Occasionally, groups on Bluesky will coordinate to mass report an account. This may lead our moderators to review the case more quickly, but mass reporting alone doesn’t lead to suspensions. Reports and user behavior are reviewed by moderators, not counted like votes.
Thank you for your attention.
This should be obvious from FB&X failures.
If Bluesky has time to post a obfuscated response then it has time to be honest/direct and naming.
We’re coordinating our efforts to smack down fascism… which has always been a joint venture.
Oy, when I dictated "not see" it came up with…
A neutral party not just anyone with an agenda.
Follows feed? It seems to be down?
Bsky should allow opposing views at the cost of hurt feelings.
Freedom and open discourse happens when accounts can't be shadow/banned unlike @ X/Twitter.
Be nice to question things, science, and history from flat earthing to conspiracy theories.
Am I ask too much?
This must be an absolute nightmare for Moderators
They really don't actually care about the safety of the people who are the reason this site ever took off (queer people and sex workers)
I appreciate the valuable information and your thoughtful engagement with users. Warm greetings!
And I’d like to take my account private.
And sometimes you don’t know something needs to be fixed until it happens.
@jay.bsky.team are you aware of these concerning events?
Bluesky is suspending starter pack accounts:
and demanding users SHOW ID after being suspended by MAGAt bots:
There’s no censorship for mass-flagging other than a warning. And users should be able to disable the warning labels if they wish (not for the labeled account but the user viewing them)
I don't use it. I was just honestly impressed she was up on current affairs.
Should I be aware of a limit? Once a day, once a week?
And starter packs make it easy to build followers fast.
What about limiting the packs both in numbers to follow and how many packs allowed posted.
The one time I objected was when someone shoved me in some generic Dems starter pack - you know the ones I mean - neither at my request nor with my permission.
I got nigh on a thousand new followers in two days.
Don't get me wrong, I'm on their side in that I'm no MAGA fanboy. Quite the opposite. But the mentality that says 'big numbers of followers = good' doesn't often come with political acuity.
Aka: thisguy has added you to Cool People Pack, Accept or Decline.
Idk. I have hard times understanding rules if there’s grey areas.
I was once suspended by Twitter accidentally and I had to set up a ghost account to plead to Twitter employees to investigate. Hopefully that wouldn’t be needed here.
The same with MAGA that are on here I don’t like that 1 report does nothing it equals to laziness
What it means is no matter how few or many people report something, it will be looked at by a human before action is taken. More reports may prioritize a review.
Automated action is only taken against suspected spam/fake/bot accounts, otherwise they could never keep up.
The last thing i am is a bulky so alk anyones reports on me wont find anything bad said by me because im not i dislike bullys.
Message me someone whos safeguarding bluesky i just want them to leave me alone /
Please Please make a button/feature/sort, so that we can SEE the folks who do not Follow back (or have Unfollowed us). Instead they are just lumped in with thousands of Followers…making it too hard & time consuming to Unfollow them.
Thank you!☮️🫶
Because there are a ton of people calling to mass report others, and when a popular account does this, its grotesgue.
Its harrassment and bullying.
tbh bluesky deleting so much Palestinian accounts just because they are Palestinian feels much like Ethnic Cleansing
there are other accounts following much people, for example US-americans
yet they don't get deleted
there are AI bot accounts who literally like random posts with
there are other fundraising accounts that also not get deleted en mass like the Palestinian fundraising accounts are
they only have second and
and if the problem is the "begging" comments? that's much like suspending beggars from the street because of the inconvenience they pose on bypassing people
if fundraising for survival is against your TOS then your
i DMed with a bunch of users on bluesky and it just feels sick to my stomach to see 90% of conversations i had with palestinians get the "account deleted leave conversation" button
i spoke to them. listened to their situation. these are not fake.
Hopefully this is the right link: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:b6do3ymsbfepjsg76hultain/lists/3lg5fhvuxmb2z
Bluesky thinking extremely slow if it takes 5 min to repost anything.
how is this porn in any way ???
but yet got flagged for being so.
first: its a drawing. secondly its a religion. 3rdly .
filters filter anything showing a little skin really.
fix filters please Bluesky.
If you are trying to bump, have the courtesy to delete the previous incarnations, thnx.
But, I suppose you’ll just report me because I’m not behaving how you, specifically, demand I should.
I never report anybody for anything.
but i wouldnt call it spam as per say. because then the exact same should be repeated 3 times. according to early definition of spam.
Monty Python - Spam Song (Official Lyric Video)
I just have a sarcastic style, and sometimes people don't realize they are doing that. No worries.
Because boy howdy, I have reported some real winners like @anticapitalistarmy.bsky.social and nothing has been done.
FYI, all, do not visit that profile unless you want blatant antisemitism and a Nazi pretending to be leftist.
you are so much worse than I thought
Thank you for the reassurance!
It feels so right here 👏😍