In Less than 60 days trump has managed to tank the market..401’s…IRA’S…Pensions…cause huge leap in unemployment…Screw Vets..and damage our position in the world..pretty much expected btw elected by the egg price brigade..who now can’t buy eggs at all..
These dipshits think it's great to "own the libs" except when it starts to affect their finances and savings, their healthcare, and their cost of consumer goods, groceries, and fuel - then the bleating and sobbing starts.
All those investors who thought they wouldn't get hurt by voting for Trump. Those same stupid investors don't remember the first time out I guess. Morons with money
If you don’t have a financial advisor yet, get one. Now is the time to review your financial situation and make a plan. With this lunacy in the White House and congress, taking charge of your finances is imperative. Rebalance. Spend wisely. Save your money.
BLOG: Indeed. Stocks are down AGAIN! Will the Trump Dump turn into a Trump Slump? If Trump continues this way - and it seems he will - there’s a lot more downside for US assets. Bad for business, America!
Tell them to vote NO on Cloture and NO on CR. Vote is pushed to after 1:15ish for now. Situation is fluid.
The only public YES votes are Schumer and Fetterman. They need 7-8 total. KEEP CALLING.
Call retiring Senators too!
A petulant child throws a tantrum because the other kids are standing up to him on the playground. He’s not a leader. He’s a disgrace, and I’m ashamed of the people who voted for him. This is ALL their fault.
Pretty sure the market is only half baked right now. The other half of the burn down is still to come. And that's assuming the damage doesn't get compounded by even more stupidity in the coming weeks. But what are the odds of that?
After Trump is done "eating* the poor, the middleclass, the well off" running out of things to devour TRUMP WILL COME AFTER THE MILLIONAIRES, BILLIONAIRES, THE POWERFUL. Displease him now while you still can
By EATING I mean devouring our rights to freedom, to vote, to speak out, to live our lives
The rest of the 🌍 needs to treat the US as the pariah we've become. I hope everyone cuts off all imports from the US and causes as much pain as we deserve. I didn't vote for the functionally illiterate moronic felon, but it's gonna have to be painful to make the 70m that did feel it. FUCK trump!!!
"Dang it, eh ? And it always happens right when you urgently need more morality ! What's your overdraft limit ? Oh. Yeah, I guess we can spot you some decency until you get back on your feet." ~ Canada
It's incredible how truly stupid trump is. A normal person realizing he has been mistakenly elected to a position he failed at once would stay the course established by Joe Biden. His inadequacies and megalomania overwhelmed any vestige of positive reaction and his sycophants put in the final nail.
Rightfully so. Trump is the projector of his own malevolent behavior. If the country cannot stand up fight of our freedom. stand up against these tyrants, Trump/Musk and their MAGA tribal regime, we will fail as a people destined to live in a dystopian society with autocrats in control.😨
Maybe you can answer my question. Why do we want a government shutdown? I’m not understanding and willing to listen. I can’t see the positive to the action. Thanks if you can.
Nobody wants a shutdown. This bill has tons of cuts to important things, signs away congresses ability to stop DOGE from cutting spending wherever it chooses. The only leverage D’s have is to withhold their vote. R’s don’t care if the gov shuts down, so it’s a losing hand shut down or not.
I'm no expert in any sense. But a DJIA heading to 50k seemed insane to me anyway. Almost like some form of Dark Energy were forcing it to expand at an inexplicable rate.........
You’ve a President who bases his policy decisions on how much he’s audibly felated. Who wants to annex Greenland (effectively a NATO member) & thinks Canada should be another US state.
Am not sure how you “fight back” outside of literally bankrupting the US Economy.
Guess who's gonna buy up all the farmland and pick the collapsing businesses over for parts when the economy bottoms out. The Billionaire Horsemen of the Trumpocalypse. 95% of America about to owned by like 3 rich assholes.
By now I have read from 1.000 people that they think one needs to fight back. And everyone is waiting for each other to do that. It's US citizens, who have to do that.
Anything less than burning it all down and rebuilding from scratch is not going to solve the problem we're experiencing... which is that money caused this
Oh my Canadian friend, I am so sorry that Americans were so incredibly stupid for giving trump power. I myself did everything I could to get VP Harris elected.
that’s their game. run it all down, buyat bargain basement prices, then we know the rest…the twin carpetbaggers are up to their armpits with buy orders while they bleed our mother govt, and us dry.
No one on Wall Street - the 'movers and shakers' - dares to utter a single word.
So, this will, of course, continue. Its purpose is very clear: crash the econ to a depression so that his billionaire buds can purchase entire sectors for pennies.
Good luck. We just need to make sure we demand our states support and buy from local growers and essentials producers. Let them prop up fluff projects because they will eventually have to eat each other.
Last time donald was president my 401k took a real nut kick. Pretty impressed he’s been working to get it back down to where it was when he last left office. Keep it up, big guy, this path to financial ruin is wild.
I’ve been too afraid to look at my managed acct. Hopefully, my advisor is doing things. I noticed they sold some things and put the cash into treasury accounts…WHAT IN THE HECK IS THIS PRESIDENT DOING?? And why are Republicans going along with it?
