BREAKING: A federal judge in Maryland has just barred DOGE from accessing Social Security, saying the group is on a "fishing expedition" that jeopardizes people's personal data.
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NEW: Judge Hollander ruled that DOGE was granted unusual access to non-anonymized social security data and could not identify any basis for that degree of access.

She wants access limited, installed software removed and data taken out of SSA destroyed.
Judicial Black Robe Coup D'etat
Finally. Gratitude to Judge Hollander. 🖖
Send the doge boys to El Salvador please
The doge bag boys already took the info. They’re not of the good and honest kind to do what you said, but we truly appreciate the effort because we don’t have much else right now.
Thank you, Judge Hollander. Now let's see if they actually do as she says. 🗽🇪🇺🇺🇦🌻
Will it happen?
Time for the judges to order special masters to follow what orders doge and trump do follow and more urgent the orders they do not follow. They hope to buy time and take the court's eye off the ball until the order fades into oblivion.
Who granted unusual access? Why?
We all want very limited access to if not NO access to our SocSec information in detail. NO access. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. Nope. Ixnay. Nein. Uh uh. Nee. Nej. And so on.
Good luck with that but at least the judge is fighting for our rights.
Great! How's she gonna enforce that?
DOGE: "Yeah, you are going to have to go ahead and talk to payroll about that..."
What happens when the regime ignores the ruling?
"data destroyed"
Just wondering how THAT is gonna work.
There is absolutely no way to know that our data will be destroyed...

My immediately worry: When is Musk going to shut down the SS offices and then cut off our SS checks?
SCOTUS won't let that happen. I KNOW, I KNOW, but Roberts & Barrett are pretty freaked out at this point and if THEY want to keep their jobs and the whole court in tact-they have to stop him.
They helped make this monster, don’t think they really have much to stop him
Agree. I'd like to believe they're freaked out, but they have enabled this sh*t
I thought the plan was to privatize SS and Medicare.
That info is 100% in the hands of foreign powers.
100% possible but not likely. I think the Judge should go further and declare DOGE legally liable for any identity fraud, stolen funds, or anything other criminal act related to this data being mishandled.
Love it, but again, enforcement…
When/ if we get thru this circus, we need to update the constitution with consequences & who carries them out. Write in real ones: 50% assets, + 10 y in prison + no media access & can never hold public office of any kind. You know, real repercussions
Too late
Good on her. But also, good luck with that!
How is she — or anyone — going to enforce it?

Plus you would need people observing DOGE removing software and destroying the data they took, otherwise how do you know whether they complied? Does anyone think that’s going to happen?
Oooooooooh I am sure he will comply. You cannot put this back in the box. But you CAN put musk in jail.
I hope they heed these orders
the order allows arrests and convictions if they do not follow the judges orders doge isn’t the only one that brings in young hackers they certainly are not elite nor can they hide what they do to a system and when. especially when your talking about cobol software which is my generation programming
Mine too and I can’t remember it anymore. So the Govt employees have the upper hand
well i’d say we are not out of luck yet ;) Just maybe a bit rusty with it.
Rut roh
It's too late. They've got the data and Lord knows what they are doing with it.
Installed software? WTH?
Yea. A couple of weeks ago they broke in and installed new software
What software? Was it vetted (rhetorical)?
Sorry, that was Dept of Treasury, which sends the payments to SS recipients
It's hard to keep up on what's going on which is their intent.
MORE: Judge Hollander called it ironic that DOGE demanded anonymity for their staffers but “did not appear to share a privacy concern” for people whose data could be exposed at Social Security.
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Criminals always hide their identity, Musk & his Doge staffers are criminals
Read these books by Dr. Bandy X. Lee: The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump and her follow up book: The More Dangerous Case of Donald Trump. Psychiatrists discuss the truth of his mental condition which demonstrates his severe mental illness.
The 10 we know of...
How to get their names in the public record as they are employed by the gov. Freedom of information act?
And she noted the outrage over 200 people’s SSNs being exposed during yesterday’s release of the JFK files to underscore Americans’ sensitivity to their data being protected by SSA.
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Another District Court Judge attempting to legislate from the bench.
Velikovsky was wrong about everything, you know.
What have you ever been right about, pray tell?
I love the judges are doing their jobs.
But they aren't, really. They issue rulings, but do nothing to enforcing the following of those Court Orders (contempt) when fuckface doesn't obey.
Wait. Wtf? I've had my credit locked down for two years because of all the data hackers out there. I don't need my own government to shit on me too.
You mean Putin’s government.
Incompetent criminal administration
Can we just beat these losers up?
Everyone is afraid to like or repost this because of retaliation in the new era of absolute freedom of speech.
I don't give two damns if I offend the thought police. I'm a lesbian who is also neurodivergent. They can kiss my ass.
You're free to say what you want, but it just proves their point that the Democrat party is filled with hate and violence.

