THANK a REPUBLICAN for keeping those pesky foreign visitors away! We don’t want their money anyway! I’ll just close up early today. Might need to sell the farm!
I’m from New Zealand and there is no way we will stop in the States on the way to London. We wanted to go to Las Vegas for a week. Never again. I also would have loved to go to New Orleans. 😥
It's like watching an episode of Squid Game.
Greetings from a Scandinavian citizen who's boycotting American goods. Will be doing that for a very long time.
Can't wait for the orange sadistic malignant narcissistic buffoon and his enablers to leave the White House.
Yup, I’m also a blue voter in a blue state & totally understand why other counties warn against traveling to the USA. We’re experiencing gale force disruptions.
Yeah, this administration is wearing their racism and bigotry right out in the open. You would be more welcome in Mogadishu than here right now. The vast majority of us don't follow the current administrations ideology, but at the moment, we're stuck with it till we boot them out.
Philadelphia coming through!!!! There is now an official flyer for Orange Turd's visit to attend the NCAA Wrestling championship this weekend! 🙌 Everyone show up and Turn up!
Trump has publicly insulted every single one of America’s allies.
Have a think about whether you would even consider taking your family to visit a country where the president had repeatedly publicly humiliated America.
Seeing as those of us posting here are not singing the 🍊 one's praises, it is common sense to avoid any potential confrontation from border control agents.
They need to. No due process. It doesn't matter if you have a valid visa or not. DO NOT COME. This country is dangerous for everyone, including US Citizens.
Traveling there in April from Australia to see family. Been there loads of times over the years and my Dad is from there. Won’t be rushing back anytime soon after this visit.
Just wait for the calls to boycott the ‘26 World Cup to start. Even if that doesn’t come to pass, I can’t help thinking that it’s going to be a fiasco.
A Halifax-based folk music duo say police who pulled them over on an Ohio highway earlier this month accused them of having drugs in their rental car and questioned them about their allegiance in a strange interaction that lasted nearly an hour.
Russia will participate without any more restrictions, along with North Korea and Belarus. All the fascist and autocratic regimes will have their time to shine.
If your online presence is critical of the 🍊 one, too. Oh, and be nice to Tesla or you could get an all expenses paid trip to the gulags of El Salvador.
Yes you have hosted soccer and Olympics before but not coinciding with kidnapping, German, Canadians, and British citizens who's governments have told citizens to beware travel to the USA.
Oh I totally agree! And I hope the athletes will stand up to this and refuse to come because I guarantee FIFA and the OIC only care about money & they’ll plan to come anyway-so it’ll be up to the individual athletes whether they come or not!
When I was younger my parents & grandma sent me to Europe to learn other cultures. My kids have a planned trip to Europe in June for the same reason and I’m worried that bans of US tourists might start happening and very concerned about their safety upon return. A lot can happen in 2 months.
He wants it to fail. Well, not trump. He doest give a shit. He just wants money. His HANDELERS want it to fail so the can1) privatzes it, and2) make russia happy
We are not a safe country to visit much less live here in this hellhole trump has put us in. Fuck dictatorship!! Fuck trump. Come and get me .I dare you..
I wld expect all to do so. Basically, if you aren’t white and male and travel here, you will be subjected to harassment, possibly illegal searches, and kidnapping.
They need too. These ppl. Are bonkers. We're relocating permanently to Mexico 🇲🇽. To hell with this insanity & criminality. We too old for this & sacrificed enough at 60 & 68 yrs old.
There are several categories of "safe" so they change but we're in EVERY one, even the Hall of Fame list. You know how countries all take their turns in being
"popular"? I think we're having our 15 minutes thanks to Agent Orange.
Other tips: know how to lock your phone to require password rather than biometric unlock. Courts have protected passcodes under 5th Amendment grounds more than face or fingerprint unlock.
On an iPhone, squeezing Sleep/Wake and volume up until the power off screen appears will do it.
Maybe for Putin and the Oligarchs. Once enough chaos and disruption has occurred will Theil through his own puppet Vance decide the 🍊 one has served his purpose? Vance scares me just as much.
