As a kid, I once thought I didn't like cake. In my defense, this was the era before grocery store cakes discovered good frosting. Now I just don't like jelly filled cake.
Not a big fan of bread pudding. Something about the texture isn't quite right in either direction. Every time I have it I'm like yeah I just want this to be different.
These concoctions that are made to be super indulgent just as a flex/novelty/clickbait thing, like “We made chai with boba AND a donut on top AND a churro as the straw AND a scoop of ice cream on top of that” type stuff. It’s so over the top, just looking at it makes me queasy.
Not that there's anything wrong with fruit. But I hate being given fruit as a dessert. For me a dessert needs to be prepared somehow. Foods don't grow as dessert in the wild as far as I'm concerned.
If I'm gonna have cake. I want it to be cake. Spongy with frosting. That's it. If I wanted a gooey center I'd just have either Jello or pudding. The two just do not mix for me.
I totally read that wrong at first... least favorite... Hmmm Citrus Pies, I hate fruit and cream mixing (I know ironic, but it is what it is) and citrus fruit is the WORST to mix with cream
Best: baklava
I love both, eat both almost every day.
The combination offends me.
Favorite Dessert: Molten chocolate cake
Fav Childhood Desert: Nutella spread over freshly made still hot waffles. Mom bought a waffle maker and we discovered Nutella the same Summer.
Their texture makes me feel like I'm being fed tree bark.
Sometimes you just want a strange taste in your mouth!
(The cream is also old)
We've all been lied to.
It was ... intolerably sweet. Don't recall what it was. It was a ball of something.
And I love Indian food!
With about four other people to split it with.
Perhaps with some neutral warm beverage? What is traditional to drink with this?
I think they might go well with a pistachio or coconut kulfi (an Indian ice cream).
Thanks for the memories! And the words!
Not that there's anything wrong with fruit. But I hate being given fruit as a dessert. For me a dessert needs to be prepared somehow. Foods don't grow as dessert in the wild as far as I'm concerned.
If I'm gonna have cake. I want it to be cake. Spongy with frosting. That's it. If I wanted a gooey center I'd just have either Jello or pudding. The two just do not mix for me.
That and carrot cake...
Also, anything with nuts, considering I’m allergic.
(it seems unfair to just say fruitcake, even though I also hate fruitcake)