I know because I started researching this issue a day after the Nov election
I swear, allowing untrained students to edit influential scholarly journals will be the end of us
I swear, allowing untrained students to edit influential scholarly journals will be the end of us
Why switch to cell phones when you’ve got a good network of landlines?
Then add the hubris of economics, with math fully replaced by rhetoric freed from concern for consequences
Unless they’re also law students, they absolutely should not
Me, finding said articles:
I suspect the apparently willful poor judgment of the @nytopinion.nytimes.com is far more dangerous than the inexperience of 2Ls at any law review. (And I will refrain from rants about how peer review actually works.)
Judges put great weight on law reviews
law reviews are cited a lot more in policy relevant rulings searching for “evidence” than the AER, QJE etc
But what recent theory or empirical argument from the AER has captured judicial attention?
And I'm pretty unsurprised that the AER & QJE aren't widely cited by judges in legal opinions!