Jasmine Mooney's story worries me, and I don't want to support America while they attack my country of Canada. Although would appreciate Californian sun right about now..
Not content with just fucking over the US, now Trump, Musk and these deplorables fucks want to screw over everyone else in the world.
The Felon, Musk and their hostages in Congress have no idea what's not coming this summer. And, for as long as they hold We The People hostage. They gotta go.
It’s terrifying! The election was stolen! Kamala had so much momentum & he was just tired complicated & yelling like an old raving lunatic. We all knew she was winning & then she didn’t even win 1 swing state? It’s not possible. In 60 days he’s done so much damage. What’s 6 mos going to look like?
I also do believe that a lot of people like Elon ( and other Tech oligarchs with algorithms knowledge) helped Trump. What is happening now was long planned and prepared.
The world is a big place and there are many beautiful places to see that are welcoming and want visitors. It is our loss. I feel really bad for people who work in tourism and will lose their jobs.
One doesn't plan a vacay to N. Korea, and one should know that booking a vacay here is no different than booking one there. Thoughts and prayers to the US travel industry.
Canada is indeed safer with less gun-related crime but it is getting crowded in their holiday areas and they often require booking in advance. Still, at this day and age by far preferable to the selfish self-destructing US of A. Let’s hope the US judicial stays strong.
Please be cautious about traveling outside the country and trying to get back in. They are threatening to send citizens to El Salvador. Please do a risk assessment before you travel. I'm worried about Danielle right now.
Pre Trump visitor travel to the United States was 155 Billion
How much will he cost this American industry?
I was wondering how he would eliminate tax on tips
Remember, Trump needs nothing from Canada. We are nasty who only take from the "great" USofA. Since Trump is tired of "subsidizing" Canada, Canadians need to stop giving aid to their hotels, restaurants, and tourist areas.
Most of what Canada exports to the USA is raw materials
The majority of profit is in the steps from raw to retail.
Canada needs to vertically expand its markets and sell more finished products
Trump is too inept to figure that out
It sure has been a wakeup call for Canada. We got comfortable and too complacent in many things. We can no longer let other countries lead in innovation.
It’s going to kill the whole tourism industry across the country. People are pissed, people are scared. More crazies have guns and they are blaming Canada because of donnies lies lies lies.
Smart nations will enact a complete travel ban for all US citizens and expel anyone already in their countries. It has become too dangerous to trust Americans.
I say this as a US citizen.
I’m headed to Europe in April. I’ve never posted or liked anti Trump, on Insta, but some people I follow do so I’ve muted them. I don’t have Facebook or Twitter. I’ve deleted all text messages. I’ve cleaned up any photos. I’m deactivating Bluesky and deleting the App. I’ll turn it on when I return.
I’d leave my phone at home with someone you trust and get a pay as you go and buy a camera. They can find everything on it no matter what you’ve deleted. Even this info right now.
But, it’s NOT SAFE for anyone here.
Fucking feeble.
It's like watching an episode of Squid Game.
Greetings from a Scandinavian citizen who's boycotting American goods. Will be doing that for a very long time.
Can't wait for the orange sadistic malignant narcissistic buffoon and his enablers to leave the White House.
Congrats MAGA, you made the whole US a “fascist no-go zone”
Have a think about whether you would even consider taking your family to visit a country where the president had repeatedly publicly humiliated America.
Of course you wouldn’t.
What an idiot.
Sad but true.
Like … Trump can grandstand all he wants but the rest of the Free World should boycott it.
Not yet. They should get on that.
Trump is systematically making Americans unemployed/without income or supports. Yikes.
More winning ………..
"popular"? I think we're having our 15 minutes thanks to Agent Orange.
That’s Divine Karma!
But if you want to be really paranoid, buy a prepaid phone and use that only with brand new accounts while in the US.
On an iPhone, squeezing Sleep/Wake and volume up until the power off screen appears will do it.
I’m eager to leave.
How much will he cost this American industry?
I was wondering how he would eliminate tax on tips
The majority of profit is in the steps from raw to retail.
Canada needs to vertically expand its markets and sell more finished products
Trump is too inept to figure that out
I say this as a US citizen.