Here’s a novel idea. Habeas Corpus is the corner stone of our democracy and our constitution.They tore both up.Order the prisoners returned for due process. Charge them with contempt. Then, if they refuse, jail the lawyers, or marco. Jail somebody. Set the precedent, maybe other judges will follow!
We must shut down the country on 3/22-23 for 48 hours, and again on 3/25-27 for 72 hours. Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early. We must work stop our airlines, trucking, transportation and retail and industrial manufacturing.
Even if they don't exactly cave, the truth is if Trump openly defies court orders there is no recourse. He can pardon contempt charges and he himself is immune thanks to the Supreme Court. And he has control over everyone who would enforce the orders.
Because the more careful he is with his process, the more chances they receive and fail with, the more rope they are taking to hang themselves with when they try to appeal. If he issued it quickly, they could claim prejudice. I believe he's being slow intentionally, so when the hammer drops it stays
Except this judge is not Garland. If he charges through and pushes forward with something without allowing due process then it will not achieve anything
It’s not going to achieve anything anyway - I’m sorry but the courts are not going to save us. Right now the only thing that is actually working are the Telsla protest.
Until a majority of Americans are willing to make a hard stand together- he will continue to do exactly what he wants. 😖
Apparently it’s a process and this Judge is doing the dance so that when he does hold them in contempt, any appeals will fail. I’m not an attorney but following a bunch to try and learn.
Boasberg is walking a very narrow tightrope. If he says “I want your clients in my courtroom tomorrow at 9:00 am” and they don’t show up, game over. If he charges anyone with contempt and they ignore his rule, game over.
Yes. We need to see what we’re dealing with. If the arrests are allowed then maybe they start to back off. If they resist, it’s a coup and we move forward as if it is a dictatorship.
this isnt a game and that would be the beginning, not the end, unless you mean game over for donald. he cant stand up to millions without a military to support him, one he has been screwing over.
But the bigger problem is, Trump himself is likely immune to any criminal or civil liability due to the Supreme Court ruling. And he can pardon anybody else. And the US Marshals who would enforce it are under his control, not the court's.
I mean, it seems with Trump the judges try to cross every T before imposing consequences to reduce the ways their rulings can be attacked. Also in this case he doesn't have enough info yet to know for sure what happened or who exactly is responsible (which lawyers or admin officials)
Having listened to on podcast, maybe this particular court does not have jurisdiction. I guess we’ll find out.
A century-old relic of wartime fear, the Alien Enemies Act is now back in the courtroom spotlight. As Judge Boasberg takes the bench, history waits in the wings—will we walk forward, or fall back into habits cloaked in legality but shadowed by injustice?
Now ICE is kidnapping and terrorizing visitors from Canada, France, Germany and other countries. Locking them up with no reason for weeks why and not providing any information.
How? The Roberts court made sure he has essentially complete immunity. We are truly fucked if and when he just begins flat out openly ignoring the courts.
Boasberg comes in hot: Wants to know why the lawyer who originally argued the case didn't show up to hearing Monday. He says the filings since have used "the kind of intemperate and disrespectful language I’m not used to hearing from the United States."
The members of this administration come across as cranks much like Sovcits because they're all cranks. The delusional-right has been piling lies onto lies for so long that functioning like someone who could hold a serious job is now impossible.
DOJ lawyer Drew Ensign says he believed Boasberg intended the planes to be turned around when he issued his oral order in court over the wekend: "I understood the intent that you meant that to be effective at that time."
They are obviously in contempt and should be held in contempt till his orders are followed. Every new filing by a new lawyer needs to receive the same.
Is that code for "I understood perfectly well what Your Honour meant, and advised my clients accordingly, so if someone's getting done for contempt it ain't going to be me"...?
Now Boasberg eliciting from Ensign that DOJ/DHS sent him to argue the case Saturday without having any facts about flights. The lawyers for the deportees had more info about the flights than the government's arguing attorney.
