Now we need these hackers to find all Musks evil dealings and release them to the all around the country and the world where Musk does business -
Cut him off from all his contracts world wide - and make musk accountable to all the people he has hurt and killed through his dangerous tech -
Here’s a thought … with all the success worldwide to boycott Tesla and crash the stock, how about publishing the top corporate donors to MAGA republican leaders and give them the Tesla treatment? Only $$$s see to get their attention.
And he wasn't even deported yet. Well, the day is young. Perhaps someone can deny recognizing him as a part of the human species and make him use the bathroom in the woods, as well.
Why do I feel like this is a fake Elon tee-up for massive government cyberattacks next (his hackers have been all up in those systems messing around) that he could be behind. He loves saying he can just turn off Starlink so he will just turn off the government systems that he has been meddling in.
Where is the proof that this was a cyber attack? How do we know he didn’t just shut down for a day and make up a wild claim to hurt Ukraine and shift opinion?
Is Elon claiming this in order to get sympathy. I have no sympathy for him. He wants or already has our social security birthdates, numbers, bank information, names, addresses, etc., which he claims he is safe-guarding, yet now he's claiming is being massively cyberattacked.
After numerous delays let's see if the SpaceX Falcon 9 w/ the PUNCH and SPHEREx payloads finally launches 🚀 or an unscheduled disassembly💥 issue adds to the woes (I rlly, rlly hope all goes well). That's supposed to happen today.
Good. May his everyday be as delightful as today until he finally STFD, minds his own damn business & stays the fk out of politics.
REALLY should make it a law that no one working w/gov can hold gov contracts.
Traitor Elon needs to be fired and sent back to the Emerald Mine. #charlatan
Cut him off from all his contracts world wide - and make musk accountable to all the people he has hurt and killed through his dangerous tech -
If his boys can't keep his website open, why are they trusted with American's private data.
By Elon Musk
Gonna knock you off your feet
Better recognize your brothers
Every one you meet🎶
REALLY should make it a law that no one working w/gov can hold gov contracts.