People don't realize that every laptop DOGE is issued has super strict policies and is keylogged and monitored. This is all for show. Interns and consultants have same access.
Did Judge Hollander also order the barn door locked, several weeks after the horse had fled?
Elon is forcing the use of his Ai and whatever else so he can charge another lifetime fee. He's not worried about TESLA if he has never-ending products and services being used by the agencies of our government! His greed led him to this. Military contracts were not enough. #unityVSoligarchs
This administration and their talking head loudmouths are going on a witch hunt of their own, claiming federal judges should not weigh in on federal issues that break federal law.

They're trying to push through a bill in congress that tells fed judges to only rule on cases in their courtrooms.
Will they obey or ignore … constitutional crisis
Ignore. Its Project 2025 to the letter.
Such total incompetence by the WH
This is so dumb. You can get anyone's SSN, who has died greater than 10 years back, on Their database has over 90 million SSNs available to view.

Where is the outrage there? What a joke. This is to scare people and it's working.,within%20the%20past%2010%20years.
The outrage is the fact that the people whose numbers have been exposed are still alive and are affected by these events. For some reason you're talking about dead people, who are completely irrelevant here and have no stake in this whatsoever.
Because they are dead.
Yea, I thought everyone was dead by now. So there were two people still alive and Kyle's talking about 200 people. So is it 200 people or 2? I can't tell anymore because so many people embellish the truth to rile eveyrone up.
What happened to expose SSNs?
Thanks for your comment but I’m not understanding what you are saying.
Numerous Social Security numbers — including those belonging to a U.S. ambassador, congressional staffers and intelligence researchers — were revealed to be included in the trove of J.F.K papers released.

Answering my own question!
The “not (yet)” is great.
Can't she also put some of these people in jail for illegally accessing our data?

I want everything she ordered, but there also needs to be personal accountability. They need to start arresting these DOGE minions.
You're going to have to arrest millions of users then. This is public data. You people are clueless about how tight the security is on those laptops. They are being monitored by a security team. Every keystroke and full audits are happening.,within%20the%20past%2010%20years
Seems to me that someone will go to jail and I hope it’s the little bro boys he’s let run wild.
Shouldn't we have the right to know exactly that software they installed?
Exactly 💯
I’m sure a lot of us have had our info sold six ways til Sunday by these guys on the dark web via Russia
No. You don't have the "right" to know anything. They have a security team that monitors all of that. They know exactly what's on, what can be installed. they know every keystroke they make too. This was all in an affidavit by one of the IT security personnel. This is all for show.
Plus, you can view everyones SSN, except those who have died in last 10 years, since it is in the Social Security Death Index. It's public information.,within%20the%20past%2010%20years
What about a FOIA request?
That is a good idea. Now who would be best to ask and get a response?
The data is already with the Kremlin via Starlink.
Who cares. Judges can make whatever ruling they want, and Capt. Traitor Tot and his merry band of misfits will just ignore it.
What's the point? He's ignoring six federal rulings as we speak.. they are not playing by the rules, liberals pull your finger out and STOP THEM
DOGE already has the information and will ignore any judicial orders it doesn’t like.

It ain’t like Congress, SCOTUS or anyone else will stop them or enforce the orders.

Republicans DO NOT GIVE A FUCK about the law.
Hey Kyle, you do great work and I know this isn’t always easy in time crunches, but adding alt text to this would make a lot of people have a way easier time engaging. ❤️
It's too much text for alt text.
Ah fair! I
Anonymous should share DOGE's private info with us. Fair is fair...
This bunch will push as far as “the people” let them. Push back hard!
Didn’t they already breach information though? One can only imagine that they copied files.
Its a very simple thing to write some code to copy entire drives. It wouldn't even show up on a malware scan.

