I’ve read several articles today referring to RFK Jr. or Geier as vaccine “skeptics”. I again beg the media to STOP SPREADING MISINFORMATION. They are not skeptics. They are lying, grifting, unqualified frauds who are promoting a conspiracy.
“Conspiracy theorists” would be much more accurate.
“Conspiracy theorists” would be much more accurate.
Verbiage matters!
Carpet bagger
Snake oil Salesman
They don't actually care about vaccines one way or another. What they care is tricking rubes into giving them all their money--and establishing a scenario where they can use rent-seeking behaviour to grift people
Sometimes "conspiracy theories" are also correct descriptions of situations. It's important to clarify when theories have been disproven.
They are *primarily* grifters. The anti-vaccine disinformation is solely a part of the grift to collect money from the easily misled. RFK Jr. made 800k a year in “legal consulting fees” from his “charity” that seeks to drag pharmaceutical companies to court.
All I can say is:
I used to avoid calling Republicans Liars. But the preponderance of evidence makes it true. Republicans Lie. They are corrupt, chiseling, fraudulent, lying, hypocritical, bible-waving con people. All of them. Prove. Me. Wrong.
... WTF are we doing ...
They are "flat earthers..."
Yeah, mainstream media is on the take…
RFK Jr doesn’t want to Make America Healthy Again. He wants his conspiracy theories validated.
We also need to stop honoring fascists who claim to be conservatives. They are not.
“Are artists too” will be their next iteration
The entire administration- is grifters - they are ok to use Lupron for Autism but not for transkid
One to make money and another to use a biological difference (trans) in humans and raise hate with strife to get elected
and NYT Post AP and others who persist in calling RFK Jr a "skeptic" are giving him unearned positive associations
because "skeptic" has carried positive meanings of diligence and attention to detail at least since the Enlightenment
Thanks for continuing to raise your voice and fight for the truth.
He only injected heroin for 15 years.
It's not like he has bad judgement or something.