How many times can this administration hang their own lawyers out to dry as part of what is clearly becoming a frequent delaying, even obstruction, tactic.
Good question. My bet is they’ll do it until an attorney is held in contempt and then they’ll just send another attorney. They are shameless and don’t care how this affects the attorneys or their image as long as they get what they want - time - out of it.
Until they start getting jailed and disbarred. Then they won’t get volunteers.
The big question is - what happens if he finds his order WAS ignored? What is the punishment? For whom?
(Rhetorical question, thinking out loud), who would EVER take a job as an atty for this administration... it's crime after crime after crime after crime and lie after lie after lie. It's like he's set them up to fail at every turn.
BOASBERG agrees president has "wide latitude" to enforce immigration law and the Alien Enemies Act.
"It is also clear that individuals must have the chance to show that they are indeed members of a class that the AEA defines. My job is to find where the balance lies."
Many of these abductees were not returned to their countries of origin, but were detained by Prison Guards, rather than officers of the Court . Trump is behaving exactly the way one would expect a dime store dictator to act. .
BOASBERG now laying out facts about his original ruling:
"You also understand that my TROs did not order anybody to be released into the United States. They also did not order that the government could not deport anyone via regular INA procedures."
I cannot believe he is wimping out and seemingly going to let them get away with this. Especially now that officials at the ElSalvador prison have stated that none of the men are gang members.
The El Salvadoran president mocked the court, tweeting “Oopsie! Too late!”, with a slick video of the detainees. And the U.S. Secretary of State retweeted that.
They obviously were trying to evade any court order, and they were GLEEFUL when they succeeded. And they haven’t changed their minds.
For an old guy who lives a word away from the USA.
The "presumption of innocence" is a bedrock principle of the criminal justice system. Our legal is supposed to understand that a person accused of a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, with the burden of proof resting on the prosecution.
I think at least one of them was 14 years old, and someone posted earlier that there were also women on the flight and that some of the prisoners were rejected and sent back -I guess to the United States-that’s what I’ve seen in the other comments, I don’t have a link to the evidence
I think it has to be considered because the administration has filed motions demanding it be reconsidered and because TROs are by nature temporary. The plan was always to re-eval within 14 days. The administration sending them away anyway was an unanticipated plot twist.
There was a great post about how each side is trying to find the right case. The DOJ likes this case. Hopefully Boasberg and a league of sane judges figure out which case is worth fighting for to take Trump down.
How can a US agency enter into a contract with a prison and claim it's beyond our jurisdiction and out of the span of our own due process for the contracting agency? That would seem to indicate we have no authority to enter into the contract in the first place.
Garland - no one wants a repeat of that ….
Until a majority of Americans are willing to make a hard stand together- he will continue to do exactly what he wants. 😖
Boasberg is walking a very narrow tightrope. If he says “I want your clients in my courtroom tomorrow at 9:00 am” and they don’t show up, game over. If he charges anyone with contempt and they ignore his rule, game over.
The US Marshalls answer to the Executive Branch, not the judiciary.
If the military is involved, their choice is either to support fascism explicitly, or a civil war/military coup.
You aren't paying attention to all the LOSING.
Thanks, in advance!
DOJ has since said they didn't view it that way.
The big question is - what happens if he finds his order WAS ignored? What is the punishment? For whom?
"It is also clear that individuals must have the chance to show that they are indeed members of a class that the AEA defines. My job is to find where the balance lies."
Boasberg is starting to capitulate.
"You also understand that my TROs did not order anybody to be released into the United States. They also did not order that the government could not deport anyone via regular INA procedures."
I mean, I don't doubt that the lawyers really do understand this.
They obviously were trying to evade any court order, and they were GLEEFUL when they succeeded. And they haven’t changed their minds.
Yes, imprisonment is on the table…
Frightening times.
Is a great resource regarding the laws being broken.
Jesus Christ!