This moment in our country's history is depressing, but it's also illuminating. We're finding out, in real time, whom among those in power will hedge their bets, trade complicity for personal preservation, and retreat into cowardice in the hopes they'll be spared.
And we will remember their names.
And we will remember their names.
And a decent, plain, American asks “have you done enough? Have you no sense of decency?”
The tipping point will come. Be ready. Do not let the bastards grind you down.
#resist #StrongerTogether #FireElon
It’s not going to happen.
What have you lost?
The North Remembers.
Or live like this forever.
I still don't see millions in American streets, so I guess that second choice is the one.
anyone feel a momentum in the right direction.
all the dems need to do town halls, and running for office starts right now. you know there is a thing called a recall.
sooner the better
“Self-serving invertebrates with no professional code”.
No journalist has ever asked this question of a politician
Remember this the next time they pretend to care about fighting corruption
All You Have To Do-Right Now-In 2025-Is Flip The House Back To BLUE!
Then, "At Least Nothing Will Get Done"!
You Know What I'm Talking About!
Right Now That's A Big Deal!
- Register To Vote!
- Check Your Voting Status!
- Know The Voting Rules!
🇺🇸 🗽
Your oppression is their profession.
We knew who they were and they were elected a 2nd time.
Short memories
We must get Big Money out of politics. The horses have already left the barn. Still: ASAP. A new leaf to rebuild democracy.
We could hire the Mossad.
There will be NO hiding.
too many people who say they are fearful. Our leaders say “tough for a little while”. With all their personal resources-they don’t have a clue. They are so out of touch with the people they are to be protecting-or they don’t care.
And, honestly, there are hundreds of thousands of dead Nazis no one remembers nor cares about.
Let's hope it's the same this time around.
see my blog with names/bios of 100s Trump accomplices -- murderers, traitors, grifters, sexual deviants.
1000s of links to 100s of sources.
This is just the first 300.
Please retweet.
Here’s link to blog’s intro with links to all names..
We have their names..
I fear instead that most will forget this ever happened, once Trump is gone. And will resume thinking that black people are "whining."
Only actual public trial and punishment will have the inoculating effect
Mere accusation never warrants punishment in a democracy
They just require enforcement
The idea that democracy should tolerate its own destroyers in the name of fairness is one of the most dangerous myths of liberalism
As a warning for future generations never to try the same again.
(And, those who are waiting for an organ donation will say "Thank you".)
Under “USELESS CUNT” in the urban dictionary is photo
(My daydreams have gotten alarmingly vengeful)
Fun fact, AOC has, in her tenure, voted with Republicans more than Schumer.
Her too?
My country remembers some names, too. And those families still exist, are obscenely fu**ing rich and have more influence than ever. 🇩🇪
You’ll be left with a decomposing rotting corpse, the remains of an America befouled with the fetid stench of Trumpism!
They won’t remember because they can barely read or write
Please replace the Black Lives Matter plaza slogan with: Stability, Honesty and Sanity (in our president) Matter!!
Yes we are making detailed lists and adding to them daily.
Cooperation IS Collaboration.
Keep notes. (Madame Defarge style)
Vive la Résistance!
This will be an ongoing battle.
even if collaboration were the only way to survive
you have no right as an American to follow that path.
Better that America die than live in mortal sin.
Accepting collaboration with Trump is a mortal sin.
Forcing this administration to bring people back from El Salvador and give them due process should NOT be taking this long!!! Once they get away with it ONE time, everyone in America is unsafe.
That said, the true leaders will rise to the top and Americans will flock to support them.
Remember those names too. Trump is a "populist." He wouldn't be able to do what he's doing without all sorts of rank and file suckers.