keep NATO strong and resilient while our resident fuck up plays around with his power? I appreciate how everyone is making statements and condemn nations, but what is the action? What is the action?
I think they are heading towards their own Alliance, they did step up to the plate and most of Ukraine's material support is coming from NATO other than the US
Abandoning NATO sounds obvious given how much the orange one hates any group of smart people that make him feel stupid. Europe must act now to marshall resources and an Article 5 with conditions that allow Ukraine to have European support. But send those troops NOW.
Please use something in addition to Blue Sky. It was very hard to find you on this and I know many older Americans that just can't navigate this new platform. We need to get your messages out to more people.
Additional truth: If Trump acts exactly like a Russian asset, does it matter if we don't have hard evidence that would hold up in a treason trial? His connection and interactions with Putin and the KGB go back many years.
Except for all that crap your dad did that’s enabled your billionaire lifestyle, right? That was not about American leadership or security. That was about power and money.
What do you think it will take for someone like John Cornyn to do what is right for America?? How many times has he said russia is our enemy and now he is silent.
Compromised, words don't cut it anymore, actions. Where is our military?
Grandpa & Daddy were both Republican-Grandpa an Officer aboard USS California BB-44 in WWII & Daddy was Army on The Presidio in SF
They raised me to just be a proud AMERICAN
Blue for me..
They seem very sick; not just weird-mentally ill. They are far outside normal social behavior.
Does the money do this or did they start out this way?
They can’t seem to get enough $1k bills to stuff in the hole where their soul is supposed to be
Serious question: How is supporting Trump's government spending plan (over $4T in debt ceiling increases?!?) not complicit with the appeasement?
This came from real respected leaders in my industry of finance
I have completely lost respect for them all
Your voice is essential in this time. And you are perfectly correct. As you know. Thank you.
Donald Trump, JD Vance, and Elon Musk are on a plane that’s going down, fighting for the lone parachute. Who wins?
America wins!
We are here because Putin owns Trump's debt.
Flattery? Russians were just mocking tRump in Nov. broadcasting Internationally the video with Trump's nude wife, right from Russian TV.
They. Own. His. Ass.
better DJ Shadow than JD Vance, better Donald Duck than Donald Trump...
Chuck Grassley
Joni Ernst
Bill Cassidy
John Cornyn
Steve Daines
James Lankford
Mitch McConnell
They are all tools of Putin. What the hell does Putin have over them? Photos? Threats?
All over USA.
Talk to Republican voters.
Visit their districts, listen to them and their fears.
Is their concern about immigration, overshadowing their cost of living, violation of laws, corruption, education, jobs etc ?
Not everybody joined TrumpMusk cult !
Win them over ♡
Compromised, words don't cut it anymore, actions. Where is our military?
Please, Liz, continue to speak the truth 1,000x, until it resonates.
Eventually, momentum will be on truth's side.
And thank you for having a patriotic spine.
(some people are so sensitive about not receiving a TY 😉)
Ok, maybe not that, but he definitely has some medical conditions going on
NATO’s leaders need to step up and use the surveillance intel we all know they have on trump and Putin to crush them once and for all!
And you knew even then what a snake he was
I don't trust you either
Are you a member of the Heritage Foundation, Congresswoman? I know it was common for GOP members before it became what it is.
We love you, Liz Cheney.
Another "yes, and" is the fact that yes, I'm a lifelong progressive *and* I am very pleased to see you here.
It's always a good day when a badass, whose father would tell me to go fuck myself and make it stick, lets me know I'm not wrong.
Trump, JD, MAGA and low-information non-voters could not care less.
Russians do two things very well and those two things are lying and spying.
We are sick of the shit show and desperately want a real president. His house/senate are spineless. Threats to them need to come from outside congress.
People have forgotten our history and the death and destruction that came with it
Thank you for your service
One is golfing ⛳ the other one is skiing⛷️
~ Hendrik van Randwijk
Trump has never made the case so clear that he is an agent for Putin. He parrots whatever his master Putin directs.
that's why they are telling Trump to fuck off
#Ukraine #Putin’sPuppet
I mean, after that:
Bush 1
Bush 2
Trump 1
Trump 2.0. forever
Stop me when you see someone worth anything
Do we know that there are two Amazon facilities adjacent to their Otay Mesa Correctional Center?
One is golfing ⛳ the other one is skiing⛷️
Trump-Musk and the others must be deleted.
USA is aligned with Russia
They are traitors, and those who don't see it are traitors, too, or just fools.
He needs to also stop whining about loosing for the last 8 years. Life is hard unless you’re a spoiled rich fool
Thank you for speaking the truth and upholding our Constitution, Ms. Cheney.
What would the route out be?
Allies, not at all
He is also increasing the risk of war in Europe and causing economic damage to America’s allies.
We are not thrilled at all
Global influence, economy, military might all in rapid decline under Trump
Are they just too young or just to stupid?
It has to be one of these.
It is our right and duty as Americans to push back on them - HARD.
I live in Colorado. I would very much like to come to WY to meet you to discuss how it can be done. I’m [email protected]
If the Marshals fail, it’s up to us to save it.
You don't have a lot to do right now anyway.
Come on .... You have power you can use for good.
North Korea
Your rally, your voice
Tuesday 3/4
dump is out of office. I think it will hurt the rich in the USA more than anyone else. It might give his voters the slap upside the head they need too.
- "In line with our vision" Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said to Russian state television Sunday.
The new US administration is rapidly changing its foreign policy, now turning its back on the Western world and embracing its old arch-enemy Russia.
Shame on Trump and MAGA! 😡
Hageman is a super wingnut.
#Traitor #25thAmendment
#Felon #RussianOperative
We are hitting the streets, we are fighting…we need help from within the White House hellscape…
What a weak nation. Truly sad to see.
- btw, you're still welcome to come visit Canada anytime. We're still very polite to good people from America, it's the red-hat trumpy Putin worshipers that we no longer tolerate.
I say, the US military who swore an oath to the constitution not a king, seize power. Throw trump and Vance in a holding cell. Deport Leon musk and freeze all his military contacts. All republican senators & governors who supported
since 2025, the USA will never be a country to trust again
Y’all believe RoadKill Cafe Chef 2 🤣😂🤣
His Measles ain’t even GERMAN!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