Ok kids it’s a rainy day, board game time!!
What?!! You don’t want to play a game from 50 years ago with small wood pieces that slowly move around a piece of cardboard? You’d rather play fully immersive video games that stimulate every neuron in your brain?
What?!! You don’t want to play a game from 50 years ago with small wood pieces that slowly move around a piece of cardboard? You’d rather play fully immersive video games that stimulate every neuron in your brain?
PS. I enjoy CG games too.
Yeaaaah... That's on you.
Our family usually plays quick easy fun games. Just One. Coup. Dixit. Outfoxed for younger kids.
I bet you'll like them (Sam I Am).
It was like injecting sugar directly into their brains 😂 like the floor of a stock exchange they spent a few hours shouting insane “deals” to each other