(This presumes the Agency is using modern software at the file level and not something like COBOL) unroll please.
Too late
Too late
Too late
Now what?
Who's to ensure it gets done. Not like any of them can be trusted.
While I love this response, that horse has left the barn and he ain’t comin’ back.
Guaranteed the entirety of the government info system is riddled w/a network of backdoors and unstable code that it will take years, if ever, to get re-secured
Probably so, but put the white hats on it and let them go.
Oh 100%.
Hahahaha. Is someone gonna arrest them if they don’t comply? Because they don’t care what the courts say.
Of course not.

Pam Bondi
The damage is done. Musk got what he wanted and has used/destroyed it.
Holee cow! But how to audit compliance, assuming some attempt at complying?
I hope they follow those orders. I realize the bag I would pack for prison and how much they would let me take in is probably pretty significant.
Operation Ignore the Fuck Out of that Order has been engaged.

They need to arrest every one of those DOGEbags.
Sooner or later someone's going to lose their life....America is at the edge of it's tolerance.
Good luck getting treasonous a****** to comply. The damage has already been done.
Now, we'll have to check to see if they'll obey the judge's orders. If not, we're seriously screwed.
Very smart BRAVE Judge 🎉🙏
I see this as a barn door open/cows already left, situation, but I heartily applaud her attempt to reign in the douche boys
Too late isn't it?
Who's gonna enforce it?
More a manufacturing expedition than a fishing expedition.
It's not about "suspicion of fraud", they don't really care about that. It's about making up a reason to kill it.
I mean, they already have the database. And they, so far, have been able to ignore judges orders with impunity.
And Elon wonders why ppl are burning Tesla cars and Tesla stations and praying on the company's downfall.
It's espionage it's stealing government information and data is information that is espionage and they need to be charged with it put on trial for it and sentence for it all the way up to its maximum penalty which is the death penalty it must be done!
Hes not going to stop he thinks hes above the law and...evidently so do many american.
Oh hes not going to stop but he is going to be stopped&damn the law its not being enforcing on him were not going to care about it being enforced towards us we will rise up&we will throw off these shackles its already being processed to be done &I got news for you not many Americans believe that BS
Ok i agree just stupid americans are going along. But if people rise up he will just declare marshall law.....he wont allow any uprisings. There is only one way to get him out of office and no one has the guts. Believe me im no fan of republicans. Im.just reading the room.
It doesn't matter if he does or doesn't force is the only way to remove a dictator
Yes! I have a shovel...
Told my uncle my job got taken. He went on a rant about immigrants. Had to explain it was DOGE. He’s now arguing with a meme coin.
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They will ignore this court order the same way they are ignoring all of the court orders.
🤣 didn't ICE just arrest a latin woman that came in during obama that was caught with a stolen social security was ordered during Obama era to be removed but for years hid in churches? How did she obtain that SS# in the Obama era?
But is the judge a marxist
About time! Hopefully, this is just the start.
That's like closing the barn door after the horses escaped.
Class action lawsuit, anyone?
I'm sure he's putting in a backdoor to access all the data he wants.
Thank God!!!
I think fElon has aspirations to do more than run doge for tRump. fElon takes more power to himself every day. fElon and Putin also have phone calls. I wonder if they are plotting to replace tRump once he has totally destroyed the U.S. Putin would love to see a foreigner running the U.S.
👍fElon is US startup-like CEO, Rump is his Board Chair. Board is tech billionaire fascists behind coup, & regime: Andreessen, Thiel, Yarvin, Balaji etc. Goal is replace all democracies w/ tech-driven fascistic feudalism globally. They rule, we're their serfs. See
Absofuckinglutely - and if they overthrow the constitution anyone can be installed as president - foreigners included.
Omg...I think you're right
trump is an idiot, an asset thats nearing obsoletion.
Musk has seized power from the inside, to have an alliance with Putin. To all intents and purposes, Musk is the President, and intends to always be. If he and trump are not stopped, the US will be a closed Country by the end of the year.
You’re onto something there. Leon’s former business partner (Neuralink) has a theory - in short, he believes that crusk wants to be emperor of the world, and that his ultimate goal is to rule over all the Americas and beyond. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I think his theory has merits.
You might be interested in #technocracy. Note the land boundaries from Panama to Greenland. Note the dismantling of existing government. Note Musk's grandfather's involvement. Note that businessmen cannot be trusted (oops, sorry Trump).
The smugness of it, t-shirt and all. Some fucked up world we live in, where having a certain amount of $ gets you access and “authority” over all citizens. This shit is not a joke! Look at what’s going on since January 20th.
Thank you 🙏🏾
I just learned about this myself last night, but the details are too identical to be a coincidence. Everyone in this administration has their own personal game plan, and I think others are correct that this is Musk's goal. We need to call out each group and let them destroy each other.
Thank you 🙏🏾
Aye. This is a christofascist confederate coup. Deny, Detain, Defund & #DeportfElon posthaste. #WhiteSupremacyIsTerrorism and is not to be tolerated in our republic for which it stands.
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Could you plz add Pam Bondi? Tks!!
Toodle Pips! 🫡🇬🇧 Them got Bansky’d proper! Rispek!!
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Ooh that’s excellent! 🫡🖼️
🏆 🫲👹✌️
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and I'll be stealing this one! thanks
OiOi! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Y’all!! Overnight: Got bonked & 🔒 for very the same post on Xitter! 🤣 ✌️ Winning!!
🥇🤏👹🤌 #deportfElon WAB!! ❄️
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Where does Shady fit into this plan? I don't think he and his owner from the PayPal mafia would be too happy about this.
Just watch... They will do it anyway.
Thank goodness.
I'm sure he's already gotten all the information he needs on some kind of flash drive or something. It's too late.
Yes, that was the idea.
Good. Except they have been accessing Social Security for a month now. With the full support of the acting head of the agency— the guy who made it possible for them to get access. We have no idea what damage they’ve already done.
It's too late. DOGE already has everything.
Elonia MuskcRata wouldn't know the truth if it bit him in the ass or smacked his stupid fu*cked up ugly face, neither would Mr King my ass who really thinks he is but he is just a moronic stupid bone spurs narcissistic racist rapists homophobic germophobic idiot.
Ever since DOGE started their BS text and email scams have increased in my experience. Once scam knew what prescription my Dr. had just given me and my pharmacy. That really freaked me out.
Mine too!! Phishing. , email scammers. Email supposedly from a reputable financial institution attempted to get me to call about my account.
Good luck with that!! Look what they have already done! They don’t give af about any rulings! He’s a loose cannon!!
When Tyranny Becomes Law, Rebellion Becomes Duty" - Thomas Jefferson
And keep them out.
Better late than never
Closing Door after the Horse has run full speed to the server.
All those systems Have been compromised and data stolen. 59 days too late.
They don’t pay attention to judges. They think they are above the law
Everything they have been doing is "fishing". I still don't trust they won't or have already done so. Who's actually there to stop them?
This is a little late, no?
Glad someone finally said it out loud.
It’s more than fishing expedition. Musk is probably using these databases to train his AI. The system will know everything about us, right down to our tweets, going back years.
Well, who's going to stop these deplorables?
They won't comply BUT still on top of all this I still get a little rush with each win.
That was an unlawful data breach by a group that had not been vetted by congress.