Here are the six bankruptcies:
1. 1991 – Trump’s Taj Mahal
2. 1992 – Trump Plaza Hotel
3. 1992 – Trump Castle
4. 1992 – Plaza Hotel (New York)
5. 2004 – Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts
6. 2009 – Trump Entertainment Resorts
“Investors sour on Trump” LOL. Clowns. What did they think would happen? He hates us. All of us. Even the people who voted for him, and he probably hates them more.
Economy is already in the tank. Rest of this is just is it possible to minimize damage?
This will keep happening until we stop allowing these capitalist pigs to have power. As long as theirs libs to preserve capitalism, this will keep happening
At this point it’s not even Red Vs Blue. This is Good Vs Evil. We used to live in a time when politicians, even on opposite sides, respected and worked together. All I see is a turd show and we just need to flush it the fuck out.
the Dow is currently at 40,813. I hope if it drops below 40,000 altogether that all of Wall Street will be marching in the streets demanding trump's impeachment.
seriously, how wicked would it be if trump drags the markets down by 20 percent of their values to where stock brokers are rioting down Wall Street alongside the Occupy protestors from 15 years ago?
t’s never been about efficiency. It’s tearing down the US strength, security, economy, health and education for the benefit of the tinpot war criminal and allow the uberrich to pick up assets cheap in a recession.
Tariffs are to extort companies for bribes and break alliances.
Would one be wrong to think that maybe the CEOs of large corps might be speaking out? Maybe the big car companies speak out about Trump hawking Teslas? Did every American male business owner hand over their manhood?
I've never known the people with all the money to be particularly sentimental, nor particularly open-minded, patient and forgiving when the money printing system they've built over decades is threatened. Expect something to happen
Attend your district office and DEMAND to know why Trump isn't saving Trillions of dollars by addressing tax cuts that disproportionately benefit the rich.🚫👎
DEMAND to know what your representative is doing about this.
We need to help him achieve bankruptcy our government our country. It is the best way to turn America against . If we do it quick enough get rid of him and start over in a few weeks can be fixed. You kill all the billionaires wealth in the process. When the roof is on fire let mother f***** burn.
lol, the “markets” thought he would be good for business. Oops. Wonder how many “captains of industry” voted for him, and are regretting that about now.
Trump's Billionaires have a ton to gain from Bear Markets, cheaper stocks and companies, the advanteg of gobble lingerie up market shares, destriy8ng competition, and resetting the game toward their favor.
They cashed in on 2007-2008 too, and won't pay taxes on gains. This is free money for them.
And still getting bigger.....
(The solution is to lock them up and seize their assets)
The first "potus" to be criminally charged and convicted.
The first convicted felon "potus."
The first "potus" to not only bankrupt CASINOS but a COUNTRY.
Show me where I can SHIT.
NY Law: Anyone Found Guilty of or Liable for a Sex Offense-is a, "Sex Offender".
Whether Registered or not.
NY Law: Anyone Convicted of and Sentenced for a Felony-is a, "Convict".
Whether Incarcerated or not.
America Knows!
🇺🇸 ⚖️
This is destruction.
I'm not sure why financial analysts need to sugarcoat the fact.
Tell them to vote NO on Cloture and NO on CR. Vote is pushed to after 1:15ish for now. Situation is fluid.
The only public YES votes are Schumer and Fetterman. They need 7-8 total. KEEP CALLING.
Call retiring Senators too!
Fight back all the same. Trump and his associates aren't good for America as you've known it.
(Very Good.)
By EATING I mean devouring our rights to freedom, to vote, to speak out, to live our lives
They elected them to do that.
I haven’t heard anything about this. Source?
Am not sure how you “fight back” outside of literally bankrupting the US Economy.
Grind it to a halt so.
Today, CNBC crew were supporting buying, this is not close to over,
He couldn’t make a good financial decision if it was right in front of him.
from 10/26/2024
watch till the end
So, this will, of course, continue. Its purpose is very clear: crash the econ to a depression so that his billionaire buds can purchase entire sectors for pennies.
Good news is when we get him out the next person could cut us a second New Deal and save us.
1. 1991 – Trump’s Taj Mahal
2. 1992 – Trump Plaza Hotel
3. 1992 – Trump Castle
4. 1992 – Plaza Hotel (New York)
5. 2004 – Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts
6. 2009 – Trump Entertainment Resorts
And a happy FUCK YOU from Canada.
This will keep happening until we stop allowing these capitalist pigs to have power. As long as theirs libs to preserve capitalism, this will keep happening
Fuck that shit
Humanity's obsession for it is the reason Trump exists if you weren't aware
trump words so everyone gets it. "his 7th bankruptcy will be us".
Cyanide laced Kool-Aid anyone?
Who thought this was a good idea?
Tariffs are to extort companies for bribes and break alliances.
Attend your district office and DEMAND to know why Trump isn't saving Trillions of dollars by addressing tax cuts that disproportionately benefit the rich.🚫👎
DEMAND to know what your representative is doing about this.
#Eattherich #Indivisible
🚨A recession only helps the rich🚨
#Eattherich #Resist #Indivisible #DeportMusk #DitchTesla #TeslaTakeDown
Now retail is stuck and losing so the company can buy back and force the fed to cut rates.
Classic FAFO
They cashed in on 2007-2008 too, and won't pay taxes on gains. This is free money for them.
We The People will own it.
After he enriches himself with our money, AGAIN.