Pet peeve: I hate how often ppl claim “all the researchers will just move to Europe/Canada!” You vastly under-estimate how little money there is there vs the USA- and unless that changes ASAP this loss is just going to decimate global science, full stop. 🧪🔭
The UK is ~70 million.
The whole EU is ~450 million.
There simply are not now jobs in those places for everyone among the ~340 million people in the US who might want to leave.
And I am done.
EU is $20 trillion
US is $29 trillion.
Government research spending:
Canada: $52 billion
EU: $380 billion
US: $890 billion.
EU and Canada are in no position to replace the research cuts in the US, even if they had the political will to do so.
This is how the World Economic Forum currently views risks.
Unless the EU suddenly experiences blinding economic growth, finding many hundreds of billions for research will not be possible.
on the one hand you are 1,000% correct and people are just being totally unrealistic
OTOH, rough (very) math, CAN UK EU JAP could afford to hire ~ 25,000 researchers for ~ 10 billion a year (not including startup costs)
so really doable !!
It's not that they couldn't fund American scientists if they wanted to; it's that much of Europe doesn't even want to fund their own scientists.
Heck, I would be there myself now, if I had not been blocked from going by the COVID-era travel-ban.
add on all the buildings and super $ equipment and startup funds and HHMI etc etc
and you have to add on NOAA and NSF and USDA and god alone knows how many other agencies
so realisticlly, CAN UK EU Jap would have to pony up at least US 20 B/yr for 20 years
"in the imaginary world where CAN UK EU JAP can somehow work together for the common good"
or something liek that !!
Perhaps UK Labour could be talked into doing better than the Tories on a niche like this.
Only, the EU nationa have been NOT spending on defense for so long that they don't even have a defense production infrastructure.
I'm a science director for the Canadian Department of Agriculture, and we're struggling to retain the talented non-permanent (term) employees that we *already* have.
And if there's new investment of $ for people, it's going towards Canadians & Permanent Residents.
I can assure you that. 🧪
A winter fuel allowance for the wealthy is not an essential benefit.
Caveat - state funding was pretty low.
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Not even 1:1, but some money to continue at least some of the research.
If there is a coveted position in either in the next few years they’ll sure have their pick.
Definitely insufficient but it's a start.
And should motivate the governments to increase fundings to open tenure positions.
I wouldn't be so sure about that one.
Xenophobia ain't nuthin' 😕
The provinces turned to foreign student fees to cover their budget cuts, and now the feds have slashed foreign student numbers... It's a double whammy