We need an interim basic income if they mess with our incomes.
A weakness of Social Security was them requiring so much dat they didn’t protect very well.

Here’s info on the scam they want to replace it with.
Tell musky I can't be bought with 30 pieces of silver.
Now THIS judge will also face threats and calls for impeachment
But will anyone listen to the judge and if not will anyone enforce the barred access?
Can they we get some physical boots on the ground to enforce this?
But they need to be held accountable
Hell yes they are fishing. Most fishermen/women know where to fish. Even if it’s in their backyard.
Leon and trump have actual wasteful spending that they claim tax write offs. BS the Gov would have more $$ if ya didn’t scam everything. You are cutting what we need for your sorry ass write offs
More pointless obstruction that is going to fail, that’s all this is. Oh and you misspelled “activist”
Now take control of Starlink & SpaceX.

They're resources paid for by the U.S. tax payers and under control of an insane villain straight out of a Batman TV series.
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Are we sure the judge didn't mean "phishing expedition" because I feel like that's an equally valid interpretation for the kind of shit DOGE is up to.
let's try this case to validate if this judge can see the fact fat orange is in office illegally!!
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Too friggin late. Who knows where our info is by now.
A bit late for that, surely?
And who is going to enforce that ruling?
That's questionable.
I know. It shouldn't be, though.
I'm a words person and I think it's important to remember the true meaning of words. For example "law" isn't just something that can be cast aside, neither is democracy or the FBI. The people with integrity, who understand this, they are the ones to look towards.
We're the ones who vehemently object to people who swore an oath to our constitution taking a sledgehammer to it. Words matter to me as well. I'm a writer and it gives me great pleasure to deliver a resounding phuck you to all wielding the sledgehammer. Speak out. Rise up.
Thank you 🙏
They don't listen to judges, do they?
You want data?!
is going #LIVE with
3 PA County Analysis Livestream 7pm EST:

