I'd love to see hard campaigning against him on the merits rather than on ageism and ableism, though. Even if he were younger and fully abled, he'd need to be fought hard based on his fascist intentions (that also show in his vp pick)
In this case, his mental state is disqualifying for the office, so I don't have a problem making that an issue. It does make the dangers of his fascist dictatorship plans worse. The man thinks seeking asylum is the same as an insane asylum, FFS. He shouldn't even be allowed to run.
It all should disqualify him, yes, obviously, but since it hasn’t, we’ll have to do it at the polls in November. It’s up to us now, whether we like it or not.
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #BidenDropsOut! Trump is the now the one clearly TOO OLD! Too old, too NAZI, too demented, too treasonous, did I say too demented?; too rapey, too👹EVIL, too felonious, too much of a malignant narcissist, too much of a health risk with fucking puppet #JDPantsed as VP...THIS must be hit HARD!!!
I have yet to see anything negative that comes out about Fat Nixon that damages his numbers. We keep hoping just one more rape, theft, fraud or whatever will finally break him.
He’s either a confidential informant, has bribed literally everyone, or no one cares. We won’t try talking about issues.🤷🏼♂️
One can hope. Here’s a book from 1983. Everyone knew he was mentally not all there - before Alzheimer’s. He responded to questions about soaring deficits with a racist anecdote about someone buying vodka with food stamps. Nothing impaired his reelection. 😳😬
Trump is NOT the avuncular Ronald Reagan. Trump is a malignant narcissist whose rage over Biden's withdrawal and his own progressing dementia are going to eat him alive.
I promise they’ll continue saying he’s softened his positions and moved to the center. Biden voters from the Republican side might buy that, just enough to matter in the right places. Pick off a few more with reservations about her race, gender or both.
If we had a good track record in playing things right I’d feel better.
Bush stole Gores victory & we sat there like chumps. They didn’t even have the maga court of today but they came suited up for MMA and we showed up for a ballet recital.
Agreed. Biden has control of what happens post November as sitting President. If he is willing to use his existing powers + his new immunity woe be to the motherfuckers who challenge the 🔵 victory.
Four years of talking about how Joe Biden is too old to keep being president and now we have quadra-stroke Trump realizing he put a big pit trap in the jungle and now he has to walk over it.
He fucking WON'T. Not ever. In fact, when he loses the election, he'll try to stage a coup, and his thralls will try to help him. Whoever wins, we have a civil war in our future, I think.
Unfortunately, pretty sure they aren’t gonna do it since they are owned by his donors but maybe at least some will finally realize how much they are biased toward the GOP.
Trump Diagnosed With Bidenitis
has been their staple since 1968 and they're not about to stop before Chicago again
He’s either a confidential informant, has bribed literally everyone, or no one cares. We won’t try talking about issues.🤷🏼♂️
Bush stole Gores victory & we sat there like chumps. They didn’t even have the maga court of today but they came suited up for MMA and we showed up for a ballet recital.
They won’t accept losing in Nov😬
Are we ready to fight?
Brilliant move, Joe!
This is a very bigly brained jean-yus.
I hope he keeps that up.