Howard Lutkin is a deeply ignorant and indifferent man who’s sold his soul to a despot.
Reposted from Lincoln Square
"The easiest way to find the fraudster is to stop payments and listen. Because whoever screams is the one stealing." -
Commerce Secretary on when Social Security recipients experience benefit interruptions.


"Let them eat cake" is not a recipe for success. Ask the French queen Marie Antoinette back in 1793 who no longer could eat any.
So if I stop payments to the IRS I will be helping to root out the fraud?
He didn’t sell it. He gave it to him for free.
The only person I hear who is chronically squealing at the top of his voice about $$$& is the rapist-insurrectionist-felon-traitor-spy and his doppelgoober.
Like the rest of 🍊💩’s cabinet.
"whoever screams is the one stealing."
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That’s our money you fat as jelly donut. Hands off. Get rid of this convicted felon.
He knows nothing about living paycheck to paycheck even if he did when he was young he has forgotten. His stance is shamefully and woefully ignorant. He and his buddies in Washington spend more on lunch than my annual Social Security income. Yes I said annual.
If he had one to begin with
Putin is clueless! He’s trying to intimidate people by telling them “if you bitch about this, we’re coming after you.”
I’m pissed and I’m bitchy and I will bitch.
A miserable humain being
Or you could just call a scumbag a scumbag.
Is there evidence that he had a soul to sell?
Guys like Lutkin, and Jaime Dimon, think they are geniuises. I’ve talked with Dimon, he dont know shit (other than how to lead a bank that has paid billions in fines for its unlawful conduct) but he’s very confident in his ignorance. These guys are very much alike & they now run the country.
First of all his MIL is 94 and most likely does not have a clue about her finances. Second, Lutnick was the Chairman of Cantor Fitzgerald and a billionaire so a ss cheque would not even be a blip on their financial radar. Such a stupid and ridiculous example to use and wildly out of touch
Stop & Listen might work when you're rich & out of touch.
It doesn't work when SS, Medicare/ Medicaid are your life lines for staying alive!
These people are despicable!
I guess they are supposed to starve quietly. So many people *only* have govt pensions.
Sold his soul long time ago to the almighty dollar.
Might be the most revolting one after Trump and Musk.
Trump/Musk are enforcer puppets for the super rich and their rule by corporation agenda. Why aren't we calling these people out? Yarvin, Thiel, the techno bros and so on.....
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Either he is so disconnected from the reality of life, that he has no idea some seniors live from one SS check to another and would die of starvation if we just didn’t send out a check. Or he doesn’t care. He has no business in government.
You cannot sell what you don’t have. This man has been a soulless ghoul since at least 9/11.
Whoever screams is yelling “stop thief, they stole my money from the SSA!”
The absolute idiocy of this huckster is beyond the pale. He better get used to a lot of screaming.
So if the bank calls me about a missing payment that means they are fraudsters?
Howard Fucklin is a soulless POS that’s going to resent ever being in Drumpf’s criminal cabinet!
The irange toad screams the loudest and we know he's a con man
Yea. That makes sense to me. Time to up my meds
What bull$hit! We will scream loudly because that’s OUR MONEY, paid over 42 years by me for instance, and we need it TO LIVE.
Nutlick strikes me as a fucking moron. Just saying.
They are literally dragging me into hating them. It takes a lot to drag it out of me, but they have accomplished more than any one person or thing in my entire life.
They aren’t ignorant, Citizens. They KNOW what they’re doing and saying. They ARE indifferent to your suffering. It is collateral damage to them.
Did he ever have a soul?
Watching he be convicted and going to El Salvador to prison will be epic
Yes. And he has the likability of JD Vance
... If you sell what a convicted felon is pushing, you are wicked ...
Lutkin, Musk and Trump are the ones who are really pulling off the big steal. They are using their position of power, which will help them gain more wealth. These people are not Patriots.
No, the people who need it to buy food and meds will be screaming the loudest.
He was clearly trying to gaslight and manipulate the audience because he thought of them as stupid. This man is a billionaire if his mother-in-law misses a social security check. Of course, she will be just fine.She's probably a millionaire herself. Most people would be on the street without it.
Every member of Trump’s cabinet is carrying out their orders to destroy every department under their control.
Do these LYING AWFUL folks go somewhere to learn how to be EVIL and CRUEL, or does it just come naturally?😡
The loudest and most fanatical whiner I know is Loser Donald J. Trump.
They talk like that with no hint of embarrassment. Amazing!
This is the worst logic I’ve heard in a while. We have the utmost stupidity up in this administration.
I so dare them to do this.
what a horrible little man.
Oh boy, do I hope they keep running their mouths on live TV. Please, oh please keep talking so people can finally see the rich for who they really are.
Corruption at every level..
Conjecture: They intentionally do not send any payments for a month. But people feel certain that next month’s will come plus the payment they did not get. Then they say that you cannot get any benefits unless you go in person to a SS office and prove identity (and perhaps re-prove eligibility).
Millions of folks depend on their monthly SS payments as their primary or only source of income. Without SS they would be homeless and starving.
The screams of 70 million will crash upon this administration as if it were the seven trumpets of tribulation.
Steven, I think you are being too king. He is not ignorant and indifferent; he is a sociopath.
Bet he sold his soul for about what it was worth
Lutron is NOT ignorant — he knows EXACTLY what he’s doing. He is a psychopath who was trying to con Americans into accepting SS cuts.
One really wonders how someone so ignorant becomes so rich. Ruthless, selfish, psychopathic and without empathy?
Hate these arrogant, ignorant millionaire/billionaires.
“The fraudster always makes the loudest noise, screaming and complaining.” Who does that sound like? These guys show their hand all the time, but yet the cult endures.
If democrats weren’t all bought by corporate masters, all they have to do is play this to the people depending on SS to see. Unfortunately it’ll be a distant memory tomorrow.
Lutkin knows Manafort.
Which means he knows putin hired Manafort in '05 to run Yanu's campaign, & M bought an apt in T Tower in '06 and followed that in '16 by running T's campaign and he knows Giuliani visited Kyiv for the 1st time in '03.
He thinks we're not paying attention but we are.
It sounds like a threat to anyone who complains about not getting THEIR money, that they could face criminal prosecution.
An easily exposed lie.