Sign the petition to help us bring publicity for audits! 👇🏽

#VerifyTheVote #Pennsylvania
Now, can we get a class action lawsuit for everyone affected (EVERYONE) by this illegal search against those 10 plus their bosses and the administration? Only seems fair. Say, $10,000 per person in the database. Just enough to deter any future attempts like this again.
Let’s be honezt. The judge’s order should read PHishing. They are just grifters.
That ship has sailed. Delay is victory for #TrumpMusk
Yet another court orders that they can violate without consequence. Cool.
and what’s the judges plan when DOGE ignores the order?
🇺🇸Thank you for sharing this important information. 🇺🇸
Musk, and Trump are ignoring all judges orders. Don’t people get it? We are in the constitutional crisis right now, we’ve been there for weeks. And nobody is doing a fucking thing about it.
Nobody really gets how deeply in trouble this country really is, and close to the end of its democracy.
Now, who is the enforcer of the judgement??!!
And when they inevitably ignore the judge, what comes next? Don’t get me wrong, I think the court cases were the right 1st steps but after weeks of this (some) people are finally beginning to use the term I was berated for using a few long weeks ago. It’s a coup.
YES! I hope this sticks, for God’s sake!
It would be great if the Republican Party could work on finding an ounce of courage or conscience to rein-in Trump and not leave every single thing to the judges
I am assuming they are obeying orders from their king
Why always a temporary order, as oppose to permanent?? Sick of these corrupt MutherFckers.
They will laugh at the judge and do whatever they like. They already have once and are working on ways to toss out judges they deem to be unfriendly.
These kids have names like a bunch released from Russian colleges. Our personal info has already been sold.
It’s too late. 😡😡😡😡😡
Um, one month too late.
They already stole our data, and have access to our bank accounts. Are we supposed to trust that they will honor a court order?
Well, well, well...
Wonderful news! Right now we need every judge in the country to stand strong for us because it seems like our many politicians are cowering in corners, afraid to show their faces! Again!
Talk about locking the barn door after the horses got out….
Hasn’t DOGE already seen and accessed that information?
And sent it god knows where.
And made a thousand backups that will always exist even after it’s ‘deleted’.
Yes and no. IT security experts should be able to track down what changes have been made.
And what are they actually DOING to STOP them other than make orders that no one enforces???
You forgot to put “barred” in quotes. How quaint.
Great news. Where is Congress? DOGE is neither qualified nor knowledgeable in this endeavor. It needs to be stopped.
Congress is basically Republicans. They won't be stopping anything.
Why in the hell aren't these cases listed as expedited?? That's great. But it is way too late! They've already fd up the system!
Since they have it already and won’t comply I say arrest those who did the access so they cant get to the data. No access to computers means no access to info. That might mean all employees of dog. Oh well.
Another court providing injunctive relief from DOGE's destruction of government systems.
Civil courts are tapping the brakes to slow this shit down.
But ultimately it is up to YOU THE PEOPLE to stop DOGE by putting clear and heavy pressure on your elected leaders.
Contact them.
Join a protest March.
Protect us, please.
What great news. I'm relieved, and distressed, and hanging on with both resisting hands.
Proud to live in Maryland!
Well it’s a little too late since they already did it.

But should they wish to start w/the little worm SSA admin Dudek that let them ‘learn’ on the active SSA server & throw his spineless ass in jail I’m all for it

