France and the UK, “some random country that hasn’t fought a war in 20 or 30 years.”
The UK lost 457 soldiers in Afghanistan, fighting alongside the US, and 179 soldiers in Iraq.
Hard to overstate what an insult this is to the Brits.
(Also wrong on FR obviously)
The UK lost 457 soldiers in Afghanistan, fighting alongside the US, and 179 soldiers in Iraq.
Hard to overstate what an insult this is to the Brits.
(Also wrong on FR obviously)
Vance flippantly demeans allies. What an arrogant know nothing. Has this fat pasty faced dough boy fought in a war?
European countries know what it is to be threatened w/neighbors like 🇷🇺 w/out an ocean to provide separation.
Vance=national embarrassment=not diplomatic
The US proclaimed Article 5 and we stood by their side.
This also means every other country apart from Russia or Chian apparently doesn't count for anything.
But for some reason, I don’t see that being a problem
They’re awful. They’re terrible. They’re reprehensible and they’re not going to triumph or anything close…
But it is very painful to watch
And France lost 88 soldiers in Afghanistan. Plus 700+ wounded.
Like, I don't know, Ukraine. They sent military doctors to treat coalition casualties.
They have just no idea. Too dumb.
Disingenuous POTUS and his goons can’t feed the monster without alerting Congress and the public
So they find a uranium cake or whatever and there’s your war
Pants on fire.
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Vance is a dangerous moron talking through his arse. Even so, there is NO ‘special relationship’. Never has been, never will be!
US supplying money, products, or personnel to Russia
All of the other ones have already come true (in regards to international relations). Really hope this one doesn't
They need a pause to rebuild and for Ukraine to stop hitting their oil refineries, ammo depot's, and factories.
They are running out of material. wrote about a Rubio interview
Basically: RU is weakened from war, this pushes RU into the arms of China, which will make China stronger. Therefore the US must support RU economically so that China is not stronger...
That is the justification
May good people remember.
Together We are Stronger
❤️🇵🇱❤️🇪🇺+❤️ Europe's NATO+♥️🇺🇦💪
Company with shared interest.
usa will take Russia with them to "manage" the company and share minerals.
This way Russia will have their parts of land in Ukraine and when having access to the land, it agrees with minor parts of profits.
without see someone whos eyes cant look into the eyes of his vis-a-vis.
a true liar.
What a arrogant, vile POS.
Just to completely put the woolies up the twat.
Australia – 2
Azerbaijan – 1
Bulgaria – 13
Czech Republic – 1
Denmark – 7
El Salvador – 5
Estonia – 2
Fiji – 1
Georgia – 5
Hungary – 1
Italy – 33
Kazakhstan – 1
Latvia – 3
Poland – 30
Portugal – 1
Romania – 4
Slovakia – 4
South Korea – 1
Spain – 11
Thailand – 2
Ukraine – 18
United Kingdom – 179
(This is obvious BS but even if he didn’t talk about the actual countries actually talking about sending troops: hard to find Europeans who weren’t in Afghanistan or Iraq to support the US)
And thick ...
Terminally thick.
They came back with 81, so they are obviously a friendly bunch.
Though i go the wrong war. It was actually during the Austrian-Prussian War of 1866.
18 Ukrainian soldiers died during the mission
J'espère que l'Europe se rend compte que pour une fois, la France avait profondément raison. Les US n'ont jamais été un allié de confiance.
Les peuples sont toujours manipulés comme dans une partie d'échecs. Ils sont les "pions" et les gouvernements en sont les "pièces maîtresses" ( Roi, Reine, Chevaux, Fous et Tours...).
A la fin de chaque partie (guerre) ce sont toujours les pions qui ont été éliminés...
2. Take as untrue his explicit statement not referring to France & UK, which in absence of other evidence & not assuming his bad faith, shouldn’t be believed?
But, let’s believe he is not referring to those (which then?) it would STILL be wrong as there are barely any European countries who haven’t been in a war.
Even the 2nd in line to the throne in the UK was fighting in Afghanistan in 2008.
the others died because of article 5
But, considering Germany's history with Ukraine, sending troops is a sensitive topic. Plus the legal issues regarding military actions outside Nato-territory.
Also, Germany doesn't have the same history with Afghanistan as is does with Ukraine.
He was also quite optimistic about the foundations of the US-Democracy. We'll see what will be left of that in 2029.
Did he watched or read any news in his conscious lifespan till now?
Clearly he can't think in terms of the scale of US and Global economy.
(Of course he knows this entire thing is BS because Ukraine will never agree to a meaningful deal)
Lui, il n'a pas fait la guerre. Il a été en Irak comme "Marine" mais son poste était correspondant de guerre. Il n'a pas participé directement aux combats. Il a regardé les autres se faire tuer. Alors, il ferrait mieux de "fermer sa bouche"...
Pauvre pays !!!
Now, King Charles should withdraw his invitation. The orange moron surely wants no state visit to "some random king".
We now have two choices. Live free or kneel to your MAGA king like a slave.
Color? Gender? Race? Immigrant? Rural? Urban? Worker? Boss? Poor? Rich? Red? Blue? Your flag is one of these.
I know which one is mine.
And the same guy neglects that Ukraine fought together as ally in Afghanistan and Irak grateful for the Budapest Memorandum!!
When I see his face, I think of the game where you try to cram as many marshmallows into your mouth as possible