From what I’ve seen NYT opinion is a cesspool but the actual reporting is really good. With all the issues I have with NYT getting a subscription to them was one of the best things I’ve ever done.
Given how the reaction to dealing with him proportionally to his behavior last time is now resulting in him likely wanting to invade greenland out of spite.
I think the idea is the channel Trump’s warmongering and bloodlust away from NATO allies and toward another country where the leadership at least sort of deserves it and also lacks the capability to meaningfully hit back.
Doubt it’ll work but I think that’s why someone told him to write this.
Sorry but Maduro has got to go. He is a dictator who lost his last election 70/30 but continued his term last week anyway. Not all wars, battles, bombs are bad.
I cannot believe Shapiro is on the correct side of Venezuela.
I don’t trust cheeto to cross a street without blowing it up, but I’m hoping that others are inspired to take down Maduro and others of his ilk. Maduro is propped by China and Russia so his virus is well embedded.
Maduro deserves to be overthrown, but by his own people, not a foreign power with its own nefarious intentions. Historically, that sort of imperialist intervention has never ended well for anyone.
look i am absolutely down for arming the indigenous people of Venezuela to the fucking teeth but I don't think that's the kind of intervention bret is thinking of
I think the Sulzberger family are much more Trump aligned than they are given credit for. They wouldn't hang out with him or been seen dead with him, but the paper has been signalling for years it's support, they just felt bullied they had to do "resistance" reporting. That pretense is gone.
He sucks and deposing him would be worse. The USA has a bad track record of ousting leftist dictators to replace with right-wing dictators who are basically indistinguishable except maybe more ethnic cleansing.
Maduro would suck if he tried Thatcherite neoliberalism, and he would suck if he tried full Maoist communism. Him being an illegitimate dictator is the problem here.
The sooner Venezuelans are free of that piece of shit, the better for them
Doesn't change how monumentally bad of an idea it is, I just don't wanna have to deal with it.
"put your fingers in your ear, press real hard, close your eyes, start screaming real fucking loud so you can pretend he doesn't exist"
It might not be a bad play yeah
Doubt it’ll work but I think that’s why someone told him to write this.
I cannot believe Shapiro is on the correct side of Venezuela.
you'd never allow INDOPACOM to have anything nice.