Then find the little muskrats and work up to the top Nazi
Thank goodness. In the several weeks in which they have already been rummaging around getting copies of our data, I'm sure we are all at risk for further hacking.
Are LE complicit in this? Is a federal judge ruling not enforceable immediately? Seizing any and all electronic devices as well that contain sensitive data and a court order to show evidence that anything downloaded to external servers have been destroyed. And as mentioned, a lawsuit against DOGE.
Yes. There have already been reports of security and police agencies helping DOGE gain access to buildings.
In the case of the USIP, local police acted at the direction of the local US attorney's office & the private security agency employed by USIP aided them when threatened w/ the loss of all its federal contracts. But, surely, the local police & a private security agency are subject to a court order?
I'm simply repeating what's been reported.
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Also traitors.
That would be wonderful if it mattered.
DOGE is not right, they are looking for any information they can find to give to their boss then their boss can give it to his vice president and together they can screw the American people. Boss-Elon!! Vice President -Trump😂😅
They all need a nice trip to jail, they know what they're doing is against the law but they just don't give a shit they just follow Elonia MuskcRata & Mr King my ass's orders.
Good, but I don’t trust the Supreme Court to protect Social Security. Public outcry in all its forms is needed.
So, while that's excellent news, I wonder: who's going to physically stop them?
We can give IGs truncheons?
I thought they got rid of all the Inspector Generals.
We can rehire them as new group and call them Ombloodsman.
Lock them up for identity theft!
The question is, will DOGE obey the court order?
Why would they?
DOGE engaged in a phishing expedition for the personally identifiable information of all American citizens? Surprise!
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I recently heard (can't recall source right now) that SS is as lean as it gets. Only 1% of it's budget goes towards administration! That is incredible.
That’s nice, but Trump doesn’t care about the law.
A what?..."federal judge"!?... what's that?

In America the 'Law' is now just a suggestion to be approved or disapproved by his Highness, the king trump!
All hail the king!🙇

Bunch of fucking idiots!🖕🤮
Ya think?????
How do you prove they will delete the info they already stole?
Jesus Christ! Why does all this happen after the fact? It’s time to get in front of this crap.
I thought they got in there already but hopefully not.
Handcuffs already!!
I’ll bet they still show up with guns.
They don't just "jeopardize people's data", they exploit it to the fullest, and sell related services.
Following you Chris 🙏⚖️🇺🇸🇺🇦🌎🕊️
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 thank you!
is There anyone on Earth at the North or South Pole or the inner Amazon jungle who doesn't know why they're really doing this?
God bless him!
Drumpf will be demanding the judge be impeached for defying his (King Trump) orders.
Great, can we extend that block over to the IRS? The Doge bros already have personal data of millions of Americans.
It's great that they were barred, but let's hope that the judge is prepared to use force if the judgment is ignored.
More guns, less education. That’s MAGAs mantra
Thank God!!!
That’s awesome; however, the damage is already done. They’ve had their hands in it for weeks.
They want to sell it to Russia probably...
DOGE is a threat to National Security.
Isn't it already too late?
Some good news - thank you for sharing!
Agree. Finally, thank you, judge.
By barred do you mean they are actually out of the building. So far they don't listen to judges.
Yes, the muskrats need to be escorted out of the building. Do the local police and private security agencies have to obey a judge's order?
Cool! Anyone have the guts to enforce it? Dems aren’t even speed bumps slowing fascism at this point.
They already have it. They won’t delete it.
IF DOGE had been set up by OUR CONGRESS I might agree with their witch hunt BUT being organized by a FOREIGNER with NO blood ties to we the people this DOGE can go suck ;:/&&&&
Oh thank goodness! The Courts are holding the line protecting us from a totally rogue nation.
How long before it breaks?
Or has it already been broken with Bondi refusing to obey a Judge’s order?
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Well said, ha ha ha!
PERFECTION FINALLY someone intervened!!!!’
Too little to late, some Musk Frat boy has your bank account info
No shit.
Isn’t it a little late though?
They already got everything.
In the IT Audit business, we call this insider, bad actor, data theft.
Of course Musk's rats are fishing, but they're also hackers. So, what the fuck are they doing to the code required to run all the departments they've invaded? We have a right to know and I, for one, am fucking pissed.
Rest assured they have not figured out how the software works. Vast complex legacy systems are really hard to examine and understand.
It's one of my job roles to reverse engineer legacy software that generates financial statements.
yes but when will he be arrested and deported?
Deported?? Why is everyone so dumb? He should be imprisoned forever, not free.
Nothing will ever happen to him, of course. (See DJTrump).
The shit show we refer to as "our justice system" is only for those who cannot afford it.
And who support Trump
Is he the main problem? Or the Cheeto Hitler?
cheeto Hitler is deranged and hasn't much time left...he is their main tool, of course.... all of them....
The boycott has been pretty intense for him, if you follow the stock market, he is bleeding right lol, multiple lacerations lol
I hear ya!
That's not going to happen. The US has already slipped into fascism. Unlike some later western liberal democracies, the USA has no system with teeth to stop things like this. The entire government is founded on the weird idea that everyone in government will obey the rules & behave themselves.
Too late.
They already have it all
Okay... but they already have. Now what-- they've no doubt made copies of everything they stole, and how would they ever be trusted to produce and destroy them? This is outrageous, and some dogies need jail time.
Thank you judges, but where is the enforcement?
Good! Stop Musk and doge from destroying our federal agencies. Send him back to South Africa the egomaniac.
As many are stating here, hasn't he already had more than enough time to extract all the data that he could use? He has overtaken every main office. How long does it take to transfer files into the non regulated DOGE black hole if they are 'working' 24-7 and sleeping on the floor (allegedly).
Nothing will happen. Musk will continue to break the law.
He has the promise of an auto-pardon. 😂
By Auto Pen?
Of course!