The criminal remains silent, because the criminal cannot afford scrutiny.

Lutkin will never drown.
They don't deserve to breathe the air on American soil.

They deserve the El Salvador treatment. They deserve the gulag
Yes, “deeply ignorant, and indifferent“ are so accurate. I would add “haughty“ and “cruel“ to describe Howard Lukin. So far I’ve just seen him described as “Trump‘s billionaire Social Security head“ but it’s nice to put a name to his despicable face.
You’re going too easy on him
WTF! Souless and ignorance in full play!
You have to have a soul to sell it!
And has clearly never needed a check to get through the month
➡️Nobody in American life screams and complains louder than Trump.⬅️

Trump is a whining tsunami of complaints and grievances. So by Lutnick's definition, Trump is a FRAUDSTER--but a jury already proved this fact 34x.

You're assuming he had a soul.
Now that's the question for the ages? Does everyone have a soul and if so, can you sell it if you have one? Years ago someone tried to sell their soul on eBay and the auction was closed down because the question of whether you have one or not is still unanswered, so no selling vaporware!
Thank you 😅 I needed that.
I wonder if he ever had a soul.
He's shown his 30 pieces of silver. These are a really cheap bunch.
Good heavens. Calling this stupid is an insult to genuinely stupid people. Callous. Vicious. Inane. Insipid.
Sad to see so much wealth in this hands of those who have the least to offer society..
Fck you and the horse you rode in on!!!! THAT MONEY IS OURS, WE CONTRIBUTED OUR WHOLE LIVES !!!’
Or maybe the one who has to pay rent????
He is not human or humane. This video shows exactly who he is and should go viral.
Arrogance so unique to MAGA; eager to tell the rest of us what to do and how to live our lives, while their souls are rotting.
Wait. Isn't Musk the one screaming?
Having the combination of arrogance, entitlement, and ignorance to say this out loud is shocking. But, this guy is “special” and not in a good way. As my Brit mates would say, “an arsehole”.
The callousness of these jackasses is astounding.
The entire Trump administration is made up of buffoons, the economically illiterate, and incompetent Trump cult members. What an absolute disaster. We can only hope they don’t bring the entire economy down. Next election we need to get back to actual competence vs. this chaos.trump is a traitor.
Yeah, like his dear leader for example?
He was already a soulless ghoul.
Lutkin's reasoning: his 94 year-old mother-in-law would take a missing SS check without worry. It'd be fixed soon enough.

