RIP Winter. You were beautiful, brilliant, a much loved family companion, and quite quite mad.
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- people can be really nice
- some people assume cats are female (he wasn’t)
- some people really like the word ‘furbaby’
It gave me some comfort that our old anarchist terrier went out as he had aspired to live: gobbling boiled chicken breast as fast as he could in his weakened state, while cuddled up on our bed.
Lovely name
Condolences! 💐
I hope you will be comforted by all the wonderful moments you shared together has just lost his.
So sorry for your loss.
Hope each day gets easier 😞
I'm sorry for the loss of your pal.
I am so sorry for your loss! Lighting a candle to light the way for Winter. Remember the purrr as you try to get some rest. Hugs.
Our cat is always up for it
Great in today’s world..
Good friend.
Two decades ago, Mrs B took much-loved 20yo cat on final trip to vet with our daughters (25, 28). I stay home with grandson (3) as I dig hole in garden. I explain Lottie is going to sleep, won't wake up, and we will put her body in the hole.
Grampy says we will put Lottie's body in the hole. But what will we do with the paws and whiskers?
From another elderly cat owner.
Our elderly diabetic cat just read the bit about the bacon fat with a little fistpump of approval.