No exodus to state sector after VAT added to private school fees, say English councils
Most say they have seen no impact on applications for year 7 places, despite warnings from those against policy
Most say they have seen no impact on applications for year 7 places, despite warnings from those against policy
Shocked I tell ya
It’ll be exactly the same with the farmers and IHT - none of them will have to sell up or go out of business… 🤷🏻♂️
A lesson for Labour to be brave and not listen to the r/w press. They spout nonsense and don’t represent the views of the majority of the population.
They see what they want to see.
Nothing else.
Even Armstrong is managing?
The imminent end of the civilised world predicted by the right wing press and politicians, the pitiful predictions of forced migration from many with money but little honesty or sense all proved to be nonsense. What a surprise!
Not seen anything to say it's a statistically significant change or outside the typical ups and downs year to year
Happy to consider statistics which show otherwise
It doesn't mean zero, even though statistically it's almost that.
Perfectly correct English.
a mass departure of people
Nothing disingenuous about the truth.
Next up: millionaires choose to stay in the UK despite taxes being increased.
Will nobody think of the celebrities!
1) VAT being deferred as schools slowly trickle through VAT by effectively cutting fees. So 7% this year, +7% next etc.
2) allowing payment of fees in advance. This one seems dodgy but is happening
Next, let's call their bluff on taxing the 0.1%
In other words, isn't the proper test going to be what happens in Sept when state schools find out who is actually going to turn up, and there is normally a big shakeout of waiting lists etc?
In Surrey, the number of private school children applying to state schools went up by 56, hardly a flood
All those who didn't even apply aren't turning up anywhere in September
What seems clear is that the scaremongering about VAT on private school fees was just that
Definite potential for a 'where do the rich keep their spare change' thread.
Rich people don't lie.
any bleeding you can hear, is bad.
There's some farmers and landowners that need to hear it next.
And the government is getting that extra revenue?
Crazy times we live in 🤭
But God knows what sacrifices have been made to facilitate this. I guess St Moritz is off the agenda.
He’s down to his last £4m
We should hold some kind of charity music concert for them or something.
That works out at less than 1.5 pupils per class!
Seriously, even if 10% of private go state it's just statistical noise!
But not due to insurance tax.
E.g. how nearly half of private schools children are funded by grandparents/extended family.
Or maybe do something worthwhile with your time instead.