He's worth over $2 billion! She doesn't face the wolves at her door, she won't have to choose which flavor of cat food to eat, nor which pieces of furniture to burn for heat!
I don't think he sold his soul
I think he found his soul mate
He’s a cruel evil imbecile
Fuck him
He’s not fighting for America. He is fighting for his tax cuts.
How do people that are this stupid ever get rich? Must be a nepo baby.
This is what happens quite often when you become a billionaire. You lose touch with reality. These people should not be in politics- they are incapable of making good public policy decisions
The billionaire class is screaming the loudest for their tax cuts. Maybe he is onto something 🤔
Howard doesn't live in our world. If he had to stretch my SSI payment over a month...
You’re assuming he had a soul to begin with….
I’ll be one of the loudest screamers. Don’t call me a fraudster you piece of filthy fascist dung!
I knew this when he was first appointed by Trump and appeared on CNBC. Also note, CNBC is aiding in the destruction of the US
What in the hell? Everybody will be screaming. Because you are cheating and betraying them. We have a government that hates us and threatens us nonstop. What a twisted hateful little man.
If he's so gd "concerned" about it he should start paying into the system!
I can think of many reasons that Lutnick’s 94 yo mother (or many other elderly) wouldn’t pick up the phone to complain if a SS check weren’t to arrive. 1/4
1) other sources of income
2) physical limitations. (My 91 yo MIL can’t see well enough to open her mail or place a call or check an online account.)
3) cognitive decline (My 83 year old father had dementia and my mom’s caretaking had drained her energy to keep up)
Managing my dad’s social security as his designated agent with a DPOA was challenging enough. With the upcoming cuts to acess services for a disabled, dying parent, I can see that it’d be easy to give up. And just cry. But I can raise my voice for others!
While many nonagenarians have retained sharp minds and passions to keep up. Not all.
He and his billionaire buds sure cry loud about not getting their tax breaks. And his mother in law? She couldn’t call and complain anyway….they’re cancelling phone service.
OR maybe we aren't rich and NEED our retirement payments to live ! 🤬😡
You could just say that he's a Republican.
Assuming he had one to sell …
Bullshit. Fraudsters scurry into their holes like rats, or in the case of carnivorous billionaires like Lutkin, they peace out to their estates in Bern or Dubai.
The long road to selling your soul like Lutkin has done starts with his relationship with his hair brush. Daily seeing his hair going, going gone while his bank account is getting fuller and fuller tells me he loves money more than life. What a pathetic suit and keep polishing your chrome dome!
Indifferent is my new favorite dig.
I agree Steven The arrogance, ignorance of this idiot he is so out of touch it’s mind blowing.
FAFO Lutkin. If I don’t get my deposit I’m tracking down you, and Leland Dudek at the SSA and loudly voicing my displeasure.
I will scream so loud they will hear me in from California to DC, not because I’m a fraud but because I live on my SS just like millions of others. I paid for it. Give 100% back with 10% interest and tax free, or they can stop fkg around with their entitled bs
I’ve found that the person that does the stealing is also the one that wants to remain the most inconspicuous.
Indeed. He's so completely out of touch with reality. Most people in the US by the time they hit 75-80 have run short of retirement savings & count heavily on their SS. My mother who is 90 wouldn't last more than 2 months without her check. We're not all millionaires, Howard. 😑
Defies logic. His idiocy knows no bounds
Incredible, that a man worth over $ 3B, gives up sensibility and delivers himself completely to that nutcase-Junta.
Billionaire magats had no soul to sell.
That he’s “deeply ignorant and indifferent” just makes him another Trump-appointed a$$hole who has no clue how most of the Americans he’s supposed to serve and protect actually live their lives.
wealthy, privileged, grossly out of touch - and a big proponent for the massively stupid/destructive tariffs
not a man who would ever get 'elected' to public office...
Lutnick is however, perfect for the Trump regime/ #Republicans 👿☠️
It seems like conspirators rather than he sold himself -
Just a reminder that a Democratic president with 1/2 the House and Senate could end billionaires in a single afternoon.
Nah, he never had a soul. He'd put his mother-in-law in the salt mines if it made him fifty cents.
Totally ignorant and doesn't even know it.
Utility companies will be the ones screaming when they don't get paid so are they the fraudsters?
I’d kinda like to hear it from his mother-in-law herself.
This dude is absolute filth; and it appears he learned his filth at his mother’s knee!
The parallels to his Orange Primate extend further.
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I think his name is “Lutnick”. But yes, he’s ignorant, indifferent and has sold his soul.
Reminds me of one of the first tech directors we had in the hospital. He’d stop producing routine reports intermittently and see if anyone complained. Meanwhile, important accounting and patient info was intermittently lost. Huge time suck.
Maybe he is speaking from personal expirence.
Street gangster in a suit
And anyone (Lutkin) who would post such a thoughtless, moronic idea is obviously someone who has never had to worry about where their next meal is coming from. Your wealth was surely inherited inherited.
And the 2 that sat there nodding along are equally as ignorant.
Ladies and Gentlemen: Let me present to you, Howard Lutnick, Billionaire...
He didn't sell his soul. He doesn't have one to begin with. None of these men do.
Of course he is.

Am I the only one who remembers what happened with him and Cantor Fitzgerald?
“The beatings will continue until morale improves” is really fucked up, but it tracks.