🚨 Donald Trump is planning to court martial military officials involved in the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal.
This is as scary as it gets. https://meidasnews.com/news/trump-transition-team-prepares-to-court-martial-military-officers-associated-with-afghanistan-withdrawal-report
This is as scary as it gets. https://meidasnews.com/news/trump-transition-team-prepares-to-court-martial-military-officers-associated-with-afghanistan-withdrawal-report
It's shots across the bow of the military leadership.
The plan included releasing 5,000 of the most violent Taliban so they would be in a position to engage a depleted force to ensure the US left.
Trump is asking to put himself on trial.
So, no consequences.
America elected a traitor and he and the guys behind him, won't stop until the US are finished.
This ought to be entertaining. 🙄
This is trump intimidating the existing military leadership with threats against top brass.
Am I correct?
He called for them!
Trump's campaign was a full on fascist attack on transgender people, there are those on the right attacking Harris for not disowning them. Fuck that.
I hope ALL Republicans and Berniebros suffer until their last breaths and that Tlaib and Ilhan Omar get deported with their millions in terrorist money 💰😑
Got it ... June 30th, 1934 to July 2nd 1934
The night of long knives
Hitlers purge,
A series of political executions to consolidate Hitler's power and remove political opposition
Doing their job?
Good luck with that
So, he wants to court martial himself?
Ugh! They are so ignorant.
I think I am learning to hate .. not something I expected to happen in my 70's after all the terrible things I have endured in my life ... sigh
I see no way that has unexpected consequences.
I don't think they're going to do it, just a way to get career officers of the wrong political side to resign their commission
He is letting them know that if they stand up to him, he will come after their entire career and livelihood.
It's intimidation at best.
Making sure his generals stay in line through fear of reprisal.