Because they’re clearly following the law(s) now!!

These left wingers are so gullible!!!
Now they just need to enforce it
can you imagine going just one month without our social security checks, (emphasize on "our"), seventy million people won't be able to pay rent, mortgage, insurance, healthcare, loan payments, car payments, gas, groceries, credit cards, the effects would be devastating -...........
Ok… AND?

Maybe get back to us when all these judges and their court orders actually do something to stop this administration and its destruction. Every day it’s just another judge with another court order but nothing is being done to actually ENFORCE any of them. So maybe let’s start doing that?
That's been my thought for months, ever since they started going after 47 for stuff. On one hand great, I'm genuinely glad that SOME folks in the justice system are still honest. On the other...what does it even matter, when the response is "lalala can't hear you!!!"
Trump already defied a court order and proceeded anyway as if nothing .
Yes, my point exactly.
If they're ignoring court orders like you people who want us all to give up keep saying, my best friend's nephew wouldn't have been rehired by the USDA
EXCUSE ME??😠 Do NOT make statements about me when you know absofukinlutely nothing about me AND especially when I have said NOTHING at all about “giving up”!! So maybe check yourself before attempting to put words in my mouth!?!
March organize March. This morning the neighbors were out and talking, agreeing to March
Out in the street Not Happy
Yeah like DOGE is going to obey the law. It’s meaningless until it is enforced when musk goes to social security.
Great News! Thanks for the update!
A little late for that…
Who's going to enforce the judge's order?
A question we need the answer to.
Thank the powers that be for judges.
They're going to or already have done it. As if they care.
Too little, too late.
If one of those DOGE doogies could pilfer $5000 from a senior's bank account by claiming he's dead, none of them are to be trusted...
Given that they are already ignoring court orders, this seems like a nothingburger.
Too late?
I want them barred in WI too
That's great but who is enforcing these decisions? They already have the info and are doing who the f knows with it.
Doge did this with treasury data, OPM data, and a new ruling has to come out each time.
How do we know that he isn't doing it anyway?
Maryland style!
When are they sending the DOJ or US Marshalls in?
My 15 year old self thanks you, Your Honor.
I am certain that this administration would never try to hide information that were not entitled to opposed to a statute or judge ruling.

Barred how? Did he order law enforcement to evict DOGE? Or did he just write the order in all caps?
Can anyone tell me if these many court orders are having an effect? Are they being complied with or ignored?
Something tells me these horses are long out of the barn and running wild.
Thank you for posting this.
Glad to see federal judges holding and call on Republicans to stand up for democracy. We must not allow MAGA to continue
It's a done deal
Finally! Thank you 🙏
Hope this ruling isn’t after the horses already left the barn
Family members of mine are Marines. Tomorrow, one is being buried. I'm angered the name Marine is being tarnished by Pete Hegseth & MAGA. Is the Marine Hymn still relevant?! First to fight for right and freedom, And to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title Of United States Marine.
I love this for US!
It doesn't matter what laws they break. Their department of justice isn't going after anyone. It's worse than the wild west now.
Too late though?
Does it hold up?
But will they comply. That’s the dangerous part.
Exactly my point
😱 It's too late! They have all of it!!
I'll be shocked if Doge listens to this federal judge.
Shocked, I say.
Well then they need to
assign Maryland State Police or National Guard to protect it because the criminals working with and for Trump and Musk are breaking the laws right and left. They also need to secure the computer servers to keep the South African Nazi and creepy children of the corn out.
I assume someone who goes by the nom-de plume of "Big Balls" is a mature and wizened individual who will treat my data with the respect it deserves.
thats great but weeks too late!